Vitis Codec Library Tutorial

Vitis Codec and Hardware Acceleration

Image encoding and decoding (codec in short) are very common and important operations in Internet applications. The Vitis Codec library provides a set of acceleration APIs to accelerate image encoding, decoding and other related algorithms. This tutorial will be based on the popular JPEG decoding and WebP encoding to show how to accelerate image codec projects by using these APIs.

The tutorial includes four labs:

  • Lab-1: How Vitis Codec Library Works
  • Lab-2: Using L1-level API to evaluate JPEG decoding acceleration
  • Lab-3: Using L2-level API to implement a single-kernel acceleration for JPEG decoding
  • Lab-4: Using multi-kernel solution to accelerate WebP encoding based on open-source project

Lab-1: How Vitis Codec Library Works

Vitis Codec Library is an open-sourced library written in HLS C/C++ for the acceleration of image processing. It aims to provides reference designs for image codec algorithms that fit the Xilinx Alveo Series acceleration cards. The APIs in Vitis Codec Library have been classified into two layers, namely L1/L2. Each targets to serve different audience.

  • L1 APIs locate at Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1. They are basic components that will be used to compose compute-units. The L1 APIs are all well-optimized HLS designs and are able to fit into various resource constraints.
  • L2 APIs locate at Vitis_Libraries/codec/L2. They are a number of compute-unit designs running on Alveo cards. It provides a set of compute-unit designs implemented in HLS codes. These L2 APIs needs to be compiled as OpenCL kernels and will be called by OpenCL APIs.

Get the Vitis Codec Library

Get the Dependencies

Vitis, Instructions to install Vitis can be found here.
Alveo U50 packages, Instructions to deploy Alveo U50 can be found here.
Alveo U200 packages, Instructions to deploy Alveo U200 can be found here.

Setup Environment

source <Vitis_install_path>/Vitis/2022.1/
source <install_path_xrt>/xrt/
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=<install_path_platforms>
export DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1
export TARGET=sw_emu

Note: The TARGET environment variable can be set as sw_emu, hw_emu and hw according to which emulation mode is expected to run. sw_emu is for C level emulations. hw_emu is for RTL level emulations. hw is for real on-board test. For more information about the Vitis Target please have a look at here.

Download the Vitis Graph Library

git clone
cd Vitis_Libraries/codec

Command to Run L1 cases

cd L1/tests/jpegdec                    # jpegdec is an example case. Please change directory to any other cases in L1/test if interested
make help                              # show available make command
make run CSIM=1                        # run C level simulation of the HLS code
make run CSYNTH=1 COSIM=1              # run RTL level simulation of the HLS code
make cleanall

Test control variables are:

  • CSIM for C level simulation.
  • CSYNTH for high level synthesis to RTL.
  • COSIM for co-simulation between software test bench and generated RTL.
  • VIVADO_SYN for synthesis by Vivado.
  • VIVADO_IMPL for implementation by Vivado.

For all these variables, setting to 1 indicates execution while 0 for skipping. The default value of all these control variables are 0, so they can be omitted from command line if the corresponding step is not wanted.

For more information about L1 APIs please have Lab-2: Using L1-level API to evaluate JPEG decoding acceleration.

Command to Run L2 cases

cd L2/demos/jpegDec                    # jpegDec is an example case. Please change directory to any other cases in L2/demos if interested.
make help                              # show available make command
make host                              # build the binary running on host
make build                             # build the binary running on Alveo
make run                               # run the entire program
make cleanall

Here, TARGET decides the FPGA binary type

  • sw_emu is for software emulation
  • hw_emu is for hardware emulation
  • hw is for deployment on physical card. (Compilation to hardware binary often takes hours.)

Besides run, the Vitis case makefile also allows host and xclbin as build target.

For more information about L2 APIs please have a look at Lab-3: Using L2-level API to implement a single-kernel acceleration for JPEG decoding.

Lab-2: Using L1-level API to evaluate JPEG decoding acceleration

Lab purpose

Before using Vitis flow to build a full-function kernel running on hardware, users may want to use a relative simple flow to estimate performance and resource consumption for some key modules of a complex algorithm. In this lab, users will estimate a key module called ‘kernel_parser_decoder ‘ which involves JPEG parsing and Huffman decoding. Users will get an exported IP of the key module in the end of this lab, but this is just the first step to achieve a successful design.

