# Install KRS KRS `1.0` enables various robotic development paths: - **Yocto/PetaLinux**: An embedded cross-compilation-oriented path for creating production-grade OSs for robots. Leverages the Yocto project. - **Ubuntu 22.04**: A developer-friendly path leveraging a pre-built rootfs that allows to reproduce Desktop environments to build binaries on target, or cross-compile. Below detail the installation and setup process of each one of the development paths. Before that, some considerations worth noting that apply to all of these development paths: ```eval_rst .. important:: **KRS 1.0 has only been tested in Ubuntu 22.04**. It assumes the following is installed in your workstation: - `Ubuntu 22.04` Jammy Jellyfish operating system. - the Vitis `2022.1` suite (Vitis, Vivado, Vitis HLS) (`install instructions `_). Make sure the workstation has minimum 32 GB RAM. - the ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill distribution (`install instructions `_) - Gazebo Classic 11.0 (`install instructions `_) For KRS documentation source code, refer to https://github.com/Xilinx/KRS. .. admonition:: DDS Recommendation We have done various experiments for the DDS selection and observed that Cyclone DDS provides more reliable and stable results, so we recommend you to use Cyclone DDS for connectivity. Use below commands to install and use cyclone DDS on target board. This step needs to be done on target board. Exporting "RMW_IMPLEMENTATION" on host x86 machine may throw errors while cross compiling accelerators. ``` ```shell ################################################### # install cyclone DDS packages ################################################### sudo apt-get install ros-humble-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp ros-humble-cyclonedds* ################################################### # Switch from other rmw to rmw_cyclonedds by specifying the environment variable. ################################################### export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp ``` ## Choose your development environment: KRS offers two development paths. First, Ubuntu flow, when your KR260 is installed with Ubuntu 22.04. It is a very user friendly flow and gives you a desktop like experience. Second, Petalinux/Yocto flow, when KR260 is installed with embedded production grade OSs like Petalinux or Yocto. Choose any of the options below which meets your development environment:
1) Ubuntu 22.04
a. Cross-compilation development Cross-compilation of ROS 2 workspaces allows to build both CPU binaries as well as accelerators thanks to KRS packages. This capabilities is demonstrated below for the KR260 using Ubuntu 22.04 OS: - Setup Environment ```shell ################################################### # 0. install Vitis 2022.1 https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html # and ROS 2 Rolling https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html # we recommend the Desktop-Full flavour (ros-humble-desktop-full) ################################################### ################################################### # 1. install some dependencies you might be missing # # NOTE: gcc-multilib conflicts with Yocto/PetaLinux 2022.1 dependencies # so you can't have both paths simultaneously enabled in a single # development machine ################################################### sudo apt-get -y install curl build-essential libssl-dev git wget \ ocl-icd-* opencl-headers python3-vcstool \ python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-colcon-mixin \ kpartx u-boot-tools pv gcc-multilib sudo apt-get -y install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static sudo apt-get install ros-humble-gazebo-ros ros-humble-gazebo-plugins ros-humble-gazebo-msgs ################################################### # 2. create a new ROS 2 workspace with examples and # firmware for KR260 ################################################### mkdir -p ~/krs_ws/src; cd ~/krs_ws ################################################### # 3. Create file with KRS 1.0 additional repos ################################################### cat << 'EOF' > krs_humble.repos repositories: perception/image_pipeline: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/image_pipeline version: ros2 tracing/tracetools_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/tracetools_acceleration version: humble firmware/acceleration_firmware_kr260: type: zip url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/acceleration_firmware_kr260/releases/download/v1.1.1/acceleration_firmware_kr260.zip acceleration/adaptive_component: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/adaptive_component version: humble acceleration/ament_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_acceleration version: humble acceleration/ament_vitis: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_vitis version: humble acceleration/colcon-hardware-acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/colcon/colcon-hardware-acceleration