namespace internal¶
// typedefs typedef ap_uint <512> blockTypeChacha // structs struct SHA256Block struct blake2BlockType struct blockType template <> struct sha256_digest_config <true> template <> struct sha256_digest_config <false> template <bool do_sha224> struct sha256_digest_config struct sm3BlkPack template <int IW> struct treeAdd <IW, 0> template < int IW, int NW > struct treeAdd // classes template <int KeyW> class aesCbcPack template <int W> class packBase // global variables const ap_uint <21> BASE[] const ap_uint <32> table[16][256] const ap_uint <8> PermMap[64] const ap_uint <8> IPermMap[64] const ap_uint <8> ExtMap[48] const ap_uint <4> SP[8][64] const ap_int <8> FPermMap[32] const ap_uint <8> PCMapC[28] const ap_uint <8> PCMapD[28] const ap_uint <8> PC2Map[48] const ap_uint <8> subkeyIndex[16][48]
#include "xf_security/blake2b.hpp"
void generateBlock ( hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& msg_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <512>>& key_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& key_len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <blake2BlockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& msg_len_out_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& key_len_out_strm )
Generate 1024-bit processing blocks by padding (pipeline).
The algorithm reference is : “The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)”. The optimization goal of this function is to yield a 1024-bit block per cycle.
w | Bit width of the message words in block, default value is 64. |
msg_strm | The message being hashed. |
msg_len_strm | Message length in byte (0 <= msg_len <= 2^128). |
key_strm | The optional key. |
key_len_strm | Key length in byte (0 <= key_len <= 64). |
end_len_strm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
blk_strm | The 1024-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
msg_len_out_strm | Message length pass on to the digest process. |
key_len_out_strm | Key length pass on to the digest process. |
#include "xf_security/blake2b.hpp"
template < unsigned int w = 64, unsigned int n = 0 > ap_uint <w> ROTR (ap_uint <w> x)
The implementation of rotate right (circular right shift) operation.
The algorithm reference is : “The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)”.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
#include "xf_security/blake2b.hpp"
void G ( ap_uint <64> v [16], ap_uint <4> a, ap_uint <4> b, ap_uint <4> c, ap_uint <4> d, ap_uint <64> x, ap_uint <64> y )
Mixing function G as defined in standard.
The algorithm reference is : “The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)”.
Bit | width of the words, default value is 64. |
v | Working vector. |
a | The first index. |
b | The second index. |
c | The third index. |
d | the fourth index. |
x | The first input working word. |
y | The second input working word. |
#include "xf_security/blake2b.hpp"
void Compress ( ap_uint <64> h [8], ap_uint <64> m [16], ap_uint <128> t, bool last )
Compression function F as defined in standard.
The optimization goal of this function is for better performance. The algorithm reference is : “The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)”.
w | Bit width of the words, default value is 64. |
round | Number of rounds, 12 for BLAKE2b and 10 for BLAKE2s. |
h | State vector. |
m | Message block vector. |
t | Offset counter. |
last | Final block indicator. |
#include "xf_security/blake2b.hpp"
void blake2bDigest ( hls::stream <blake2BlockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& key_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& msg_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& out_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <512>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
The implementation of the digest prcoess of BLAKE2.
The algorithm reference is : “The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC)”. The optimization goal of this function is for better performance.
