L3 Python bindings

Vitis BLAS level 3 provides Python bindings that users could use Vitis BLAS libraries in Python.

1. Introduction

1.1 Set Python Environment

Please refer to Python environment setup guide.

1.2 Build shared library

L3 Python bindings use ctypes to wrap the L3 API functions in pure Python. In order to call these Python functions, users need to build the xfblas.so by Makefile in L3/src/sw/python_api locally.

2. Using the Vitis BLAS L3 Python API

2.1 General description

This section describes how to use the Vitis BLAS library API level Python bindings. To use the library, users need to source PYTHONPATH to the directory of xfblas_L3.py and import xfblas_L3 as xfblas at the beginning of the Python file.

2.1.1 Vitis BLAS initialization

To initialize the library, call the following two functions.

import xfblas_L3 as xfblas
args, xclbin_opts = xfblas.processCommandLine()

2.2 Vitis BLAS Helper Function Reference

2.3 Using Python APIs

Please refer to L3/src/sw/python_api/test_gemm.py for using Python APIs to test gemm. To run that case in hw, use the following steps - Build shared library - set PYTHONPATH - find the path to the xclbin and run the command

source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
cd L3/src/sw/python_api/
make api
export PYTHONPATH=./:../../../../L1/tests/sw/python/
python test_gemm.py  --xclbin PATH_TO_GEMM_XCLBIN/blas.xclbin --cfg PATH_TO_GEMM_XCLBIN/config_info.dat --lib ./lib/xfblas.so