Operation steps

(1) Learn about run_hls.tcl file

In Vitis libraries, all L1 flows are controlled by a tcl file named run_hls.tcl. The file for this lab can be found at L1/tests/jpegDec/run_ hls.tcl. Compared to L2 flow which is based on Opencl kernels, L1 flow allows users to quickly set the top-level functions so that they can focus more on a few functions of interests, analyze the performance bottlenecks of these functions, or run rapid synthesis and simulation without any source code modification.

(2) CSIM:

  1. Build and run one of the following using U200 platform
cd L1/tests/jpegdec

make run DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm CSIM=1

# DEVICE is case-insensitive and support awk regex.

# Alternatively, the FPGA part can be speficied via XPART. When XPART is set, DEVICE will be ignored.

make run XPART=xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e CSIM=1

# delete generated files
make clean
  1. Change input jpeg file for test
vi run_hls.tcl

# update the *.jpg path after the "-JPEGFile"
-JPEGFile *.jpg

Example csim output:

------------ Test for decode image.jpg  -------------
WARNING: Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/images/t0.jpg will be opened for binary read.
51193 entries read from Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/images/t0.jpg
hls_mcuv=33, hls_mcuh=39, hls_mcuc=1287,
huffman 1 bits codes is :0b0000000000000000
huffman 2 bits codes is :0b0000000000000000
huffman 3 bits codes is :0b0000000000000010
huffman 4 bits codes is :0b0000000000001110
huffman 5 bits codes is :0b0000000000011110
huffman 6 bits codes is :0b0000000000111110
huffman 7 bits codes is :0b0000000001111110
huffman 8 bits codes is :0b0000000011111110
huffman 9 bits codes is :0b0000000111111110
huffman 10 bits codes is :0b0000001111111110
huffman 11 bits codes is :0b0000011111111100
huffman 12 bits codes is :0b0000111111111000
huffman 13 bits codes is :0b0001111111110000
huffman 14 bits codes is :0b0011111111100000
huffman 15 bits codes is :0b0111111111000000
huffman 16 bits codes is :0b1111111110000000

the end 3 blocks before zigzag are :
ffffffb6,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
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Ready for next image!
INFO: [SIM 211-1] CSim done with 0 errors.

In order to facilitate user observation, the key module prints out the last three 8x8 DCT coefficients of the last MCU, including a Y, U and V.

(3) Synthesis:

  1. Build and run one of the following using U200 platform
make run DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm CSYNTH=1

# DEVICE is case-insensitive and support awk regex.

# Alternatively, the FPGA part can be speficied via XPART. When XPART is set, DEVICE will be ignored.

make run XPART=xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e CSYNTH=1
  1. Quick reset the top-level functions so that they can focus more on a few functions of interest
vi run_hls.tcl

# update the "set_top kernel_parser_decoder", for example "set_top Huffman_decoder", the name of top is the function name in the design codes.
set_top kernel_parser_decoder --> set_top Huffman_decoder

Then rerun the command of CSYNTH, will allow user to analyze the performance bottlenecks of “Huffman_decoder” function, or run rapid synthesis and simulation without any source code modification.

Example Synthesis output:

Vitis HLS - High-Level Synthesis from C, C++ and OpenCL v2022.1 (64-bit)

INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: set_top kernel_parser_decoder
INFO: [HLS 200-1510] Running: open_solution -reset solution1

INFO: [VHDL 208-304] Generating VHDL RTL for kernel_parser_decoder.
INFO: [VLOG 209-307] Generating Verilog RTL for kernel_parser_decoder.
INFO: [HLS 200-790] **** Loop Constraint Status: All loop constraints were NOT satisfied.
INFO: [HLS 200-789] **** Estimated Fmax: 271.96 MHz
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Command csynth_design CPU user time: 65.56 seconds. CPU system time: 4.61 seconds. Elapsed time: 73.87 seconds; current allocated memory: 448.0
00 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-112] Total CPU user time: 71.64 seconds. Total CPU system time: 6.21 seconds. Total elapsed time: 80.36 seconds; peak allocated memory: 1.195 GB.

