2020.1 Vitis™ - Acceleration Tutorial for Alveo U50

See Vitis™ Development Environment on xilinx.com
### Introduction to Vitis Hardware Accelerators Tutorial This tutorial is divided in 3 sections. * [**Section 1**](./01-Workflows/README.md) (~10 mins): + An overview of Vitis and the host/kernel paradigm * See how Vitis takes care of the heavy lifting to let you focus on the application code * [**Section 2**](./02-System_Setup/README.md) (a couple of minutes if Alveo U50 card is already installed): + Setup the Vitis development tools + Detect and check the card installed on the server * [**Section 3**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/README.md) (a few hours): + Understand the Cholesky algorithm and run it on the CPU first + Re-organize the code to create both a host and a kernel program + Review the APIs that bind the host and the kernel + Apply incremental optimizations to the kernel across several modules to improve throughput. Finally program the Alveo card with the fully optimized accelerator to verify the performance + [**Introduction**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/docs/cpu_src/README.md) * Meet the Cholesky algorithm! * Run a CPU version + [**Vitis Module 1**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/docs/module1_baseline/README.md) * Get a performance baseline as a reference point with a first kernel design * Run Vitis in GUI mode or via make * Run Vitis Analyzer to visualize the application timeline * Run Vitis HLS to study kernel code performance and resource metrics + [**Vitis Module 2**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/docs/module2_pipeline/README.md) (short module to focus on the impact of PIPELINE and INTERFACE) * Understanding instruction parallelism with the HLS PIPELINE pragma * Applying the INTERFACE pragma to manage physical ports adapters + [**Vitis Module 3**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/docs/module3_datatype/README.md) * Modify design to use the more hardware efficient C++ float data types (compared to double) * Run Vitis, Vitis Analyzer and Vitis HLS + [**Vitis Module 4**](./03-Algorithm_Acceleration/docs/module4_dataflow/README.md) * Apply the DATAFLOW task parallelism optimization pragma * Run Vitis, Vitis Analyzer and Vitis HLS (including viewing specific dataflow waveforms) * Run on the U50 card

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