2021.1 Vitis™ Platform Creation Tutorials

See Vitis™ Development Environment on xilinx.com
# Step 4: Test the Platform - [Step 4: Test the Platform](#step-4-test-the-platform) - [Test 1: Read Platform Info](#test-1-read-platform-info) - [Test 2: Run Vector Addition Application](#test-2-run-vector-addition-application) - [Congratulations](#congratulations) - [Fast Track](#fast-track) ## Test 1: Read Platform Info With Vitis environment setup, **platforminfo** tool can report XPFM platform information.
Click for detailed logs ```bash # in kv260_custom_pkg directory platforminfo ./kv260_custom/export/kv260_custom/kv260_custom.xpfm ========================== Basic Platform Information ========================== Platform: kv260_custom_platform File: /kv260_custom_platform.xpfm Description: A custom platform KV260 platform ===================================== Hardware Platform (Shell) Information ===================================== Vendor: xilinx Board: KV260_Custom_Platform Name: KV260_Custom_Platform Version: 0.0 Generated Version: 2021.1 Hardware: 1 Software Emulation: 1 Hardware Emulation: 1 Hardware Emulation Platform: 0 FPGA Family: zynquplus FPGA Device: xck26 Board Vendor: xilinx.com Board Name: xilinx.com:kv260:1.1 Board Part: XCK26-SFVC784-2LV-C ================= Clock Information ================= Default Clock Index: 2 Clock Index: 1 Frequency: 100.000000 Clock Index: 2 Frequency: 200.000000 Clock Index: 3 Frequency: 400.000000 ================== Memory Information ================== Bus SP Tag: HP0 Bus SP Tag: HP1 Bus SP Tag: HP2 Bus SP Tag: HP3 Bus SP Tag: HPC0 Bus SP Tag: HPC1 ============================= Software Platform Information ============================= Number of Runtimes: 1 Default System Configuration: kv260_custom_platform System Configurations: System Config Name: kv260_custom_platform System Config Description: kv260_custom_platform System Config Default Processor Group: xrt System Config Default Boot Image: standard System Config Is QEMU Supported: 1 System Config Processor Groups: Processor Group Name: xrt Processor Group CPU Type: cortex-a53 Processor Group OS Name: linux System Config Boot Images: Boot Image Name: standard Boot Image Type: Boot Image BIF: kv260_custom_platform/boot/linux.bif Boot Image Data: kv260_custom_platform/xrt/image Boot Image Boot Mode: sd Boot Image RootFileSystem: Boot Image Mount Path: /mnt Boot Image Read Me: kv260_custom_platform/boot/generic.readme Boot Image QEMU Args: kv260_custom_platform/qemu/pmu_args.txt:kv260_custom_platform/qemu/qemu_args.txt Boot Image QEMU Boot: Boot Image QEMU Dev Tree: Supported Runtimes: Runtime: OpenCL ```
We can verify clock information and memory information are set as expected. ### Test 2: Run Vector Addition Application Vector addition is the simplest acceleration PL kernel. Vitis can create this application automatically. Running this test can check the AXI control bus, memory interface and interrupt setting in platform are working properly. 1. Creating Vector Addition Application - Open Vitis workspace you were using before. - Select **File -> New -> Application Project**. - Click **Next** - Select **kv260_custom** as platform, click **Next**. - Name the project **vadd**, click **Next**. - Set Domain to **linux on psu_cortexa53**, - Set **Sys_root path** to ```/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux```(as you created by running **sdk.sh**). - Set **Root FS** to rootfs.ext4 in `kv260_custom_plnx/images/linux` directory, which was generated in Step 2. - Set **Kernel Image** to Image in `kv260_custom_plnx/images/linux` directory. Click **Next**. - Select **Acceleration templates with PL and AIE accelerators -> Vector Addition** and click **Finish** to generate the application. - In the Explorer window double click the **vadd.prj** file to open it, change the **Active Build configuration** from **Emulation-SW** to **Hardware**. - Select **vadd_system** in Explorer window and Click **Build** icon in toolbar. The build task would take 10-30 minutes. When build completes, the build result is located in `vadd_system/Hardware/` directory. - package.build/package/system.bit: PL bitstream including vadd kernel and platform components. - package/sd_card/binary_container_1.xclbin: Acceleration binary container for XRT configuration. It includes system.bit and metadata that describes the kernels. - package/sd_card/vadd: Compiled host application > Note: If you cannot see the **kv260_custom** platform we