Regular Expression Acceleration

Getting Started

In order to prepare the framework for use, it is first necessary to build it. As mentioned in L1 regex-VM, we re-used VM instructions and compiler from popular Oniguruma library, which is the foundation of current Ruby regex implementation.

To fit the instructions into FPGA and achieve reasonable performance, we cannot simply move the original Oniguruma-like OPs into our implementation without optimizing it. Thus, the post-compiled OPs for FPGA is quite different from the one in Oniguruma. A software compiler which is responsible for tranforming the post-compiled OPs to our desired instructions is provided in L1/src/sw.

Builds the (the software compiler) simply by:

cd xf_DataAnalytics/L3/tests/re_test/re_compile

After the build is complete, should be available in L3/tests/re_test/re_compile/lib/lib.

Example Usage

At first, you have to set up the global parameters to specify the hardware and software scale you want to build. Take those parameters in L3/tests/re_test/kernel/general_config.hpp as an example.


The hardware related parameters will be used to generate the hardware reEngineKernel.

The software ones will be used to generate the L3 RegexEngine objects.

Secondly, you definitely want to compile the regex pattern to see if it is a valid one and supprted by our regex-VM hardware before triggering the regex matching process.

// define your RE pattern
std::string pattern = "your-regular-expression-pattern";
// instantiate RegexEngine object
xf::data_analytics::text::re::RegexEngine reInst(path_to_xclbin, 0, // device config
        instr_depth, cclass_nm, cpgp_nm, // re limits
        msg_sz, slice_sz, slice_nm); // processing needs
// corresponding error code
xf::data_analytics::text::re::ErrCode err_code;
// compile RE pattern
err_code = reInst.compile(pattern);
// error occurs
if (err_code != 0) {
    return -1;

Then, you should allocate memory for each buffer. The utilities are provided in L3/include/sw/xf_data_analytics/text

// enumerations
enum {
    // Max number of messages in a section
    MAX_MSG_DEPTH = 250000000,
    // Max length of message in byte
    // XXX: actual max supported message length is defined in general configuration (general_config.hpp)
    // This one is used to split the input into several processing sections
    MAX_MSG_LEN = 65536,
    // Max number of lines in a single section
    MAX_LNM = 6000000,
    // 20 for 19 capturing groups at most

// utility for allocating the buffers
x_utils::MM mm;
// message buffer
uint64_t* msg_buff = mm.aligned_alloc<uint64_t>(MAX_MSG_DEPTH);
// offset address buffer
uint32_t* offt_buff = mm.aligned_alloc<uint32_t>(MAX_LNM);
// length of each message buffer
uint16_t* len_buff = mm.aligned_alloc<uint16_t>(MAX_LNM);
// output buffer
uint32_t* out_buff = mm.aligned_alloc<uint32_t>(MAX_OUT_DEPTH);

Feeds each buffer according to the format provided in L3/tests/re_test/host/main.cpp, and call the mathcing process by:

// make sure the number of length (lnm) is greater than 0
err_code = reInst.match(lnm, msg_buff, offt_buff, len_buff, out_buff);

After the matching process complete, you’ll get the corresponding results in out_buff with the format:

Result Buffer Format

Finally, do what you want with the results, like asserting whether a line of log is matched or extracting the captured sub-strings with the begin/end offsets provided in each capturing group.