.. meta:: :keywords: Vitis, Library, Data Compression, Xilinx, FPGA OpenCL Kernels, LZ4 Demo, ZLIB Demo :description: This section provides various application demos ===== Demos ===== This page describes the integration of various modules from L1, L2 levels in combination with software APIs to derive end application that can be directly deployed or creation of shared library that can be integrated with external applications. Demo examples for **Gzip** and **Lz4** applications are available in the ``L3/demos/`` directory. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: List of Demos lz4_app.rst gzip_app.rst Environment Setup ================= Execute the following commands to setup the Vitis environment for building the application. These instructions are applicable for all the demos under this category. .. code-block:: bash $source /installs/lin64/Vitis/2020.2/settings64.csh $source /xbb/xrt/packages/setup.sh Build Instructions ------------------ Execute the following command to compile and test run this application: .. code-block:: bash $ make run TARGET=sw_emu Variable ``TARGET`` can take the following values: - **sw_emu** : software emulation - **hw_emu** : hardware emulation - **hw** : run on actual hardware Build instructions are common for all the applications. The generated executable may differ.