class xf::fintech::portfolio_optimisation

#include "xf_fintech_po.hpp"


This class implements the Portfolio Optimisation Model.

class portfolio_optimisation: public xf::fintech::OCLController

Inherited Members



int run (
    float* prices,
    int num_prices,
    int num_assets,
    float riskFreeRate,
    float targetReturn,
    std::vector <float>& GMVPWeights,
    float* GMVPVariance,
    float* GMVPReturn,
    std::vector <float>& EffWeights,
    float* EffVariance,
    float* EffReturn,
    std::vector <float>& TanWeights,
    float* TanVariance,
    float* TanReturn,
    float* TanSharpe,
    std::vector <float>& EffTanWeights,
    float* EffTanVariance,
    float* EffTanReturn

Calculate Weights, Expected Portfolio Return and Variance for Global Minimum Variance Portfolio, Tangency Portfolio, Efficient Portfolio and Efficient Portfolio with risky and risk free assets


inputDataFile filename of the file containing the asset prices
riskFreeRate the risk free rate
targetReturn the target return
GMVPWeights the asset weights for the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio
GMVPVariance the portfolio variance for the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio
GMVPReturn the portfolio expected return for the Global Minimum Varaince Portfolio
EffWeights the asset weights for the efficient portfolio with target return
EffVariance the portfolio variance for the efficient portfolio with target return
EffReturn the portfolio expected for the efficient portfolio with target return
TanWeights the asset weights for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate
TanVariance the portfolio variance for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate
TanReturn the portfolio expected return for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate
TanSharpe the Sharpe Ratio for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate
EffTanWeights the asset weights for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate and target return
EffTanVariance the portfolio variance for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate and target return
EffTanReturn the portfolio expected return for the Tangency Portfolio with risk free rate and target return