# Contributing back to ROS 2 Xilinx is a proud supporter of the ROS ecosystem, contributing to ROSCon and ROS-Industrial activities. While KRS focuses on [adaptive computing](https://www.xilinx.com/applications/adaptive-computing.html), as part of Xilinx commitment with ROS 2, the [ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG)](https://github.com/ros-acceleration) was created. With it, Xilinx is contributing back to the ROS 2 community and driving the creation, maintenance and testing of acceleration kernels on top of open standards (C++ and OpenCL) for optimized ROS 2 and Gazebo interactions over different compute substrates (including FPGAs and GPUs). The main driver behind this WG is summarized at the ROS Enhancement Proposal (REP) *"ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Architecture and Conventions"*. In here, Xilinx describes the architectural pillars and conventions required to introduce hardware acceleration in ROS 2 in a scalable and technology-agnostic manner. ![](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/78302827?s=200&v=4) As specified on its [community announcement](https://discourse.ros.org/t/proposal-for-ros-2-hardware-acceleration-working-group-hawg/20112), the HAWG targets hardware acceleration in a) embedded (edge) devices, b) workstations, c) data centers and d) cloud. A roadmap with objectives is available in the [community repository](https://github.com/ros-acceleration/community) of the Working Group, which Xilinx is driving and executing disclosing results as they become available. Through the HAWG, Xilinx is demonstrating hardware acceleration capabilities in ROS 2 on edge devices with simple examples at the application layer that roboticists could use as blueprint for their designs. In the future, the group will also target ROS 2 underlayers to optimize interactions between nodes within the ROS 2 computational graph. To learn more about Xilinx contributions to the ROS 2 community, check out the following resources: | Resource | Link | |----------|-------| | `ROS 2 HAWG GitHub organization` | [ros-acceleration](https://github.com/ros-acceleration) | | `ROS 2 HAWG meeting minutes` | [HAWG minutes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/185Cy1xjpAOgJygEOnlf5OCgOQTywmF0qgSpS3GiW16Q/edit) | | `ROS 2 HAWG meeting invite group` | [ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG Google Group](https://groups.google.com/g/ros-2-hardware-acceleration-wg) | | `ROS 2 HAWG instant messaging` | [Matrix community](https://matrix.to/#/+hawg:matrix.org) (Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication). | | `ROS 2 HAWG backlog management` | [GitHub project](https://github.com/ros-acceleration/community/projects/1) | | `ROS 2 HAWG discourse tag` | [wg-acceleration](https://discourse.ros.org/tag/wg-acceleration) |