Loop constraints may not be satisfied, as the goal of loop is set to 300MHz in the run_hls.tcl, and different hls tool version may result in different “Estimated Fmax”.

  1. Check the unsatisfied path

Read the report of CSYNTH, grep “critical path” like below:

INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-42] -- Implementing module 'Huffman_decoder_Pipeline_DECODE_LOOP'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'DECODE_LOOP'.
INFO: [HLS 200-1470] Pipelining result : Target II = 1, Final II = 1, Depth = 4, loop 'DECODE_LOOP'
WARNING: [HLS 200-1016] The critical path in module 'Huffman_decoder_Pipeline_DECODE_LOOP' consists of the following:   'add' operation
('add_ln503', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:503) [582]  (0.705 ns)
   'shl' operation ('shl_ln503', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:503) [584]  (0 ns)
   'icmp' operation ('icmp_ln503', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:503) [585]  (0.859 ns)
   'and' operation ('and_ln503', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:503) [591]  (0 ns)
   'select' operation ('select_ln503', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:503) [592]  (0 ns)
   'select' operation ('block_tmp', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:498) [593]  (0.243 ns)
   'add' operation ('block', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) [599]  (0.785 ns)
   multiplexor before 'phi' operation ('block') with incoming values : ('lastDC_load', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('block',
   Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) [628]  (0.387 ns)
   'phi' operation ('block') with incoming values : ('lastDC_load', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('block',
   Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) [628]  (0 ns)
   multiplexor before 'phi' operation ('empty_304', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) with incoming values : ('lastDC_load',
   Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('block', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('lastDC_load_1') [632]
   (0.387 ns)
   'phi' operation ('empty_304', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) with incoming values : ('lastDC_load', Vitis_Libraries/codec/
   L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('block', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:516) ('lastDC_load_1') [632]  (0 ns)
   'select' operation ('select_ln549_2', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:549) [641]  (0.243 ns)
   'store' operation ('lastDC_write_ln592', Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:592) of variable 'select_ln549_2',
   Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/src/XAcc_jpegdecoder.cpp:549 on local variable 'op' [651]  (0.453 ns)

Then check the report for this loop: use command “vi test.prj/solution1/syn/report/Huffman_decoder_Pipeline_DECODE_LOOP_csynth.rpt ” in the meanwhile open the GUI.

In the Schedule Viewer in GUI, users could check the details of the circuit:


Comparing the two above, it can be seen that the timing is not satisfied because the number of bits of the shift register and comparator is large. There is no better optimization method for this situation. Users can reduce the bit width of this circuit according to their needs to improve the timing. Of course, this change may also lead to a reduction in bandwidth, so there needs a trade-off between the width and frequency to achieve the best performance.

(4) COSIM:

  1. Build and run one of the following with U200 platform
make run DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm COSIM=1

# DEVICE is case-insensitive and support awk regex.

# Alternatively, the FPGA part can be speficied via XPART. When XPART is set, DEVICE will be ignored.

make run XPART=xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e COSIM=1

Example output:


# xsim {kernel_parser_decoder} -autoloadwcfg -tclbatch {kernel_parser_decoder.tcl}
Time resolution is 1 ps
source kernel_parser_decoder.tcl
## run all
// Inter-Transaction Progress: Completed Transaction / Total Transaction
// Intra-Transaction Progress: Measured Latency / Latency Estimation * 100%
// RTL Simulation : "Inter-Transaction Progress" ["Intra-Transaction Progress"] @ "Simulation Time"
// RTL Simulation : 0 / 1 [n/a] @ "109000"
// RTL Simulation : 1 / 1 [n/a] @ "543586000"
$finish called at time : 543586000 ps : File "Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/tests/jpegdec/test.prj/solution1/sim/verilog/kernel_parser_decoder.autotb.v" Line
run: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:01:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 2840.148 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 28775 ; free virtual = 213419
## quit
INFO: xsimkernel Simulation Memory Usage: 307116 KB (Peak: 371652 KB), Simulation CPU Usage: 77750 ms
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting xsim at Sun Apr 17 20:36:36 2022...
INFO: [COSIM 212-316] Starting C post checking ...