version: main acceleration/ros2_kria: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2_kria version: main acceleration/ros2acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2acceleration version: humble acceleration/vitis_common: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/vitis_common version: humble acceleration/acceleration_examples: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/acceleration_examples version: main EOF ################################################### # 4. import repos of KRS 1.0 release ################################################### vcs import src --recursive < krs_humble.repos # about 3 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G ################################################### # 5. build the workspace and deploy firmware for hardware acceleration ################################################### source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/settings64.sh # source Xilinx tools source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash # Sources system ROS 2 installation. # Note: The path above is valid if one installs ROS 2 from a pre-built debian # packages. If one builds ROS 2 from the source the directory might # vary (e.g. ~/ros2_humble/ros2-linux). export PATH="/usr/bin":$PATH # FIXME: adjust path for CMake 3.5+ ``` - Build packages for x86 ```shell sudo ls -l # Hack to give sudo access to shell, else build may hang. colcon build --merge-install # about 18 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G ################################################### # 6. source the overlay to enable all features ################################################### source install/setup.bash ``` - Cross compile for KR260 ```eval_rst .. warning:: Ubuntu 22.04 sysroot is not fully prepared for cross-compilation (but for native builds instead) and thereby, while invoking FindPython, it's just picking the host resources, instead of the target/sysroot ones, which leads to ROS 2 packages relying on Python 3 getting a dependency against the host (which doesn't exist), instead of against the sysroot. A **workaround** for this is symlinking the Python3 library of the host to the sysroot one, so that it gets picked while cross-compiling against the Ubuntu 22.04 sysroot. The following should do: `sudo ln -s ~/krs_ws/install/../acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpython3.10.so.1.0 /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libpython3.10.so` ``` ``` shell # select KR260 firmware artifacts and re-build accelerators targeting KR260 build configuration source install/setup.bash colcon acceleration select kr260 ################################################### # 7.A cross-compile and generate ONLY CPU binaries ################################################### colcon build --build-base=build-kr260-ubuntu --install-base=install-kr260-ubuntu --merge-install --mixin kr260 --cmake-args -DNOKERNELS=true ################################################### # 7.B cross-compile and generate CPU binaries and accelerators. ################################################### colcon build --executor sequential --event-handlers console_direct+ --build-base=build-kr260-ubuntu --install-base=install-kr260-ubuntu --merge-install --mixin kr260 --cmake-args -DNOKERNELS=false ``` Please note that building accelerators will take few hours, as it builds all the KRS packages that require hardware acceleration. Also, "--executor sequential" flag is to build the packages one by one. If your machine is powerful enough, you may skip the flag and colcon build system will build the packages parallely. Now that we've built binaries and accelerators, next's to run some of them in hardware. See [examples](https://xilinx.github.io/KRS/sphinx/build/html/docs/examples/0_ros2_publisher.html) but **note that Ubuntu 22.04 is targeting KR260 (and thereby the `--mixin kr260` should be used instead)**.
b. Native (on target) development ```eval_rst .. warning:: No accelerators produced with native (on-target) compilation **This path is helpful only for creating CPU binaries. It's not possible to create accelerators on target** (from within the KR/KV260 boards) because Vivado and Vitis tools have only x86 support and no aarch64 support is planned. Refer to the cross-compilation path for jointly creating binaries and accelerators. ``` Native CPU compilation (*on target*, in the KR260 or KV260) is pretty straightforward and can be performed by: 1. Create an SD card with [Ubuntu 22.04 official image for KR260](https://ubuntu.com/download/amd-xilinx) 2. Install ROS 2 Humble from .deb file inside KR260's Ubuntu 22.04 as indicated at https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html 3. `scp` your ROS workspace into the embedded board and build it with colcon as if it was your development machine. Now that we've built binaries, next's to run them in hardware. See [examples](https://xilinx.github.io/KRS/sphinx/build/html/docs/examples/0_ros2_publisher.html).
