namespace text

// namespaces

namespace xf::data_analytics::text::enums
namespace xf::data_analytics::text::internal


#include "xf_data_analytics/text/regexVM.hpp"
template <int STACK_SIZE>
void regexVM (
    ap_uint <32>* bitSetBuff,
    ap_uint <64>* instrBuff,
    ap_uint <32>* msgBuff,
    unsigned int lenMsg,
    ap_uint <2>& match,
    ap_uint <16>* offsetBuff

Implementation for regular expression VM (1 instruction per iteration).


STACK_SIZE Size of internal stack.
bitSetBuff Bit set map for character class.
instrBuff Instruction buffer.
msgBuff Message buffer as input string.
lenMsg Length of input string.
match Flag to indicate whether the input string is matched or not, 0 for mismatch, 1 for match, 2 for stack overflow.
offsetBuff Offset address for each capturing group.


#include "xf_data_analytics/text/regexVM.hpp"
template <int STACK_SIZE>
void regexVM_opt (
    ap_uint <32>* bitSetBuff,
    ap_uint <64>* instrBuff,
    ap_uint <32>* msgBuff,
    unsigned int lenMsg,
    ap_uint <2>& match,
    ap_uint <16>* offsetBuff

Implementation for regular expression VM (2 instructions per iteration).


STACK_SIZE Size of internal stack.
bitSetBuff Bit set map for cclass.
instrBuff Instruction buffer.
msgBuff Message buffer as input string.
lenMsg Length of input string.
match Flag to indicate whether the input string is matched or not, 0 for mismatch, 1 for match, 2 for stack overflow.
offsetBuff Offset address for each capturing group.