------------ Test for decode image.jpg  -------------
WARNING: Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/images/t0.jpg will be opened for binary read.
51193 entries read from Vitis_Libraries/codec/L1/images/t0.jpg
****the end 3 blocks before zigzag are :
ffffffb6,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
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0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
ffffffe6,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
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0015,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
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0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,  0000,
Ready for next image!
INFO: [COSIM 212-1000] *** C/RTL co-simulation finished: PASS ***

(5) Design with export

In this step, the HLS tool will run CSYNTH, VIVADO_SYN and VIVADO_IMPL flow to generate the IP file.

  1. Build and run one of the following using U200 platform
make run DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm VIVADO_IMPL=1

# DEVICE is case-insensitive and support awk regex.

# Alternatively, the FPGA part can be speficied via XPART. When XPART is set, DEVICE will be ignored.

make run XPART=xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e VIVADO_IMPL=1

Example output:

Implementation tool: Xilinx Vivado v.2022.1


#=== Post-Implementation Resource usage ===
SLICE:            0
LUT:           7945
FF:            8073
DSP:             12
BRAM:             5
URAM:             0
LATCH:            0
SRL:            678
CLB:           1746

#=== Final timing ===
CP required:                     3.330
CP achieved post-synthesis:      3.605
CP achieved post-implementation: 3.347
Timing not met

The report shows ‘timing not met’, that means the Vivado implementation process cannot achieve the targeted frequency (300MHz set in the run_hls.tcl). As this module always plays a role of bottleneck in entire JPGE decoding architecture, the final JPEG decoder should be likely to work at 270 to 280 MHz. That is a common situation for complex HLS designs. This tutorial will not discuss solutions for timing problem but for most of cases we still have a chance to improve the frequency.

Based on the above results, we can make some estimates about the throughputs, including:

  • The design can process a Huffman symbol up to 270 million per second
  • Assuming that if the compression ratio is 4 ~ 8 for a JPEG image, the final output speed will be up to 1 ~ 2GB of YUV data per second
  • If the inverse quantization and inverse DCT transform modules need matching throughput of Huffman, it is best to recovery 4 ~ 8 pixels in a cycle

Compared with synthesis, using Export can obtain more accurate performance and resource consumption. Users usually needn’t to do Export for each design iteration, but it is recommended to periodically perform Export to confirm whether the performance and area of the design can meet the requirement.

Lab summary

  • L1 is based on HLS flow. The main steps include CSIM, synthesis, COSIM and export which are controlled by a run_hls.tcl file
  • L1 flow is helpful to estimate resources and performance
  • L1 flow makes it easier to change the top-level function

Lab-3: Using L2-level API to implement a single-kernel acceleration for JPEG decoding

Lab purpose

To learn:

  • Basic process of L2 operation
  • Implement complete accelerated application

Operation steps

(1) Understand the Work Directory

  • Makefile: L2 flow control file
  • conn_u200.cfg: to specify the external memory ports map. Some constraints of Vivado can also be added here
  • description.json: The description of the L2 API used for creating the Makefile automatically
  • included by the Makefile

Setup environment

source <intstall_path_vitis>/installs/lin64/Vitis/2022.1/
source <intstall_path_xrt>/xrt/
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=<intstall_path_platform>/platforms

(2) Build kernel for different modes

cd L2/demos/jpegDec

# build and run one of the following using U200 platform
make run TARGET=sw_emu DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm

# delete generated files
make cleanall

Here, TARGET decides the FPGA binary type

  • sw_emu is for software emulation
  • hw_emu is for hardware emulation
  • hw is for deployment on physical card. (Compilation to hardware binary often takes hours.)

Besides run, the Vitis case makefile also allows host and xclbin as build target.

