SMEM Application

This section presents brief introduction about SMEM application and step by step guidelines to build and deployment.


SMEM is an Open Source Genomics library* which provides high throughput with low latency. The Xilinx SMEM application

is developed and tested on Xilinx Alveo U250 board.
Tested Tool: 2021.2
Tested XRT:  2021.2
Tested XSA:  xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_3_1_202020_1

Executable Usage

This application is present under L3/demos/smem/ directory. Follow build instructions to generate executable and binary.

The host executable generated is named as “xil_smem” and it is generated in ./build directory.

Following is the usage of the executable:

To execute file : ./build/xil_smem  ./build/xclbin_<xsa_name>_<TARGET mode>/smem.xclbin  <file_name>