created, we can add it to platform list of New Project Wizard by selecting the add button and point to **kv260_custom_pkg/kv260_custom** directory. > Note: KV260 Platform doesn't support emulation. > Note: Sysroot for application project is required for host application cross-compilation. Linux kernel image and rootfs are optional in this tutorial because we will use the pre-installed Linux kernel and rootfs of KV260 Starter Kit. It's still beneficial adding Kernel Image and rootfs information when creating the application project because the v++ package step can complete with these files when building the system project. If you skip adding Image and rootfs, you can build host application and hw_link component seperatedly. The required files will still be generated. 2. Prepare the files to transfer to the board Kria SOM uses `xmutil` to load applications dynamically. The load process includes downloading PL bit stream and loading device tree overlay. `xmutil` requires the application files to be stored in `/lib/firmware/xilinx` directory. The files related to this application need to have same file names but different extensions. Since this is a vector addition application, we will call it vadd in this example. The final directory on the board would look like this. ```bash # On target board ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/vadd vadd.dtbo vadd.bit.bin shell.json ``` The bitstream needs to be in bin format so that fpgamanager can load it. Convert `.bit` file to `.bit.bin` file with the following commands. ```bash cd vadd_system/Package echo 'all:{system.bit}'>bootgen.bif bootgen -w -arch zynqmp -process_bitstream bin -image bootgen.bif mv system.bit.bin vadd.bit.bin ``` The source of DTBO is generated in Step 2. We need to do some small updates to generate the dtbo and rename it so that the file name is aligned with application name. - Open `step2_petalinux/dt_output/pl.dtsi` - Update the line of `firmware-name =`, type in `vadd.bit.bin` as its value so that xmutil can load the bitstream. `firmware-name = "vadd.bit.bin";` - Compile `pl.dtsi` to dtbo with command `dtc -@ -O dtb -o step4_validate/vadd.dtbo step2_petalinux/dt_output/pl.dtsi` Prepare shell.json. You can copy it from other applications or create one with the following contents. ```json { "shell_type" : "XRT_FLAT", "num_slots": "1" } ``` 3. Transferring the files to the board Make sure the Ethernet cable of SOM Starter Kit is connected. Use SCP or SFTP to upload the files from host to target board. ```bash # Running on host machine scp vadd.dtbo vadd.bit.bin shell.json vadd binary_container_1.xclbin petalinux@:/home/petalinux ``` 4. Load the hardware ```bash # Running on target board sudo mkdir /lib/firmware/xilinx/vadd cd /home/petalinux mv vadd.dtbo vadd.bit.bin shell.json /lib/firmware/xilinx/vadd sudo xmutil listapps sudo xmutil unloadapp sudo xmutil loadapp vadd ``` 5. Running Vector Addition Application on the Board - Run vadd application ```bash chmod +x ./vadd ./vadd binary_container_1.xclbin ``` - It should show program prints. ``` xilinx-k26-starterkit-2021_1:~$ ./vadd binary_container_1.xclbin INFO: Reading binary_container_1.xclbin Loading: 'binary_container_1.xclbin' TEST PASSED ``` > Note: If you get errors like "error while loading shared libraries: libxilinxopencl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", it's because XRT is not installed in KV260 default rootfs. Please run `sudo dnf install xrt` to install XRT. ### Congratulations We have completed creating a custom platform from scratch and verifying it with a simple vadd application. Please feel free to check more tutorials in this repository. ### Fast Track If you encounter any issues when creating the custom platform and the validation application in this tutorial, you can run `make all` in [ref_files](./ref_files) directory to generate the reference design and compare with your design. Since the PetaLinux project requires KV260 BSP, please download KV260 [Starter Kit BSP](https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/1641152513/Kria+K26+SOM) and save it to `ref_files/step2_petalinux` directory before running make. The command line flow has slight differences comparing to Vitis IDE flow. - The vector addition application is called `vadd` and `binary_container_1.xclbin` in Vitis IDE flow. The generated files in command line flow are called `simple_vadd` and `krnl_vadd.xclbin`.

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