Maximal Independent set

Maximal Independent Set example resides in L2/benchmarks/maximal_independent_set directory. The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide that covers commands for building and running kernel.

Executable Usage

  • Work Directory(Step 1)

The steps for library download and environment setup can be found in Vitis Graph Library. For getting the design,

cd L2/benchmarks/maximal_independent_set
  • Build kernel(Step 2)

Run the following make command to build your XCLBIN and host binary targeting a specific device. Please be noticed that this process will take a long time, maybe couple of hours.

make run TARGET=hw DEVICE=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_5_202210_1
  • Run kernel(Step 3)

To get the benchmark results, please run the following command.

./build_dir.hw.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_5_202210_1/host.exe -xclbin build_dir.hw.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_5_202210_1/mis_kernel.xclbin -o data/data-csr-offset.mtx -i data/data-csr-indicesweights.mtx  -mis data/mis.txt

Renumber Input Arguments:

Usage: host.exe -[-xclbin -o -i -mis]
      -xclbin:        the kernel name
      -o              offset file of input graph in CSR format
      -i              edge file of input graph in CSR format
      -mis            golden reference file for validatation

Note: Default arguments are set in Makefile, you can use other Datasets listed in the table.


The hardware resource utilizations are listed in the following table. Different tool versions may result slightly different resource.

Table 1 : Hardware resources for Renumber
Kernel BRAM URAM FF LUT Frequency(MHz)
mis_kernel 75 0 15751 11255 300.0


The performance is shown in the table below.

Table 2 Comparison between CPU and FPGA (iteration=30)
Datasets Vertex Edges CPU time FPGA time Speedup
coPapersCiteseer 434102 16036720 0.26 0.309 84.14%
coPapersDBLP 540486 15245729 0.31 0.317 97.79%
hollywood 1139905 57515616 1.78 1.21 147.11%
as-Skitter 1694616 11094209 0.74 0.344 215.12%
cit-Patents 3774768 16518948 2.07 0.584 354.45%


  1. Maximal independent set CPU time benchmarking is running on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v3 @ 3.20GHz, cache(2048 KB), cores(31)
  2. time unit: ms.
  3. This mis implementation focus on single-kernel-level design and focusing on mid-scale dataset processing. As showed in table, with the increasing of the graph vertex number, the FPGA show increasingly advantage over CPU offloading.