Stream Free Running Host to Kernel(HLS C/C++)

This is a simple streaming free running kernel that demonstrates how to interact with the host. In this design we showcase multiple stream requests in parallel.

KEY CONCEPTS: Free Running Kernel


This example demonstrates how host and kernel can communicate through a stream interface. Rather than loading the data from host to global memory and then to consumer kernel increment we can use stream to transfer this data directly. It reduces the latency of the application and also reduces the memory utilization. This is a simple increment Kernel design in which streams of kernel are directly communicating with host using stream interfaces.

For free running kernel, user needs to specify ap_ctrl_none for return port. This will create the kernel without AXI lite interface. Kernel will always be in running states.

#pragma HLS interface ap_ctrl_none port=return

Following is the log reported while running the design on U200 platform:

Platform Name: Xilinx
INFO: Reading increment.xclbin
Loading: 'increment.xclbin'
Trying to program device[0]: xilinx_u200_qdma_201920_1
Device[0]: program successful!

 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[0]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[0]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[1]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[1]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[2]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[2]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[3]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[3]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[4]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[4]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[5]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[5]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[6]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[6]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[7]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[7]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[8]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[8]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[9]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[9]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[10]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[10]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[11]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[11]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[12]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[12]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[13]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[13]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[14]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[14]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[15]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[15]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[16]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[16]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[17]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[17]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[18]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[18]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[19]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[19]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[20]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[20]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[21]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[21]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[22]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[22]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[23]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[23]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[24]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[24]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[25]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[25]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[26]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[26]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[27]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[27]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[28]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[28]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[29]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[29]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[30]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[30]
 Writing Stream h2c_stream_a[31]
 Reading Stream c2h_stream[31]
 clPollStreams for (64) events (CU: 32, axis_in: 1, axis_out: 1)
[ Case: 1 ] -> Throughput = 2.38802 GB/s


Platforms containing following strings in their names are not supported for this example :



Application code is located in the src directory. Accelerator binary files will be compiled to the xclbin directory. The xclbin directory is required by the Makefile and its contents will be filled during compilation. A listing of all the files in this example is shown below



Once the environment has been configured, the application can be executed by

./streaming_free_running_h2k -x <increment XCLBIN>