template class xf::fintech::internal::FdBsLvSolverWrapper

#include "fd_bs_local_volatility_solver.hpp"


Internal wrapper class to encapsulate the Black-Scholes local volatility solver.


DT Data Type used for this function
DT_EQ_TYPE Integer data type of same width as DT
N Discretized spatial grid size
M Discretized temporal grid maximum possible size
template <
    typename DT,
    typename DT_EQ_TYPE,
    unsigned int N,
    unsigned int M
class FdBsLvSolverWrapper

// typedefs

typedef struct xf::fintech::internal::FdBsLvSolverWrapper::ParallelDataType ParallelDataType
typedef hls::stream <ParallelDataType> ParallelStreamType
typedef struct xf::fintech::internal::FdBsLvSolverWrapper::Parallel3DataType Parallel3DataType
typedef hls::stream <Parallel3DataType> Parallel3StreamType

// structs

struct Parallel3DataType
struct ParallelDataType

// fields

static const unsigned int BITS_PER_DATA_TYPE
static const unsigned int DATA_ELEMENTS_PER_DDR_WORD



FdBsLvSolverWrapper ()

default constructor


void read_vector (
    const ap_uint <512>* in,
    DT out [],
    const unsigned int size

Read 512-bit DDR bus into array.


in Pointer to data location in DDR
out Array of data as type DT
size Size of data region to read (required to be multiple of data elements in DDR)


void write_vector (
    const DT in [],
    ap_uint <512>* out,
    const unsigned int size

Write array to 512-bit DDR bus.


in Array of data as type DT
out Pointer to data location in DDR
size Size of data region to read (required to be multiple of data elements in DDR)


void copy_vector (
    const DT in [],
    DT out [],
    const unsigned int size

Copy array.


in Array of data as type DT
out Array of data as type DT
size Size of data region to copy


void read_sigma (
    const ap_uint <512>* in,
    ParallelStreamType& sig0,
    ParallelStreamType& sig1,
    const unsigned int m

Read sigma(x,t) from DDR for t=m-1 and t=m.


in Pointer to start of sigma data location in DDR
sig0 sigma vector for t=m-1
sig1 sigma vector for t=m
m time-step


void calculateDeltas (
    const DT* in,
    DT* out,
    const unsigned int size

Calculate difference between consecutive data elements.


in Array of data as type DT
out Array of data as type DT
size Size of vector


void stream_to_vector (
    ParallelStreamType& in,
    DT out [],
    unsigned int size

Convert stream to a vector.


in Input stream
out Output array
size Number of data elements to extract from stream


void vector_to_stream (
    DT in [],
    ParallelStreamType& out,
    unsigned int size

Convert vector to a stream.


in Input array
out Output stream
size Vector size


void stream3_to_vector3 (
    Parallel3StreamType& in,
    DT out [][3],
    unsigned int size

Convert stream3 to a vector.


in Input stream
out Output array
size Number of data elements to extract from stream


void generate_matrices (
    const DT x [],
    const DT h [],
    const DT t [],
    const DT dt [],
    ParallelStreamType& sig0,
    ParallelStreamType& sig1,
    const DT r [],
    const DT boundary [],
    const DT theta,
    const unsigned int ti,
    Parallel3StreamType& lmatrix,
    Parallel3StreamType& rmatrix,
    ParallelStreamType& discountedBoundary

Generate the left and right matrices in the Ax=B linear system.


x Spatial grid
h Spatial grid spacings
t Temporal grid
dt Temporal grid spacings
sig0 Volatility vector sig(x) for t-1
sig1 Volatility vector sig(x) for t
r Interest rate r(t)
b Boundary vector b(x)
theta Controls explicit/implicit/Crank-Nicholson
ti Time index for which matrices are generated
lmatix Left-hand matrix as stream
rmatix Right-hand matrix as stream
discountedBoundary b(x) vector discounted with r(t) as a stream


void diag3_mult (
    Parallel3StreamType& m,
    ParallelStreamType& v,
    ParallelStreamType& u,
    const unsigned int size

Multiple array stream by vector stream.


m Matrix as stream holding 3 data elements
v Input vector as stream
u Output vector as stream
size Vector length


void triDiagSolverPCR (
    Parallel3StreamType& m,
    ParallelStreamType& v,
    DT u [],
    const unsigned int size

Solve tridiagonal Mu = v linear system using PCR algorithm.


m Matrix as stream holding 3 data elements
v Input vector as stream
u Output solution vector as stream
size Vector length


void apply_boundary (
    ParallelStreamType& in,
    ParallelStreamType& boundary,
    ParallelStreamType& out,
    unsigned int size

Modify vector with boundary conditions (replaces in[0] and in[size-1] with boundary vector)


in Input vector as stream
boundary Boundary vector as stream
u Output vector as stream
size Vector length


void parallel_block (
    ap_uint <512>* sigma,
    DT x [],
    DT h [],
    DT t [],
    DT dt [],
    DT r [],
    DT boundary [],
    DT theta,
    unsigned int ti,
    DT u_in [],
    DT u_out []

Wrapper function to allow parallelization.


x Spatial grid
h Spatial grid spacings
t Temporal grid
dt Temporal grid spacings
r Interest rate r(t)
b Boundary vector b(x)
theta Controls explicit/implicit/Crank-Nicholson
ti Time index for which matrices are generated
u_in Input vector at time-step t-1
u_out Output vector at time-step t