w | Bit width of the words, default value is 64. |
blk_strm | The 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
key_len_strm | Key length in byte (0 <= key_len <= 64). |
msg_len_strm | Message length in byte (0 <= msg_len <= 2^128). |
out_len_strm | Result hash value length in byte (0 < out_len < 64). |
digest_strm | The full digest stream (result is stored in the lower out_len bytes). |
end_digest_strm | Flag to signal the end of the result. |
#include "xf_security/cbc.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCbcEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesCbcEncrypt is CBC encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cbc.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCbcDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesCbcDecrypt is CBC decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _t = 16, unsigned int _q = 8 > void formatting ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& nonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& blockStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& outLenADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& outNonceStrm )
Impletmentation of formatting function as specified in standard.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_t | Length of the MAC in byte, t is an element of {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}. |
_q | Length in byte of the binary representation of the length of the payload in byte, q is an element of {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. |
ADStrm | Associated data stream. |
nonceStrm | The nonce stream. |
lenADStrm | Length of associated data in byte. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
endLenStrm | Flag to signal the end of the length streams. |
blockStrm | Block stream of the formatted input as specified in reference. |
outLenADStrm | Pass on the length of associated data to CBC-MAC. |
outNonceStrm | Pass on the nonce to CTR. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _q = 8, unsigned int _keyWidth = 256 > void aesCtrEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& payloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& nonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenPldStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& outPayloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& outCipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& S0Strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& cipherStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenCphStrm )
Implementation of CTR encryption part in CCM.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_q | Length in byte of the binary representation of the length of the payload in byte, q is an element of {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. |
_keyWidth | Bit-width of the cipher key, typically 128, 192, or 256 for AES. |
payloadStrm | Input block stream text to be encrypted. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipher key used in encryption. |
nonceStrm | The nonce stream. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
endLenPldStrm | Flag to signal the end of the payload length stream. |
outPayloadStrm | Pass on the payload stream to CBC-MAC. |
outCipherkeyStrm | Pass on the cipherkey to CBC-MAC. |
S0Strm | First cipher used to generate the MAC. |
cipherStrm | Output encrypted block stream text. |
lenCphStrm | Length of cipher in byte. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _q = 8, unsigned int _keyWidth = 256 > void aesCtrDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& payloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& nonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenPldStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& outPayloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& outCipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& S0Strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& cipherStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenCphStrm )
Implementation of CTR decryption part in CCM.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_q | Length in byte of the binary representation of the length of the payload in byte, q is an element of {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. |
_keyWidth | Bit-width of the cipher key, typically 128, 192, or 256 for AES. |
payloadStrm | Input block stream text to be decrypted. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipher key used in decryption. |
nonceStrm | The nonce stream. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
endLenPldStrm | Flag to signal the end of the payload length stream. |
outPayloadStrm | Pass on the payload stream to CBC-MAC. |
outCipherkeyStrm | Pass on the cipherkey to CBC-MAC. |
S0Strm | First cipher used to generate the MAC. |
cipherStrm | Output decrypted block stream text. |
lenCphStrm | Length of cipher in byte. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _t = 16, unsigned int _keyWidth = 256 > void CBC_MAC ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& payloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& blockStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& S0Strm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8*_t>>& tagStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endTagStrm )
Impletmentation of CBC-MAC in CCM.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_t | Length of the MAC in byte, t is an element of {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}. |
_keyWidth | Bit-width of the cipher key, typically 128, 192, or 256 for AES. |
payloadStrm | Input block stream text. |
lenADStrm | Length of associated data in byte. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
blockStrm | Block stream of the formatted input as specified in reference. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipher key, typically 128, 192, or 256 for AES. |
S0Strm | First cipher used to generate the MAC. |
endLenStrm | Flag to signal the end of the length streams. |
tagStrm | The MAC. |
endTagStrm | Flag to signal the end of the MAC stream. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _t = 16, unsigned int _q = 8, unsigned int _keyWidth = 256 > void aesCcmEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& payloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& nonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& cipherStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenCphStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8*_t>>& tagStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endTagStrm )
aesCcmEncrypt is CCM encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_t | Length of the MAC in byte, t is an element of {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}. |
_q | Length in byte of the binary representation of the length of the payload in byte, q is an element of {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. |
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
payloadStrm | Input block stream text to be encrypted. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipher key used in encryption. |
nonceStrm | The nonce stream. |
ADStrm | Associated data stream. |
lenADStrm | Length of associated data in byte. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
endLenStrm | Flag to signal the end of the length streams. |
cipherStrm | Output encrypted block stream text. |
lenCphStrm | Length of cipher in byte. |
tagStrm | The MAC stream. |
endTagStrm | Flag to signal the end of the MAC stream. |
#include "xf_security/ccm.hpp"
template < unsigned int _t = 16, unsigned int _q = 8, unsigned int _keyWidth = 256 > void aesCcmDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& payloadStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8* (15-_q)>>& nonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& cipherStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenCphStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8*_t>>& tagStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endTagStrm )
