Post-Link Recompile of an AI Engine Application

Lab 3: Vitis IDE Flow

Phase 1: Create a Fixed Platform from an AI Engine Application and PL Kernels

  1. Launch the Vitis IDE on a new workspace, Phase1Wkspc:

    Vitis IDE Launcher

  2. The design that will be used for the purposes of this tutorial is shown in the following block diagram:

Application Block Diagram

The AI Engine graph itself is composed of two kernels:

  • Interpolator: This kernel interpolates the input signal by 2.

  • Classifier: The output of this kernel is the quadrant of the input complex number.

The programmable logic is composed of three kernels:

  • mm2s: This kernel sends data to the AI Engine through PLIO.

  • PolarClip: This kernel clips the modulus of the data (complex data).

  • s2mm: This kernel gets data from the AI Engine through PLIO.

Now create the project, starting with the AI Engine sub-project.

  1. From the menu bar, select File → New → Application Project. In the platform selection GUI, select the xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1 [custom]. On the next screen, specify CoSim1_AIE as the Application Project Name and CoSim1_system as the System Project Name. Ensure that the selected Processor is ai_engine.

    Application Project Details

  2. Select Empty Application in the template selection screen.

  3. You must also include a hardware kernel project for the programmable logic part. Right-click Cosim1_system and select Add Hw Kernel Project…. Specify CoSim1_PL as the Hw Kernel Project Name.

You should now have the following project structure in the Explorer view:

Project Structure

  1. Import the source code for the AI Engine sub-project. Right-click CoSim1_AIE [aiengine] and select Import Sources…. Browse to Files and select AIE. On the following screen, check AIE and remove the trailing /src from the “Into folder:” edit area.

    AIE Import Sources

  2. Reiterate the same operations for the CoSim1_PL sub-project and selecting the directory PL in the Files directory.

    The src and data folders should be populated in the AI Engine sub-project, as well as the src folder in the programmable logic sub-project:

    Populated sub-directories

  3. Set some parameters of the AI Engine sub-project. Right-click CoSim1_AIE [aiengine] and select C/C++ Build Settings. In the Configuration menu select [ All Configurations ].

  4. In the Top-Level Files sub-window, click +, then click Workspace and select Cosim1_AIE/src/graph.cpp.

    C/C++ Settings

    You can now compile the AI Engine project for Emulation-AIE active build configuration.

  5. Right-click CoSim1_AIE and select Build Project….

  6. During compile, take a look in the file graph.h which contains the graph itself and the interface to the PL.

  7. When the compilation has finished, you can visualize the result by double-clicking Cosim1_system / CoSim1_AIE / Emulation-AIE / Compile Summary (graph) in the Assistant view of the IDE. Vitis Analyzer is launched and you can visualize the graph and the array placement:

Vitis Analyzer

The kernels are grouped in the 24th and 25th columns of the array. The communication with the the kernel polar_clip, as well as the input data and the output data transfers, also occur in columns 24 and 25 of the array.

  1. Open the project file Cosim1_PL/Cosim1_PL.prj. Click the lightning icon to select all the PL kernels:

Add PL Kernels

  1. Select mm2s, polar_clip, and s2mm, then click OK.

  2. Compile the PL kernels by right-clicking on Cosim1_PL and selecting Build Project.

When the compilation is finished, link the AI Engine domain with the programmable logic domain. This can be done in the sub-project, Cosim1_system_hw_link, that was automatically created at the beginning of this tutorial. You have to define how you want the various parts of the design to be connected together. This is the purpose of the configuration file that you will now import.

  1. Right-click Cosim1_system_hw_link and select Import Sources…. Browse to PostLinkRecompile / Files / HwLink and click Open. Check system.cfg. For the “Into folder:” edit area, click Browse and select Cosim1_system_hw_link [pl].

  2. In Explorer view, click Cosim1_system_hw_link [pl] / Cosim1_system_hw_link.prj to open the project file. There is one container named binary_container_1, populated with the three kernels polar_clip, mm2s and s2mm.

  3. Click binary_container_1 to change the name to cosim_container. Right-click cosim_container and select Edit v++ options. Specify the Vitis command line options: –config ../system.cfg. Specify 0 compute units for all these PL kernels as the number and the names are specified in the system.cfg file.

Compute Units

  1. Right-click Cosim1_system_hw_link [pl] and select Build Project.

The outcome of this link stage contains a major file cosim_container.xsa which is the hardware platform specification.

Outcome of link stage

  1. Double-click cosim_container.xsa to display the hardware platform specification. This is the address map for all IPs in the hardware platform.

  2. Double-click cosim_container.xsa.link_summary to launch Vitis Analyzer. From here, you can visualize the system and platform diagram.

Phase 2: Use a Platform generated by V++ and modify the AI Engine Application

The purpose of phase 2 of this tutorial is to start from the generated hardware platform and modify the AI Engine application. To start the second phase, close the Vitis software and then start it again using another workspace, Phase2Wkspc.

  1. Create a new application project by clicking File → New → Application Project. In the Platform Selection screen, click Create a new platform from hardware (XSA). To find the XSA file, browse to the XSA file that you generated in the previous stage: CoSim1_system_hw_link / Emulation-HW / cosim_container.xsa. Give it a new name: PostLinkPlatform.

Fixed Platform Selection

  1. Click Next to go back to the application project creation:

    • Application project name: Cosim2_AIE

    • System project name: Cosim2_system

    • Processor: aiengine

New AI Engine project

In the Explorer view, you can see two projects have been created:

  • CoSim2_system with the sub-project Cosim2_AIE

  • PostLinkPlatform

  1. Update the AI Engine project. Import the source files in the directory AIE2. Right-click Cosim2_AIE and select Import Sources…. Browse to PostLinkRecompile / Files / AIE2. On the next screen check AIE2 and remove the trailing /src from the “Into folder:” edit area. There is a single modification in the file graph.h:

    • The interpolator kernel is now constrained to be placed in the AI Engine tile column 5 row 5.

