- [Step 4: Test the Platform](#step-4-test-the-platform) - [Test 1: Read Platform Info](#test-1-read-platform-info) - [Test 2: Run Vector Addition Application](#test-2-run-vector-addition-application) - [Test 3: Run a Vitis-AI Demo](#test-3-run-a-vitis-ai-demo) - [Create the design](#create-the-design) - [Run Application on Board](#run-application-on-board) - [Congratulations](#congratulations) ## Step 4: Test the Platform ### Test 1: Read Platform Info With Vitis environment setup, **platforminfo** tool can report XPFM platform information.
Click for detailed logs ```bash # in zcu104_custom_pkg directory platforminfo ./zcu104_custom/export/zcu104_custom/zcu104_custom.xpfm ========================== Basic Platform Information ========================== Platform: zcu104_custom_platform File: /zcu104_custom_platform.xpfm Description: A custom platform ZCU104 platform ===================================== Hardware Platform (Shell) Information ===================================== Vendor: xilinx Board: zcu104_custom_platform Name: zcu104_custom_platform Version: 0.0 Generated Version: 2020.2 Hardware: 1 Software Emulation: 1 Hardware Emulation: 1 Hardware Emulation Platform: 0 FPGA Family: zynquplus FPGA Device: xczu7ev Board Vendor: xilinx.com Board Name: xilinx.com:zcu104:1.1 Board Part: xczu7ev-ffvc1156-2-e ================= Clock Information ================= Default Clock Index: 1 Clock Index: 0 Frequency: 100.000000 Clock Index: 1 Frequency: 200.000000 Clock Index: 2 Frequency: 400.000000 ================== Memory Information ================== Bus SP Tag: HP0 Bus SP Tag: HP1 Bus SP Tag: HP2 Bus SP Tag: HP3 Bus SP Tag: HPC0 Bus SP Tag: HPC1 ============================= Software Platform Information ============================= Number of Runtimes: 1 Default System Configuration: zcu104_custom_platform System Configurations: System Config Name: zcu104_custom_platform System Config Description: zcu104_custom_platform System Config Default Processor Group: xrt System Config Default Boot Image: standard System Config Is QEMU Supported: 1 System Config Processor Groups: Processor Group Name: xrt Processor Group CPU Type: cortex-a53 Processor Group OS Name: linux System Config Boot Images: Boot Image Name: standard Boot Image Type: Boot Image BIF: zcu104_custom_platform/boot/linux.bif Boot Image Data: zcu104_custom_platform/xrt/image Boot Image Boot Mode: sd Boot Image RootFileSystem: Boot Image Mount Path: /mnt Boot Image Read Me: zcu104_custom_platform/boot/generic.readme Boot Image QEMU Args: zcu104_custom_platform/qemu/pmu_args.txt:zcu104_custom_platform/qemu/qemu_args.txt Boot Image QEMU Boot: Boot Image QEMU Dev Tree: Supported Runtimes: Runtime: OpenCL ```
We can verify clock information and memory information are set as expected. ### Test 2: Run Vector Addition Application Vector addition is the simplest acceleration PL kernel. Vitis can create this application automatically. Running this test can check the AXI control bus, memory interface and interrupt setting in platform are working properly. 1. Creating Vector Addition Application - Open Vitis workspace you were using before. - Select **File -> New -> Application Project**. - Click **next** - Select **zcu104_custom** as platform, click **next**. - Name the project **vadd**, click **next**. - Set Domain to **linux on psu_cortexa53**, set **Sys_root path** to ```/pfm/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux```(as you created by running **sdk.sh**). Set the **Root FS** to rootfs.ext4 and **Kernel Image** to Image. These files are located in `zcu104_custom_plnx/images` directory, which are generated in Step 2. click **next**. - Select **System Optimization Examples -> Vector Addition** and click **finish** to generate the application. - In the Explorer window double click the **vadd.prj** file to open it, change the **Active Build configuration** from **Emulation-SW** to **Hardware**. - Select **vadd_system** in Explorer window and Click **Build** icon in toolbar. **Note**: If you cannot see the **zcu104_custom** platform we created, we can add it to platform list of New Project Wizard by selecting the add button and point to **zcu104_custom_pkg/zcu104_custom** directory. **Note**: If you'd like to test this application in emulation mode, plese change **Active Build configuration** from **Emulation-SW** to **Emulation-HW** on Step 8. 2. Running Vector Addition Application on the Board - Copy **zcu104_custom_pkg/vadd_system/Hardware/package/sd_card.img** to local if Vitis is running on a remote server. - Write **sd_card.img** into SD Card with SD Card image writer applications like Etcher on Windows or dd on Linux. - Boot ZCU104 board with the SD card in SD boot mode. - Go to auto mounted FAT32 partition ```bash cd /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1 ``` - Run vadd application ```bash ./vadd binary_container_1.xclbin ``` - It should show program prints and XRT debug info. ``` TEST PASSED ``` 3. Test Vector Addition Application in Emulation Mode (Optional) - Use **Vitis menu -> Xilinx -> Start/Stop Emulator** to launch QEMU. Project is vadd, configuration is Emulation-HW. Click Start. Wait for Linux to boot. Log in with root/root. - Right click **vadd** project (not the vadd_system system project), select **Run as -> Launch on Emulator** The result will show on Console tab. ``` Loading: './binary_container_1.xclbin' TEST PASSED ``` ### Test 3: Run a Vitis-AI Demo This test will run a Vitis-AI test application in DPU-TRD to verify DPU function on our custom platform. The most instructions below follows [Vitis-AI DPU-TRD document](https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI/tree/master/dsa/DPU-TRD/prj/Vitis#6-gui-flow). #### Create the design 1. Add Vitis-AI repository into Vitis IDE - Launch Vitis IDE if you have not. We can reuse the workspace of vadd application. - Open menu Window -> Preferences - Go to Library Repository tab - Add Vitis-AI: - Click Add button - Input ID: vitis-ai - Name: Vitis AI - Location: keep empty or assign a target download directory - Git URL: https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI.git - Branch: v1.3 ![](./images/vitis_repo_add_vai.png) Note: If **Location** is empty, Vitis IDE will clone the git repo to `~/.Xilinx` directory. In this example, we set it to a directory with large storage capability due to home directory size limitation. 