aesCcmDecrypt is CCM decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is: “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_t | Length of the MAC in byte, t is an element of {4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16}. |
_q | Length in byte of the binary representation of the length of the payload in byte, q is an element of {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}. |
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
payloadStrm | Input block stream text to be decrypted. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipher key used in decryption. |
nonceStrm | The nonce stream. |
ADStrm | Associated data stream. |
lenADStrm | Length of associated data in byte. |
lenPldStrm | Length of payload in byte. |
endLenStrm | Flag to signal the end of the length streams. |
cipherStrm | Output decrypted block stream text. |
lenCphStrm | Length of cipher in byte. |
tagStrm | The MAC stream. |
endTagStrm | Flag to signal the end of the MAC stream. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCfb1Encrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesCfb1Encrypt is CFB1 encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCfb1Decrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesCfb1Decrypt is CFB1 decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCfb8Encrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesCfb8Encrypt is CFB8 encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth> void aesCfb8Decrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesCfb8Decrypt is CFB8 decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCfb128Encrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesCfb128Encrypt is CFB128 encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/cfb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCfb128Decrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesCfb128Decrypt is CFB128 decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/chacha20.hpp"
void chacha20Imp ( hls::stream <ap_uint <256>>& keyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& counterNonceStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <512>>& plainStrm, hls::stream <bool>& ePlainStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <512>>& cipherStrm, hls::stream <bool>& eCipherStrm )
chacha20 is a function for stream ciphering
keyStrm | initail key |
counterNonceStm | initial counter and nonce |
plainStrm | input plain text to be encrypted |
ePlainStrm | the end flag of plainStrm |
cipherStrm | output encrypted text |
eCipherStrm | the end flag of cipherStrm |
#include "xf_security/ctr.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCtrEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesCtrEncrypt is CTR encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/ctr.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesCtrDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesCtrDecrypt is CTR decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/des.hpp"
static void keySchedule ( ap_uint <64> key, ap_uint <48> subkeys [16] )
keySchedule is to schedule subkeys used in DES and 3DES
key | input original key, 64 bits. |
subkeys | output subkeys in encryption or decryption. |
#include "xf_security/ecb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesEcbEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesEcbEncrypt is ECB encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/ecb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesEcbDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesEcbDecrypt is ECB decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/gcm.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesGctrEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& plaintext_length, hls::stream <bool>& end_text_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& H_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& E_K_Y0_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext1, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length1 )
aesGctrEncrypt Encrypt plaintext to cihpertext.
The algorithm reference is: “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for better performance.
plaintext | The plaintext stream. |
plaintext_length | Length of plaintext in bits. |
end_text_length | Flag to signal the end of the text length stream. |
cipherkey | The cipherkey, x-bit for AES-x. |
IV_Strm | Initialization vector. |
H_strm | The hash subkey passed onto genGMAC. |
E_K_Y0_strm | E(K,Y0) as specified in standard passed onto genGMAC. |
end_length | End flag passed onto genGMAC. |
ciphertext | The ciphertext stream to output port. |
ciphertext_length | Length of ciphertext in bits to output port. |
ciphertext1 | The ciphertext stream to genGMAC. |
ciphertext_length1 | Length of ciphertext in bits to genGMAC. |
#include "xf_security/gcm.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesGctrDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length, hls::stream <bool>& end_text_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& H_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& E_K_Y0_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext_out, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length_out, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& plaintext_length )
aesGctrDecrypt Decrypt ciphertext to plainrtext.
The algorithm reference is: “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for better performance.
ciphertext | The ciphertext stream. |
ciphertext_length | Length of ciphertext in bits. |
end_text_length | Flag to signal the end of the text length stream. |
cipherkey | The cipherkey, x-bit for AES-x. |
IV_Strm | Initialization vector. |
H_strm | The hash subkey passed onto genGMAC. |
E_K_Y0_strm | E(K,Y0) as specified in standard passed onto genGMAC. |
end_length | End flag passed onto genGMAC. |
ciphertext_out | The ciphertext stream passed onto genGMAC. |
ciphertext_length_out | Length of ciphertext in bits passed onto genGMAC. |
plaintext | The plaintext stream. |
plaintext_length | Length of plaintext in bits. |
#include "xf_security/gcm.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesGcmEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& plaintext_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IV, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& AAD, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& AAD_length, hls::stream <bool>& end_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tag, hls::stream <bool>& end_tag )
aesGcmEncrypt Top of GCM encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, 128 bits. |
plaintext_length | Length of plaintext in bits. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV | Initialization vector. |
AAD | Additional authenticated data for calculating the tag, 128 bits. |
AAD_length | Length of AAD in bits. |
end__length | Flag to signal the end of the text length stream. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, 128 bits. |
ciphertext_length | Length of ciphertext in bits. |
tag | The MAC. |
end_tag | End flag for the MAC. |
#include "xf_security/gcm.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesGcmDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& ciphertext_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IV, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& AAD, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& AAD_length, hls::stream <bool>& end_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& plaintext_length, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tag, hls::stream <bool>& end_tag )
aesGcmDecrypt Top of GCM decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for better performance.