(3) Run kernel in Software-Emulation mode

# build and run JPEG Decoder using U200 platform
make run TARGET=sw_emu DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm

Example output:


Info: Test passed
INFO: writing the YUV file!
WARNING: t0.raw will be opened for binary write.
WARNING: t0.yuv will be opened for binary write.
INFO: fmt 1, bas_info->mcu_cmp = 6
INFO: bas_info->hls_mbs[cmp] 4, 1, 1
3F, 3F, 3F, 3F, 3F, 3F, 3F, 3F,
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40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40,
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Please open the YUV file with fmt 1 and (width, height) = (624, 528)


(4) Run kernel in Hardware-Emulation mode

# build and run JPEG Decoder using U200 platform
make run TARGET=hw_emu DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm

Now the test bench will run the case 10 times to calculate an average speed of the kernel

Example output


------------ Test for decode image.jpg  -------------
WARNING: Vitis_Libraries/codec/L2/demos/jpegDec/images/t0.jpg will be opened for binary read.
51193 entries read from Vitis_Libraries/codec/L2/demos/jpegDec/images/t0.jpg
Found Platform
Platform Name: Xilinx
Info: Context created
Info: Command queue created
INFO: Found Device=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3
INFO: Importing build_dir.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/kernelJpegDecoder.xclbin
Loading: 'build_dir.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/kernelJpegDecoder.xclbin'
Loading: 'build_dir.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/kernelJpegDecoder.xclbin'
INFO: [HW-EMU 01] Hardware emulation runs simulation underneath. Using a large data set will result in long simulation times. It is recommended that a small dataset is
used for faster execution. The flow uses approximate models for Global memories and interconnect and hence the performance data generated is approximate.
configuring penguin scheduler mode
scheduler config ert(0), dataflow(1), slots(16), cudma(1), cuisr(0), cdma(0), cus(1)
Info: Program created
INFO: Kernel has been created
Info: Kernel created
INFO: Kernel has been created
INFO: Finish kernel setup
INFO: Finish kernel execution
INFO: Finish E2E execution
INFO: Data transfer from host to device: 360540 us
INFO: Data transfer from device to host: 296951 us
INFO: kernel 0: execution time 135012750 usec
INFO: kernel 1: execution time 131009663 usec
INFO: kernel 2: execution time 134012825 usec
INFO: kernel 3: execution time 133013391 usec
INFO: kernel 4: execution time 132012707 usec
INFO: kernel 5: execution time 133013044 usec
INFO: kernel 6: execution time 130013132 usec
INFO: kernel 7: execution time 130012762 usec
INFO: kernel 8: execution time 130012930 usec
INFO: kernel 9: execution time 135013237 usec
INFO: Average kernel execution per run: 132312644 us
INFO: Average E2E per run: 1355900288 us


Please open the YUV file with fmt 1 and (width, height) = (624, 528)
WARNING: Vitis_Libraries/codec/L2/demos/jpegDec/images/t0.yuv.h will be opened for binary write.
Ready for next image!
INFO: [HW-EMU 06-0] Waiting for the simulator process to exit
INFO: [HW-EMU 06-1] All the simulator processes exited successfully

(5) Run kernel in Hardware

Now the test bench will run the case 10 times to calculate an average speed of the kernel

# build and run JPEG Decoder using U200 platform
make run TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1.xpfm

Building xclbin will take about 4 hours, take a coffee break.

Example output:

Found Platform
Platform Name: Xilinx
INFO: Found Device=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1
INFO: Importing kernelJpegDecoder.xclbin
Loading: 'kernelJpegDecoder.xclbin'
INFO: Kernel has been created
INFO: Finish kernel setup

INFO: Finish kernel execution
INFO: Finish E2E execution
INFO: Data transfer from host to device: 108 us
INFO: Data transfer from device to host: 726 us
INFO: Average kernel execution per run: 1515 us

INFO: android.yuv will be generated from the jpeg decoder's output
INFO: android.yuv is generated correctly

So for this 1280x960 android.jpg file the output throughput is about 1216MB/s ( (1280x960x3)/2/1515 ).

To check the output yuv file, download . Then upload the rebuild_image.yuv, set the right sample radio and custom size on the software, and check the yuv file.