  2. Right-click Cosim2_system → Cosim2_AIE and select C/C++ Build Settings. In the Top-Level Files window, click +, click Workspace, and select Cosim2_AIE / src / graph.cpp. Click Apply and Close.

You can now build the AI Engine project. It will start by compiling the standalone domain of the PostLinkPlatform platform and continue with the AI Engine project.

  1. After the compilation is finished, double-click Cosim2_system / Cosim2_AIE / Emulation-AIE / Work / graph.aiecompile_summary. Vitis Analyzer is launched. Display the Graph and the Array:

    Graph and Array View

    On the left of the array view, you can see the effect of the constraint on the placement of the kernel interpolator. On the right, you can see the constraint implied by the platform itself.

    The kernel interpolator has been constrained to be placed in the tile (5,5). In the previous phase, you saw that all the connections with the PL occurred within column 24 and 25. In this phase, these connections’ locations have been turned into a constraint. This is why you see long routes to connect the predefined PLIOs with the new location of the interpolator kernel.

    The ultimate goal of this phase is the hardware emulation of the global system (AI Engine array, PL, PS). The Xilinx Runtime library (XRT) is a key component of the Vitis software platform that enables developers to deploy on Xilinx adaptable platforms, especially Versal ACAPs. The PS application in this tutorial is based on XRT.

  2. Start by creating an XRT domain. Double-click PostLinkPlatform / platform.spr. In the PostLinkPlatform project GUI, right-click PostLinkPlatform and select Add Domain. Enter the following parameters:

Option Value
Name xrt
OS linux
Bif File /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/boot/linux.bif
Boot Components Directory /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/boot
Linux Image Directory /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/xrt/image

New Domain XRT

  1. The XRT domain parameters are filled up automatically, but the Linux RootFS, sysroot directory, and all the QEMU parameters still need to be updated if they are not correctly specified:

Option Value
Linux Rootfs /Your_Local_Install/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.1/rootfs.ext4
Sysroot Directory /Your_Local_Install/petalinux/2022.1/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux
QEMU Data /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/qemu
QEMU Arguments /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/qemu/qemu_args.txt
PMC QEMU Arguments /Your_Local_Install/platforms/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/sw/xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1/qemu/pmc_args.txt

Finalizing XRT

  1. In Explorer view, right-click PostLinkPlatform and select Build project.

  2. Create a new application. Right-click CoSim2_system and select Add Application project…. Provide the application project name: Cosim2_PS. By default, it is associated to the processor psv_cortexa72_SMP, which contains the xrt domain. On the next screen, specify the kernel image.

Option Value
Kernel Image /Your_Local_Install/common/xilinx-versal-common-v2022.1/Image
  1. Select the Empty Application template to finish the application project creation. After this step, there is nothing required other than the standard operations to perform hardware emulation.

  2. Import the sources. Right-click CoSim2_PS and select Import Sources. Navigate to PostLinkrecompile / Files / PS. Check PS, remove the trailing /src in the “Into folder:” edit area, and click Finish.

  3. There is another file to import, which has been automatically generated by the AI Engine compiler: Cosim2_AIE/Emulation-AIE/Work/ps/c_rts/ It contains basic definitions related to the graph that are required during hardware emulation and hardware implementation. Copy it over to the directory Cosim2_PS/src.

  4. Right-click Cosim2_PS and select C/C++ Settings.

  5. In GCC Host Compiler(…), select Dialect. For the language standard, select ISO C++ly(-stdc++1y).

  6. In Includes, two paths need to be added:

  • ${workspace_loc:/Cosim2_AIE/src}

  • ${env_var:XILINX_VITIS}/aietools/include

  1. Finally, in the GCC Host Linker (…), select Libraries. In the library search path, add the following two paths:

  • ${env_var:XILINX_VITIS}/aietools/lib/aarch64.o

  • ${env_var:XILINX_VITIS}/aietools/lib/lnx64.o

  1. In Libraries, add the following two libraries:

  • adf_api_xrt

  • xrt_coreutil

  1. Click Apply and Close to finish the settings. Build the PS application CoSim2_PS.

  2. Open the Cosim2_system project file and fill in the packaging option: ../../../Phase1Wkspc/CoSim1_AIE_system_hw_link/Emulation-HW/cosim_container.xsa. Build the system project CoSim2_system.

  3. Run the hw_emu simulation. Right-click CoSim2_system and select Run As → Run Configurations. Double-click System Project Debug to create a new run configuration. Click the Edit… button beside the Program Arguments. The argument is the name of the XSA file: cosim_container.xsa. Uncheck the Automatically add binary container(s) to arguments option at the bottom of the window.

  4. Click Apply and Run, then click Start Emulator and Run. The simulation runs to the end, specifying at (Step 8) (~2 minutes) that the simulation has passed.

Hardware Implementation

  1. Replicate exactly the same flow for hardware implementation, changing the system target to Hardware to run the design on your VCK190 board. Select one of the following base platforms depending on your board:

  • xilinx_vck190_base_202210_1

  • xilinx_vck190_es1_base_202210_1

  1. When the two phases are completed, there will be a sd_card.img file in the Hardware directory. Use a standard SD card imager with this file to initialize an SD card.

  2. Place the SD card in the top SD card slot of your board.

  3. Open a serial terminal connected to the right COM port of your VCK190 and switch on your board.

  4. The system boots. When this is finished, change the directory before launching the PS application.

cd /run/media/mmcblk0p1
./CoSim2.exe cosim_container.xsa


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