ciphertext | Input block stream text to be decrypted, 128 bits. |
ciphertext_length | Length of ciphertext in bits. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV | Initialization vector. |
AAD | Additional authenticated data for calculating the tag, 128 bits. |
AAD_length | Length of AAD in bits. |
end__length | Flag to signal the end of the text length stream. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, 128 bits. |
plaintext_length | Length of plaintext in bits. |
tag | The MAC. |
end_tag | End flag for the MAC. |
#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
static void GF128_mult ( ap_uint <128>& X, ap_int <128> AAD, ap_uint <128> Y [128] )
Optimized version of multiplication in GF(2^128)
Because in call of GF128_mult_origin within a loop, the input Y is fixed. So we pre-calculate Y^n in GF(2^128) with GF128_prepare(). This will reduce II in genGMAC from 23 to 1
X | The first operand. |
Y | The second operand. |
Z | The product. |
#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth> void preGMAC ( hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IVStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& HStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& EKY0Strm )
preGMAC generates H and E_K_Y0 based on AES block cipher.
The algorithm reference is: “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for less resource utilizations while having a reasonable latency.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipherkey. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cipherkey, x bits for AES-x. |
IVStrm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition. |
HStrm | The hash key. |
EKY0Strm | E(K, Y0) as specified in the standard. |
lenPldStrm | Length of the payload stream (hard-code to zero). |
genGMAC overload (1)¶
#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
void genGMAC ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& AADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenAADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& pldStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenPldStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& HStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& EKY0Strm, hls::stream <bool>& endLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tagStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endTagStrm )
genGMAC This function calculates the MAC using AAD and payload streams. This overload is used by GCM.
The algorithm reference is: “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for less resource utilizations while having a reasonable latency.
AADStrm | Additional authenticated data stream. |
lenAADStrm | Length of AAD in bits. |
pldStrm | Payload stream. |
lenPldStrm | Length of the payload in bits. |
HStrm | The hash key. |
EKY0Strm | E(K, Y0) as specified in the standard. |
endLenStrm | Flag to signal the end of the length streams. |
tagStrm | The MAC. |
endTagStrm | Flag to signal the end of the MAC stream. |
genGMAC overload (2)¶
#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
void genGMAC ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& AADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenAADStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& HStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& EKY0Strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tagStrm )
genGMAC This function calculates the MAC using only AAD stream. This overload is used by GMAC.
The algorithm reference is: “IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices” The implementation is modified for less resource utilizations while having a reasonable latency.
AADStrm | Additional authenticated data stream. |
lenAADStrm | Length of AAD in bits. |
HStrm | The hash key. |
EKY0Strm | E(K, Y0) as specified in the standard. |
tagStrm | The MAC. |
#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth> void gmacTop ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& dataStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenDataStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IVStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tagStrm )
gmac The top of GMAC.
Galois Message Authentication Code (GMAC) is a mechanism to provide data origin authentication.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipherkey. |
dataStrm | Input text stream to be authenticated. |
lenDataStrm | The length of the data in bits. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cihperkey to calculate the hash subkey and E(K,Y0). |
IVStrm | Initialization vector. |
tagStrm | The MAC stream. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static void preProcessing ( hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm )
Generate 512-bit processing blocks by padding and appending (pipeline).
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The optimization goal of this function is to yield a 512-bit block per cycle.
msg_strm | The message being hashed. |
len_strm | The message length in byte. |
end_len_strm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
blk_strm | The 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static ap_uint <32> F ( ap_uint <32> x, ap_uint <32> y, ap_uint <32> z )
Perform function F as defined in standard.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
x | The first 32-bit operand. |
y | The second 32-bit operand. |
z | The third 32-bit operand. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static ap_uint <32> G ( ap_uint <32> x, ap_uint <32> y, ap_uint <32> z )
Perform function G as defined in standard.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
x | The first 32-bit operand. |
y | The second 32-bit operand. |
z | The third 32-bit operand. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static ap_uint <32> H ( ap_uint <32> x, ap_uint <32> y, ap_uint <32> z )
Perform function H as defined in standard.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
x | The first 32-bit operand. |
y | The second 32-bit operand. |
z | The third 32-bit operand. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> ROTL ( unsigned int n, ap_uint <w> x )
The implementation of rotate left (circular left shift) operation.
The implementation of rotate left (circular left shift) operation. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 32. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 32. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 32. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static void MD4Round1 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 1.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = (a + F(b, c, d) + X[k]) <<< s.