Lab summary

  • L2 flow is based on Vitis flow, and the main steps include sw_emu, hw_emu, and hw
  • Run hardware acceleration application on a device

Lab-4: Using multi-kernel solution to accelerate WebP encoding based on open-source project

Lab purpose

The user’s image codec may be based on an open source project. This lab will show an accelerated process based on an open source project, the Webp encoder. Webp image coding is not only more complex, but also involves HW/SW partition and the design of multiple kernels. To learn:

  • L2 accelerated process for open source projects
  • Multi kernel acceleration process

Operation steps

(1) Open source project analysis and kernel partition

Here are two basic kernel partition principles:

    1. Focus on the operation which computing workload related to image size. And try to abstract some one-time or limit-time operations in pre-processing or post-processing which can be excluded from kernel. Although the computation of image encoding is large, some preprocessing and post-processing workload have no relation with the image size, so they can be excluded outside from kernel. This situation is common for many image codec algorithms. For example, encoding always needs to calculate some quantization parameters by using some complex floating operations but only for limit time for an image. Another example is the adding head for compressed bit-stream.
    1. Serial running modules with large latency related to image size should be divided into different kernels to realize multi kernel concurrency

Webp can be divided into two serial modules, one is for prediction and probability statistics, and the other is for arithmetic coding. Since the arithmetic coding can’t start until the probability statistics module finish scanning the entire image, it should be divided into two kernels. In this way, when processing multiple images, the two kernels can be concurrent, which increases the system throughput.

(2) Project files for multi-kernel design

  • Makefile
  • conn_u200.ini
  • description.json

(3) Software Emulation

cd L2/demos/webpEnc
make run TARGET=sw_emu DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1

(4) Hardware Emulation

cd L2/demos/webpEnc
make run TARGET=hw_emu DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1

report path: reports/_x.hw_emu.xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1/webp_IntraPredLoop2_NoOut_1/hls_reports/webp_IntraPredLoop2_NoOut_1_csynth.rpt

|         Name        | BRAM_18K|  DSP |    FF   |   LUT   | URAM|
|DSP                  |        -|     -|        -|        -|    -|
|Expression           |        -|     -|        0|        2|    -|
|FIFO                 |        -|     -|        -|        -|    -|
|Instance             |      105|   387|   119670|   178708|    8|
|Memory               |        -|     -|        -|        -|    -|
|Multiplexer          |        -|     -|        -|      101|    -|
|Register             |        -|     -|      392|        -|    -|
|Total                |      105|   387|   120062|   178811|    8|
|Available SLR        |     1440|  2280|   788160|   394080|  320|
|Utilization SLR (%)  |        7|    16|       15|       45|    2|
|Available            |     4320|  6840|  2364480|  1182240|  960|
|Utilization (%)      |        2|     5|        5|       15|   ~0|

report path: reports/_x.hw.xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1/webp_2_ArithmeticCoding_1/hls_reports/webp_2_ArithmeticCoding_1_csynth.rpt

|         Name        | BRAM_18K|  DSP |    FF   |   LUT   | URAM|
|DSP                  |        -|     -|        -|        -|    -|
|Expression           |        -|     -|        0|     1127|    -|
|FIFO                 |        -|     -|        -|        -|    -|
|Instance             |       24|     3|    26227|    33840|    0|
|Memory               |        1|     -|        0|        0|    0|
|Multiplexer          |        -|     -|        -|     1610|    -|
|Register             |        -|     -|     1415|        -|    -|
|Total                |       25|     3|    27642|    36577|    0|
|Available SLR        |     1440|  2280|   788160|   394080|  320|
|Utilization SLR (%)  |        1|    ~0|        3|        9|    0|
|Available            |     4320|  6840|  2364480|  1182240|  960|
|Utilization (%)      |       ~0|    ~0|        1|        3|    0|

(5) Hardware Build and Check Resource Consumption

cd L2/demos/webpEnc
make run TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1

report path: _x_temp.hw.xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_2_202110_1/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/kernel_util_routed.rpt