c. QEMU (emulation) development ```eval_rst .. warning:: No accelerators produced with native (on-target) compilation **This path is helpful only for creating CPU binaries. It's not possible to create accelerators on QEMU** (from within emulated rootfs') because Vivado and Vitis tools have only x86 support and no aarch64 support is planned. Refer to the cross-compilation path for jointly creating binaries and accelerators. ``` CPU binaries can also be built (and tested) using hardware emulation through QEMU. In particular, the following provides a walkthrough on how to leverage Ubuntu 22.04 pre-built sysroot for KR260 to build the local development workspace: ```shell ################################################### # 0. install Vitis 2022.1 https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html # and ROS 2 Rolling https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html # we recommend the Desktop-Full flavour (ros-humble-desktop-full) ################################################### ################################################### # 1. install some dependencies you might be missing # # NOTE: gcc-multilib conflicts with Yocto/PetaLinux 2022.1 dependencies # so you can't have both paths simultaneously enabled in a single # development machine ################################################### sudo apt-get -y install curl build-essential libssl-dev git wget \ ocl-icd-* opencl-headers python3-vcstool \ python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-colcon-mixin \ kpartx u-boot-tools pv gcc-multilib ################################################### # 2. create a new ROS 2 workspace with examples and # firmware for KV260 ################################################### mkdir -p ~/krs_ws/src; cd ~/krs_ws ################################################### # 3. Create file with KRS 1.0 additional repos ################################################### cat << 'EOF' > krs_humble.repos repositories: perception/image_pipeline: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/image_pipeline version: ros2 tracing/tracetools_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/tracetools_acceleration version: humble firmware/acceleration_firmware_kr260: type: zip url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/acceleration_firmware_kr260/releases/download/v1.1.1/acceleration_firmware_kr260.zip acceleration/adaptive_component: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/adaptive_component version: humble acceleration/ament_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_acceleration version: humble acceleration/ament_vitis: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_vitis version: humble acceleration/colcon-hardware-acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/colcon/colcon-hardware-acceleration version: main acceleration/ros2_kria: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2_kria version: main acceleration/ros2acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2acceleration version: humble acceleration/vitis_common: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/vitis_common version: humble acceleration/acceleration_examples: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/acceleration_examples version: main EOF ################################################### # 4. import repos of KRS 1.0 release ################################################### vcs import src --recursive < krs_humble.repos # about 3 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G ################################################### # 5. build the workspace and deploy firmware for hardware acceleration ################################################### source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/settings64.sh # source Xilinx tools source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash # Sources system ROS 2 installation. # Note: The path above is valid if one installs ROS 2 from a pre-built debian # packages. If one builds ROS 2 from the source the directory might # vary (e.g. ~/ros2_humble/ros2-linux). export PATH="/usr/bin":$PATH # FIXME: adjust path for CMake 3.5+ ``` ```eval_rst .. warning:: Next step is going to ask for the *sudo password*, make sure to enter it appropriately, otherwise the build will go on indefinitely. ``` ```shell colcon build --merge-install # about 20 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G, # mostly spent installing ROS 2 and deps. into # the sysroot ################################################### # 6. Enter Ubuntu 22.04 jail while mounting ROS 2 overlay workspace sources for native builds # # NOTE: assumes to be executed from the root of the ROS 2 overlay workspace # (e.g. ~/krs_ws/) ################################################### sudo mount --rbind --make-rslave /dev ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev mkdir -p ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/ros2_ws/src; sudo mount --bind ~/krs_ws/src ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/ros2_ws/src sudo mount -t proc none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/proc sudo mount -t sysfs none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/sys sudo mount -t tmpfs none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/tmp sudo mount -t tmpfs none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/var/lib/apt sudo mount -t tmpfs none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/var/cache/apt sudo mount -t tmpfs none ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/var/cache/apt sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/etc/resolv.conf # enter chroot sudo chroot ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux ################################################### # 7. Build (in emulation) natively CPU binaries ################################################### source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash # Sources system ROS 2 installation. # add open robotics repo to .deb sources echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ros-archive-keyring.gpg] http://packages.ros.org/ros2/ubuntu $(source /etc/os-release && echo $UBUNTU_CODENAME) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list > /dev/null # install ROS build tools (colcon et al.) apt update && apt install -y \ build-essential \ cmake \ git \ python3-colcon-common-extensions \ python3-flake8 \ python3-flake8-blind-except \ python3-flake8-builtins \ python3-flake8-class-newline \ python3-flake8-comprehensions \ python3-flake8-deprecated \ python3-flake8-docstrings \ python3-flake8-import-order \ python3-flake8-quotes \ python3-pip \ python3-pytest \ python3-pytest-cov \ python3-pytest-repeat \ python3-pytest-rerunfailures \ python3-rosdep \ python3-setuptools \ python3-vcstool \ wget # build overlay workspace cd /ros2_ws colcon build --merge-install --packages-ignore acceleration_firmware_kr260 perception_3nodes ################################################### # 8. Run one of the packages ################################################### source /ros2_ws/install/local_setup.bash ros2 run publisher_xilinx member_function_publisher ################################################### # 8. Exit chroot and unmount things ################################################### exit # inside of the emulation # back, in your development station sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/proc sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/sys sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/tmp sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/var/lib/apt sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev/mqueue sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev/hugepages sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev/shm sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev/pts sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/dev sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/ros2_ws/src sudo umount ~/krs_ws/acceleration/firmware/kr260/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux/var/cache/apt ``` Now that we've built binaries, next's to run them in hardware. See [examples](https://xilinx.github.io/KRS/sphinx/build/html/docs/examples/0_ros2_publisher.html).

