Xilinx Snappy-Streaming Compression and Decompression

LZ4-Streaming example resides in L2/demos/snappy_streaming directory. To compile and test run this example execute the following commands:

Follow build instructions to generate host executable and binary.

The binary host file generated is named as “xil_snappy_streaming”, using PARALLEL_BLOCK value of 8 (default), and present in ./build directory.


Resource Utilization

Table below presents resource utilization of Xilinx Snappy Streaming compress/decompress kernels (excluding data movers). It achieves Fmax of 300MHz

Compress 2.9K 112 3.2K 4 6
DeCompress 878 31 983 16 0

Performance Data

Table below presents kernel throughput achieved for a single compute unit (Single Engine).

Topic Results
Compression Throughput 260 MB/s
Decompression Throughput 290 MB/s
Average Compression Ratio 2.13x (Silesia Benchmark)

Note: Overall throughput can still be increased with multiple compute units.

Executable Usage

  1. To execute single file for compression : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin> -c <file_name>

  2. To execute single file for decompression : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin> -d <file_name.snappy>

  3. To validate single file (compress & decompress) : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin> -t <files_name>

  4. To execute multiple files for compression : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin -cfl <files.list>

  5. To execute multiple files for decompression : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin -dfl <compressed files.list>

  6. To validate multiple files (compress & decompress) : ./build/xil_snappy_streaming -xbin ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/<compress_decompress_streaming.xclbin -l <files.list>

    • <files.list>: Contains various file names with current path

The usage of the generated executable is as follows:

Usage: application.exe -[-h-c-d-t-cfl-dfl-l-B-id]
       --help,                -h        Print Help Options
       --compress,            -c        Compress
       --decompress,          -d        Decompress
       --test,                -t        Xilinx compress & Decompress
       --compress_list,       -cfl      Compress List of Input Files
       --decompress_list,     -dfl      Decompress List of compressed Input Files
       --test_list,           -l        Xilinx Compress & Decompress on Input Files
       --max_cr,              -mcr      Maximum CR                                            Default: [10]
       --xclbin,              -xbin     XCLBIN
       --device_id,           -id       Device ID                                             Default: [0]
       --block_size,          -B        Compress Block Size [0-64: 1-256: 2-1024: 3-4096]     Default: [0]