2. Download the Vitis-AI library - Open menu Xilinx -> Libraries - Find the Vitis-AI entry we just added. Click the Download button on it. - Wait until the download of Vitis-AI repository completes - Click OK to close this window. ![](images/vitis_download_lib.png) Vitis IDE will check the upstream status of each repository. If there are updates, it will allow users to download the updates if the source URL is a remote Git repository. 3. Create a Vitis-AI design on our zcu104_custom_platform - Go to menu **File** -> **New** -> **Application Project** - Click **Next** in Welcome page - Select platform **zcu104_custom_platform**. Click Next. - Name the project **dpu_trd**, click **next**. - Set Domain to **linux on psu_cortexa53**, set **Sys_root path** to ```/pfm/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux```(as you created by running **sdk.sh**). Set the **Root FS** to rootfs.ext4 and **Kernel Image** to Image. These files are located in `zcu104_custom_plnx/images` directory, which are generated in Step 2. click **next**. - Select **dsa -> DPU Kernel (RTL Kernel)** and click **Finish** to generate the application. ![](images/vitis_add_dpu.png) 4. Review and update DPU settings for ZCU104. The default created design has the DPU settings for ZCU102. - Open **dpu_conf.vh** from **dpu_trd_kernels/src/prj/Vitis** directory - Update line 37 from `URAM_DISABLE` to `URAM_ENABLE` - Press Ctrl+S to save the changes. **Note**: ZCU104 has ZU7EV device on board. It has less BRAM than ZU9EG on ZCU102 but it has URAM. Turning on URAM support can fulfill the on chip memory requirement by DPU. 5. Update system_hw_link for proper kernel instantiation The DPU kernel requires two phase aligned clocks, 1x clock and 2x clock. The configuration is stored in **dpu_trd/src/prj/Vitis/config_file/prj_config_gui**. It sets up clock and AXI interface connections between the DPU kernel to the platform. This configuration file also sets up implementation strategy so that it works well for timing closure. Here's how to use it in our project. - Double click dpu_trd_system_hw_link.prj. - In **Hardware Functions** window, right click the binary container "dpu", select **Edit V++ Options** - Input `--config ../../dpu_trd/src/prj/Vitis/config_file/prj_config_gui`. Click OK. Since ZCU104 has less LUT resources than ZCU102, it's hard to meet timing closure target if we include the softmax IP in PL like ZCU102. The implementation would take quite a long time. The Vitis-AI DPU-TRD design removes the softmax IP in hardware for ZCU104. When the host application detects no softmax IP in hardware, it will calculate softmax with software. The result will be identical but the calculation time will be different. Since our target is to verify the platform, we will remove the softmax kernel in our test application. - Remove **sfm_xrt_top** instance by right clicking it and select **Remove**. 6. Update host code build options - Double click the system project file dpu_trd_system.sprj - Change Active Build Configuration to **Hardware** - Right click dpu_trd, the host application, select C/C++ Build Settings - Go to **GCC Host Linker** -> **Libraries** tab - Click + button on **Library Search Path (-L)** - Click workspace, select **dpu_trd/src/app/samples/lib** - Click OK. It generates the path `${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src/app/samples/lib}` - Click OK. - Adjust the search order to make sure the added path is above the SYSROOT path. - Click Apply and Close. Note: the DPU design template automatically sets up the C++ standard to c++17 and adds libraries to link to. User needs to manually setup the library search path. The libraries in src/app/samples/lib are identical to the VART libraries that have been installed in the rootfs. 7. Update package options to add models into SD Card - Double click dpu_trd_system.sprj - Click ... button on Package options - Input `--package.sd_dir=../../dpu_trd/src/app` - Click OK All contents in the `--package.sd_dir` assigned directory will be added to the FAT32 partition of the sd_card.img. We package samples and models for verification. The dpu_trd in the path name is the application project name in this example. If your project name is different, please update the project name accordingly. 8. Build the hardware design - Select the dpu_trd_system system project - Click the hammer button to build the system project - The generated SD card image is located at **dpu_trd_system/Hardware/package/sd_card.img**. **Note**: Please refer to [Vitis-AI document](https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI/tree/master/dsa/DPU-TRD/prj/Vitis#6-gui-flow) for details about Vitis-AI project creation flow. #### Run Application on Board 1. Write image to SD - Copy the sd_card.img to a local workstation or laptop with SD card readers. - Write the image to SD card with [balena Etcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) or similar tools 2. Boot the board - Insert the SD card to ZCU104 - Set boot mode to SD boot - Connect USB UART cable - Power on the board. It should boot Linux properly in a minute. 3. Resize ext4 partition - Connect UART console if it's not connected. - On the ZCU104 board UART console, run `df .` to check current available disk size ```bash root@petalinux:~# df . Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 564048 398340 122364 77% / ``` - Run `resize-part /dev/mmcblk0p2` to resize the ext4 partition. You need to input **Yes** and **100% **for confirming the resize to utilize full of the rest of SD card. ```bash root@petalinux:~# resize-part /dev/mmcblk0p2 /dev/mmcblk0p2 Warning: Partition /dev/mmcblk0p2 is being used. Are you sure you want to continue? parted: invalid token: 100% Yes/No? yes End? [2147MB]? 100% Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab. resize2fs 1.45.3 (14-Jul-2019) Filesystem at /dev/mmcblk0p2 is mounted on /media/sd-mmcblk0p2; o[ 72.751329] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): resizing filesystem from 154804 to 1695488 blocks n-line resizing required old_desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 1 [ 75.325525] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): resized filesystem to 1695488 The filesystem on /dev/mmcblk0p2 is now 1695488 (4k) blocks long. ``` - Check available size again to verify that the ext4 partition size is enlarged. ```bash root@petalinux:~# df . -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 6.1G 390.8M 5.4G 7% / ``` **Note**: The available size would be different according to your SD card size. **Note**: **resize-part** is a script we added in [Step 2](./step2.md). It calls Linux utilities **parted** and **resize2fs** to extend the ext4 partition to take the rest of the SD card. 4. Copy dependency files to home folder ```bash # Libraries root@petalinux:~# cp -r /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/app/samples/ ~ # Model root@petalinux:~# cp /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/app/model/resnet50.xmodel ~ # Host app root@petalinux:~# cp /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/dpu_trd . # Image to test root@petalinux:~# wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xilinx/Vitis-AI/v1.2.1/DPU-TRD/app/img/bellpeppe-994958.JPEG ``` 5. Run the application ```bash echo 6 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk #Reduce XRT debugging messages env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=samples/lib XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE=/mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/dpu.xclbin ./dpu_trd bellpeppe-994958.JPEG ``` It would show bell pepper has the highest possibility. ```bash score[945] = 0.992235 text: bell pepper, score[941] = 0.00315807 text: acorn squash, score[943] = 0.00191546 text: cucumber, cuke, score[939] = 0.000904801 text: zucchini, courgette, score[949] = 0.00054879 text: strawberry, ```
Here's the detailed prints with XRT debugging message ```bash [ 196.247066] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.250926] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.254833] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.258679] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.269515] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.273384] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.277243] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.281076] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.285073] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.288984] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.293230] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.297096] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.300963] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.307660] [drm] zocl_xclbin_read_axlf The XCLBIN already loaded [ 196.307672] [drm] zocl_xclbin_read_axlf 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 ret: 0 [ 196.317747] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 locked, ref=1 [ 196.325431] [drm] Reconfiguration not supported [ 196.337206] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 unlocked, ref=0 [ 196.337361] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.348581] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.352580] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.356638] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 locked, ref=1 [ 196.356659] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.367712] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.371560] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.375507] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 locked, ref=2 [ 196.375539] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.386590] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.390439] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.394331] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 locked, ref=3 [ 196.394822] [drm] Pid 948 opened device [ 196.405867] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 196.409717] [drm] Pid 948 opened device score[945] = 0.992235 text: bell pepper, score[941] = 0.00315807 text: acorn squash, score[943] = 0.00191546 text:[ 196.413579] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 locked, ref=4 cucumber, cuke, score[939] = 0.000904801 text: zucchini, co[ 197.997865] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 unlocked, ref=3 urgette, score[949] = 0.00054879 text: strawberry, [ 198.010569] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 198.032534] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 unlocked, ref=2 [ 198.032546] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 198.229797] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 unlocked, ref=0 [ 198.229803] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 198.241056] [drm] bitstream 1cdede23-0755-458e-8dac-7ef1b3845fa4 unlocked, ref=0 [ 198.241059] [drm] Pid 948 closed device [ 198.252434] [drm] Pid 948 closed device ```
### Congratulations We have completed creating a custom platform from scratch and verifying it with a simple vadd application and a relatively complex Vitis-AI use cases. Please feel free to check more tutorials in this repository.

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