2) Yocto/Petalinux
```eval_rst .. admonition:: Yocto/PetaLinux firmware artifacts download Pre-built firmware artifacts for creating robot OSs using Yocto/PetaLinux are bigger than 2GB, which is the maximum size allowed by GitHub. The firmware artifacts have temporarily been uploaded to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gzrGHB-J_fKNBmcGYhClXdWo6wGw8k43/view?usp=sharing and need to be manually downloaded and deployed into the workspace src directory. .. admonition:: Yocto (Honister) KRS 1.0 Yocto/PetaLinux development paths builds artifacts based on Yocto Honister. ``` ```shell ################################################### # 0. install Vitis 2022.1 https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html # and ROS 2 Rolling https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html # we recommend the Desktop-Full flavour (ros-humble-desktop-full) ################################################### ################################################### # 1. install some dependencies you might be missing ################################################### sudo apt-get -y install curl build-essential libssl-dev git wget \ ocl-icd-* opencl-headers python3-vcstool \ python3-colcon-common-extensions python3-colcon-mixin \ kpartx u-boot-tools pv ################################################### # 2. create a new ROS 2 workspace with examples and # firmware for KV260 ################################################### mkdir -p ~/krs_ws/src; cd ~/krs_ws ################################################### # 3. Create file with KRS 1.0 additional repos ################################################### cat << 'EOF' > krs_humble.repos repositories: perception/image_pipeline: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/image_pipeline version: ros2 tracing/tracetools_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/tracetools_acceleration version: humble firmware/acceleration_firmware_kv260: type: zip url: https://www.xilinx.com/bin/public/openDownload?filename=acceleration_firmware_kv260.zip acceleration/adaptive_component: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/adaptive_component version: humble acceleration/ament_acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_acceleration version: humble acceleration/ament_vitis: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ament_vitis version: humble acceleration/colcon-hardware-acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/colcon/colcon-hardware-acceleration version: main acceleration/ros2_kria: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2_kria version: main acceleration/ros2acceleration: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/ros2acceleration version: humble acceleration/vitis_common: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/vitis_common version: humble acceleration/acceleration_examples: type: git url: https://github.com/ros-acceleration/acceleration_examples version: main EOF ################################################### # 4. import repos of KRS 1.0 release ################################################### vcs import src --recursive < krs_humble.repos # about 3 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G ################################################### # 5. build the workspace and deploy firmware for hardware acceleration ################################################### source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/settings64.sh # source Xilinx tools source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash # Sources system ROS 2 installation. # Note: The path above is valid if one installs ROS 2 from a pre-built debian # packages. If one builds ROS 2 from the source the directory might # vary (e.g. ~/ros2_humble/ros2-linux). export PATH="/usr/bin":$PATH # FIXME: adjust path for CMake 3.5+ colcon build --merge-install # about 4 mins in an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G ################################################### # 6. source the overlay to enable all features ################################################### source install/setup.bash ``` That's pretty much it, you've got now KRS installed in the `krs_ws` ROS overlay workspace. You could also reproduce the same steps over an existing ROS 2 workspace if you'd like to avoid creating a new, or simply reusing the source code elsewhere. Now's time to build and run some [examples](https://xilinx.github.io/KRS/sphinx/build/html/docs/examples/0_ros2_publisher.html).

```eval_rst .. admonition:: Upstream integration KRS is served as a group of ROS 2 packages that you can install from .deb files or from sources in any arbitrary ROS 2 workspace, enhancing it with hardware acceleration capabilities. Some of these packages have been integrated upstream to simplify the development flow into the ROS buildfarm and are available as part of ROS 2 starting from ROS 2 Humble. Some others, including *firmware* for selected boards and *examples*, need to be fetched manually at desire. The following demonstrates how to create a new ROS 2 overlay workspace, fetch the KRS packages, build them from source and run some acceleration examples: .. admonition:: Ignition Gazebo vs Gazebo Classic ROS 2 Humble ships with Ignition Gazebo (renamed to "Gazebo"). Installing Gazebo Classic (Gazebo 11.0) is still possible but requires some manual work. Some of the examples below were developed with Gazebo Classic. In turn, examples might be rewritten with Ignition Gazebo ("Gazebo") to facilitate the flows. ```