namespace details

// typedefs

typedef ap_uint <BITS_PER_LOOP> Digit

// enums

enum blockStatus
enum xfBlockType_t
enum xfLitBlockType_t
enum xfSymbolCompMode_t

// structs

struct FseBSState
struct HuffmanTable

// global variables

static const uint8_t RADIX
static const uint8_t BITS_PER_LOOP
static const ap_uint <c_tgnSymbolBits> INTERNAL_NODE
const ap_uint <32> c_magicNumber
const uint32_t c_skipFrameMagicNumber
const uint32_t c_skippableFrameMask
const uint8_t c_maxZstdHfBits
const uint16_t c_maxCharLit
const uint16_t c_maxCharDefOffset
const uint16_t c_maxCharOffset
const uint16_t c_maxCharMatchlen
const uint16_t c_maxCharHuffman
const uint16_t c_maxLitV
const uint8_t c_maxCodeLL
const uint8_t c_maxCodeML
const uint8_t c_maxCodeOF
const uint8_t c_fseMaxTableLogHF
const uint8_t c_fseMaxTableLogLL
const uint8_t c_fseMaxTableLogML
const uint8_t c_fseMaxTableLogOF
const uint8_t c_fseMinTableLog
const uint8_t c_fseMaxTableLog
const uint32_t c_baseLL[c_maxCharLit+1]
const uint32_t c_baseML[c_maxCharMatchlen+1]
const uint8_t c_extraBitsLL[c_maxCharLit+1]
const uint8_t c_extraBitsML[c_maxCharMatchlen+1]
const int16_t c_defaultDistribution[c_maxCharLit+c_maxCharDefOffset+c_maxCharMatchlen+3]
const uint8_t c_litlenCode[64]
const uint8_t c_matlenCode[128]
const uint32_t c_bitMask[32]
const uint32_t c_litlenDeltaCode
const uint32_t c_matlenDeltaCode
const uint32_t c_rtbTable[8]
uint16_t c_testSeqData[70][3]
const char c_testLitData[462]
const uint8_t c_hfCodeTable[122]
const uint8_t c_hfBitlenTable[122]
const int16_t c_litNormTable[64]
const int16_t c_llNormTable[64]
const int16_t c_mlNormTable[64]
const int16_t c_ofNormTable[64]


#include "checksum_wrapper.hpp"
template <int W>
void crc32 (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& crcInitStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <8*W>>& inStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <5>>& inPackLenStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endInPackLenStrm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& outStrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& endOutStrm

crc32 computes the CRC32 check value of an input data.


W byte number of input data, the value of W includes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
crcInitStrm initialize crc32 value
inStrm input messages to be checked
inPackLenStrm effetive lengths of input message pack, 1~W. 0 means end of message
endInPackLenStrm end flag of inPackLenStrm, 1 “false” for 1 message, 1 “true” means no message anymore.
outStrm crc32 result to output
endOutStrm end flag of outStrm


#include "huffman_encoder.hpp"
void huffmanProcessingUnit (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <9>>& inStream,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& outStream,
    hls::stream <uint32_t>& inputSizeStream

This module does updates lz77 byte data to 32bit data.


inStream input packet of 8bit contains either literal or marker or match length or distance information.
outStream output 32bit compressed data
inputSizeStream input size of each block


#include "huffman_encoder.hpp"
void huffmanProcessingUnitStatic (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <9>>& inStream,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& outStream,
    hls::stream <bool>& inEos,
    hls::stream <bool>& endOfBlock

This module does updates lz77 byte data to 32bit data.


inStream input packet of 8bit contains either literal or marker or match length or distance information.
outStream output 32bit compressed data
inputSizeStream input size of each block


#include "huffman_encoder.hpp"
void huffmanProcessingUnit (
    hls::stream <IntVectorStream_dt <9, 1>>& inStream,
    hls::stream <IntVectorStream_dt <32, 1>>& outStream

This module does updates lz77 byte data to 32bit data.


inStream input packet of 8bit contains either literal or marker or match length or distance information.
outStream output 32bit compressed data