namespace internal

// namespaces

namespace xf::data_analytics::clustering::internal::kmeansScan


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
void storeCenters2Array (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8>> centerStrm [DV],
    hls::stream <bool>& eCenterStrm,
    const int dims,
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> centers [KU][uramDepth]

storeCenters2Array is used for storing centers to local memory.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions, dims<=Dim
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,kcluster<=Kcluster
uramDepth the depth of uram
KU unroll factor of Kcluster
DV unroll factor of Dim
centerStrm input centers streams
ecenterStrm the end flag of centerStrm
dims the number of dimensions
centers local memory for storing centers


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
void scanAndStoreCenters (
    ap_uint <512>* data,
    const ap_uint <32> offset,
    const int dims,
    const int kcluster,
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> centers [KU][uramDepth]

scanAndStoreCenters is used for scanning initial centers from DDR and storing to local memory.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions, dims<=Dim
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,kcluster<=Kcluster
uramDepth the depth of uram
KU unroll factor of Kcluster
DV unroll factor of Dim
data initial centers on DDR
offset the start position of initial centers in data
dims the number of dimensions
kcluster the number of clusters
centers local memory for storing centers


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
void writeCenters (
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> centersArray [KU][uramDepth],
    const int dims,
    const int kcluster,
    const int it,
    ap_uint <512>* kcenters

writeCenters writes best centers to DDR.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions, dims<=Dim
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,kcluster<=Kcluster
uramDepth the depth of uram
KU unroll factor of Kcluster
DV unroll factor of Dim
centersArray best centers
dims the number of dimensions
kcluster the number of clusters
it iterations
kcenters centers in DDR


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
void updateC0 (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8>> sampleStrm [DV],
    hls::stream <bool>& endSampleStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& tagStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& etagStrm,
    const int dims,
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> betterCenters [KU][uramDepth]

updateC0 is used for updating centers


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions, dims<=Dim
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,kcluster<=Kcluster
uramDepth the depth of uram
KU unroll factor of Kcluster
DV unroll factor of Dim
sampleStrm input sample streams
endSampleStrm the end flag of input sample streams
tagStrm input tag streams,each tag is the id which each sample belongs to cluster.
etagStrm the end flag of tag streams
dims the number of dimensions.
betterCenters updated centers.


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    int sz,
    int sn,
    int Dim,
    int DV
void convertPort (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <sz>> sampleStrm [sn],
    hls::stream <bool>& endSampleStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <sz>> s1Strm [DV],
    hls::stream <bool>& es1Strm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <sz>> s2Strm [DV],
    hls::stream <bool>& es2Strm

convertPort converts sn streams to DV streams, in which the s1 and s2 are same.


sz the width input/output stream
sn the number of input streams
Dim the number of dimensions
DV the number of output streams
sampleStrm input streams.
endSampleStrm the end flag of input streams
s1Strm duplicate stream.
es1Strm the end flag of s1Strm.
s2Strm duplicate stream.
es2Strm the end flag of s1Strm.


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
bool isConverged (
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> centers [KU][uramDepth],
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> betterCenters [KU][uramDepth],
    const int dims,
    const int kcluster,
    const DT eps

isConverged is used for checking whether new centers is close to previous centers and copy betterCenters to centers with clearing betterCenters in order to reduce resource.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions,dynamic number of dimension should be not greater than the maximum.
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,dynamic number of cluster should be not greater than the maximum.

the depth of uram where centers are stored. uramDepth should be not less than ceiling(Kcluster/KU)

  • ceiling(Dim/DV)
KU unroll factor of Kcluster, KU centers are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample. After Kcluster/KU+1 times at most, ouput the minimum distance of a sample and Kcluster centers.
DV unroll factor of Dim, DV elements in a center are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample.
centers previous centers.
betterCenters new centers
dims the number of dimensions.
kcluster the number of clusters.
eps distance thredhold.


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int uramDepth,
    int KU,
    int DV
void kMeansTrainIter (
    ap_uint <512>* data,
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> centers [KU][uramDepth],
    const int nsample,
    const int dims,
    const int kcluster,
    const int offset,
    ap_uint <sizeof (DT)*8*DV> betterCenters [KU][uramDepth]

kMeansTrainIter is used for one iteration of training: scan samples + predict + update centers.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions,dynamic number of dimension should be not greater than the maximum.
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,dynamic number of cluster should be not greater than the maximum.

the depth of uram where centers are stored. uramDepth should be not less than ceiling(Kcluster/KU)

  • ceiling(Dim/DV)
KU unroll factor of Kcluster, KU centers are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample. After Kcluster/KU+1 times at most, ouput the minimum distance of a sample and Kcluster centers.
DV unroll factor of Dim, DV elements in a center are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample.
centers input centers used for calculating distance.
nsample the number of input samples.
dims the number of dimensions.
kcluster the number of clusters.
offset the start position of samples in data, offset = 1 + ceiling(kcluster*dims*8*sizeof(DT)/512).
betterCenters updated centers as better centers


#include "xf_DataAnalytics/clustering/kmeansTrain.hpp"
template <
    typename DT,
    int Dim,
    int Kcluster,
    int KU,
    int DV
void kMeansTrainImp (
    ap_uint <512>* data,
    ap_uint <512>* kcenters

kMeansTrainImp is used for implementation k means training. It parsers all dynamic configures from compressed input data at first, then stores the initial centers to local memory. When iterations is up to maximum number or new centers are very close to previous centers, the last centers as best centers are ouput.


DT data type, supporting float and double
Dim the maximum number of dimensions,dynamic number of dimension should be not greater than the maximum.
Kcluster the maximum number of cluster,dynamic number of cluster should be not greater than the maximum.
KU unroll factor of Kcluster, KU centers are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample. After Kcluster/KU+1 times at most, ouput the minimum distance of a sample and Kcluster centers.
DV unroll factor of Dim, DV elements in a center are took part in calculating distances concurrently with one sample.
data input data from host
kcenters the output best centers