| Name                             | LUT              | LUTAsMem         | REG               | BRAM           | URAM          | DSP            |
| Platform                         | 192064 [ 16.25%] |  17282 [  2.92%] |  268446 [ 11.35%] |  314 [ 14.54%] |  20 [  2.08%] |   10 [  0.15%] |
| User Budget                      | 990176 [100.00%] | 574558 [100.00%] | 2096034 [100.00%] | 1846 [100.00%] | 940 [100.00%] | 6830 [100.00%] |
|    Used Resources                |  69389 [  7.01%] |   7136 [  1.24%] |   91572 [  4.37%] |   87 [  4.71%] |  10 [  1.06%] |  414 [  6.06%] |
|    Unused Resources              | 920787 [ 92.99%] | 567422 [ 98.76%] | 2004462 [ 95.63%] | 1759 [ 95.29%] | 930 [ 98.94%] | 6416 [ 93.94%] |
| webp_2_ArithmeticCoding_1        |  16065 [  1.62%] |   2520 [  0.44%] |   22841 [  1.09%] |   15 [  0.81%] |   0 [  0.00%] |    4 [  0.06%] |
|    webp_2_ArithmeticCoding_1_1   |  16065 [  1.62%] |   2520 [  0.44%] |   22841 [  1.09%] |   15 [  0.81%] |   0 [  0.00%] |    4 [  0.06%] |
| webp_IntraPredLoop2_NoOut_1      |  53324 [  5.39%] |   4616 [  0.80%] |   68731 [  3.28%] |   72 [  3.90%] |  10 [  1.06%] |  410 [  6.00%] |
|    webp_IntraPredLoop2_NoOut_1_1 |  53324 [  5.39%] |   4616 [  0.80%] |   68731 [  3.28%] |   72 [  3.90%] |  10 [  1.06%] |  410 [  6.00%] |

(6) Hardware Running

Webp Input Arguments:

Usage: cwebp -[-use_ocl -q -o]
      -xclbin :     the kernel file
      list.rst:     the input list
      -use_ocl:     should be kept
      -q:           compression quality
      -o:           output directory

Compared to original command-line parameter, there are three differences here. The first is ‘-xclbin’ for specifying the kernel files. The second is a change for input image file which is replaced by a file list file in which more than one input images are listed line by line. The third, the ‘-use_ocl’ is used for enable vitis flow.

The following figure shows the host information when run on board. The time listed in the figure is not accurate.

./cwebp -xclbin kernel.xclbin list.rst -use_ocl -q 80 -o ./images
INFO: CreateKernel start.
INFO: Number of Platforms: 1
INFO: Selected Platform: Xilinx
INFO: Number of devices for platform 0: 2
INFO: target_device found:   xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_2
INFO: target_device chosen:  xilinx_u200_gen3x16_xdma_base_2
Info: Context created
Info: Command queue created
INFO: OpenCL Version: 1.-48
INFO: Loading kernel.xclbin
INFO: Loading kernel.xclbin Finished
Info: Program created
Info: Kernel created
Info: Kernel created
INFO: CreateKernel finished. Computation time is 328.504000 (ms)

INFO: Create buffers started.
INFO: Create buffers finished. Computation time is 48.225000 (ms)

INFO: WebPEncodeAsync Starts...
INFO: Nloop = 1
INFO: VP8EncTokenLoopAsync starts ...

*** Picture: 1 - 1,  Buffer: 0, Instance: 0, Event: 0 ***
HtoD webpen.c
INFO: Host2Device finished. Computation time is 0.874000 (ms)
INFO: PredKernel Finished. Computation time is 0.258000 (ms)
INFO: ACKernel Finished. Computation time is 0.155000 (ms)
INFO: Device2Host finished. Computation time is 0.118000 (ms)

INFO: Loop of Pictures Finished. Computation time is 17.825000 (ms)
INFO: VP8EncTokenLoopAsync Finished. Computation time is 24.683000 (ms)
INFO: WebPEncodeAsync Finished. Computation time is 31.885000 (ms)

INFO: Release Kernel.
Info: Test passed

To get the accurate kernel execution time, please add a file “xrt.ini”, and fill this file with following directives.

#Start of Debug group

#Start of Runtime group
runtime_log = console
Kernel Execution
Kernel,Number Of Enqueues,Total Time (ms),Minimum Time (ms),Average Time (ms),Maximum Time (ms),

For more information about how to analyze performance, please refer to Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Lab summary

  • Focus on the operation which computing workload related to image size
  • Serial processed modules may be divided into multiple kernels to realize multi-kernel concurrency

Tutorial Summary

JPEG decoder and webp encoder are very representative in image transcoding applications. Codec Library has also launched many other open source and self-developed APIs some of them can support the developing flow based on System Compiler from 22.1. The tutorial will be developed to cover more codecs and their combinations, more flows and more classic applications.