LZ4 Application

LZ4 data compression application falls under Limpel Ziev based byte compression scheme. It is widely known for achieving decompression throughput >GB/s on high end single core high end CPU.

This demo presents usage of FPGA accelerated LZ4 compression & decompression which achieves throughput >GB/s and this application is scalable.

Executable Usage

This application is present in L3/demos/lz4_app directory. Follow build instructions to generate executable and binary.

The binary host file generated is named as “xil_lz4” and it is present in ./build directory.

  1. To execute single file for compression : ./build/xil_lz4 -cx <compress xclbin> -c <file_name>

  2. To execute single file for decompression : ./build/xil_lz4 -dx <decompress xclbin> -d <file_name.lz4>

  3. To validate various files together : ./build/xil_lz4 -cx <compress xclbin> -dx <decompress xclbin> -l <files.list>

    • <files.list>: Contains various file names with current path

The usage of the generated executable is as follows:

Usage: application.exe -[-h-c-l-d-B-x]
     --help,             -h      Print Help Options   Default: [false]
     --compress_xclbin   -cx     Compress binary
     --compress,         -c      Compress
     --file_list,        -l      List of Input Files
     --decompress_xclbin -dx     Decompress binary
     --decompress,       -d      Decompress
     --block_size,       -B      Compress Block Size [0-64: 1-256: 2-1024: 3-4096] Default: [0]
     --flow,             -x      Validation [0-All: 1-XcXd: 2-XcSd: 3-ScXd] Default: [1]

LZ4 Compress

Code Snippet below explains the general usage of LZ4 compress library.

// Input: Raw File
// Output: Compress File (.lz4)

#include "lz4.hpp"
using namespace xf::compression;

// Create LZ4 class object
// a. Initiate OpenCL device setup
// b. Load XCLBIN file to FPGA
// c. Allocate host and device buffers
xfLz4 xlz;

// This variable sets the flows
// LZ4 Compress or Decompress
// 1 -> Compress
xlz.m_BinFlow = 1;

// XCLBIN file
// OpenCL setup

// Set the block size
xlz.m_BlockSizeInKb = block_size

// 0 means Xilinx Flow
xlz.m_SwitchFlow = 0;

// File I/O operations
// Internally invokes FPGA Accelerated LZ4 Compress
// xf::compression::compress()
uint64_t enc_bytes = xlz.compressFile(inFile, outFile, input_size, file_list_flag);

// Release OpenCL objects
// Release device buffers

LZ4 Decompress

Code Snippet below explains the general usage of LZ4 compress library.

// Input: Compressed File (.lz4)
// Output: Raw File

#include "lz4.hpp"
using namespace xf::compression;

// Create LZ4 class object
// a. Initiate OpenCL device setup
// b. Load XCLBIN file to FPGA
// c. Allocate host and device buffers
xfLz4 xlz;

// This variable sets the flows
// LZ4 Compress or Decompress
// 1 -> Compress
xlz.m_BinFlow = 1;

// XCLBIN file
// OpenCL setup

// Set the block size
xlz.m_BlockSizeInKb = block_size

// 0 means Xilinx Flow
xlz.m_SwitchFlow = 0;

// File I/O operations
// Internally invokes FPGA Accelerated LZ4 Compress
// xf::compression::compress()
uint64_t enc_bytes = xlz.compressFile(inFile, outFile, input_size, file_list_flag);

// Release OpenCL objects
// Release device buffers