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static void MD4Round2 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 2.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = (a + G(b, c, d) + X[k] + 0x5a827999) <<< s
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static void MD4Round3 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 3.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = (a + H(b, c, d) + X[k] + 0x6ed9eba1) <<< s
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md4.hpp"
static void MD4Digest ( hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
The implementation of the digest part of MD4.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The optimization goal of this function is for better performance.
blk_strm | The 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
digest_strm | The digest (fingerprint) stream. |
end_digest_strm | Flag to signal the end of the result. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static ap_uint <32> I ( ap_uint <32> x, ap_uint <32> y, ap_uint <32> z )
Perform function I as defined in standard.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”.
x | The first 32-bit operand. |
y | The second 32-bit operand. |
z | The third 32-bit operand. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static void MD5Round1 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, ap_uint <32> T, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 1.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = b + ((a + F(b, c, d) + X + T) <<< s).
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
T | the specific sine value. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static void MD5Round2 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, ap_uint <32> T, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 2.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = b + ((a + G(b, c, d) + X + T) <<< s).
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
T | the specific sine value. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static void MD5Round3 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, ap_uint <32> T, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 3.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = b + ((a + H(b, c, d) + X + T) <<< s).
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
T | the specific sine value. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static void MD5Round4 ( ap_uint <32>& a, ap_uint <32> b, ap_uint <32> c, ap_uint <32> d, ap_uint <32> X, ap_uint <32> T, unsigned int s )
The implementation of the function defined in round 4.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The operation is defined as : a = b + ((a + I(b, c, d) + X + T) <<< s).
a | The first 32-bit operand. |
b | The second 32-bit operand. |
c | The third 32-bit operand. |
d | The fourth 32-bit operand. |
X | The specific message word. |
T | the specific sine value. |
s | Number of bits to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/md5.hpp"
static void MD5Digest ( hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
The implementation of the digest part of MD5.
The algorithm reference is : “The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm”. The optimization goal of this function is for better performance.
blk_strm | The 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
digest_strm | The digest (fingerprint) stream. |
end_digest_strm | Flag to signal the end of the result. |
#include "xf_security/modular.hpp"
template <int N> ap_uint <N> productMod ( ap_uint <N> opA, ap_uint <N> opB, ap_uint <N> opM )
return (opA * opB) mod opM
N | bit width of opA, opB and opM |
opA | Product input, should be less than opM |
opB | Product input, should be less than opM |
opM | Modulus, should be larger than 2^(N-1) |
#include "xf_security/modular.hpp"
template <int N> ap_uint <N> addMod ( ap_uint <N> opA, ap_uint <N> opB, ap_uint <N> opM )
return (opA + opB) mod opM
N | bit width of opA, opB and opM |
opA | Product input, should be less than opM |
opB | Product input, should be less than opM |
opM | Modulus |
#include "xf_security/modular.hpp"
template <int N> ap_uint <N> subMod ( ap_uint <N> opA, ap_uint <N> opB, ap_uint <N> opM )
return (opA - opB) mod opM
N | bit width of opA, opB and opM |
opA | Product input, should be less than opM |
opB | Product input, should be less than opM |
opM | Modulus |
#include "xf_security/modular.hpp"
template <int N> ap_uint <N> monInv ( ap_uint <N> opA, ap_uint <N> opM )
return montgomery inverse of opA Reference: “The Montgomery Modular Inverse - Revisited” by E Savas, CK Koç
N | bit width of opA and opM |
opA | Input of modular inverse. |
opM | Modulus of modular inverse. |
#include "xf_security/modular.hpp"
template <int N> ap_uint <N> modularInv ( ap_uint <N> opA, ap_uint <N> opM )
return modular inverse of opA Reference: “The Montgomery Modular Inverse - Revisited” by E Savas, CK Koç
N | bit width of opA and opM, opM should no less than 2^(N-1) |
opA | Input of modular inverse. opA should be non-zero, might need extra checking |
opM | Modulus of modular inverse. |
#include "xf_security/ofb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesOfbEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e )
aesOfbEncrypt is OFB encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext | Output encrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/ofb.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesOfbDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& IV_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e )
aesOfbDecrypt is OFB decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and Techniques” The implementation is modified for better performance.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext | Input block stream to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
cipherkey | Input cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
IV_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES decrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/poly1305.hpp"
ap_uint <260> multOperator ( ap_uint <132> A, ap_uint <128> B )
The implementation of large bit-width multiplication, the result is A * B. The optimization goal of this function to improve timing.
A | The input multiplicand. |
B | The input multiplier. |
The output product.
#include "xf_security/poly1305.hpp"
ap_uint <132> resOperator (ap_uint <260> A)
The implementation of large bit-width Module Operation, the result is A % 2^130-5. The optimization goal of this function to improve timing.
A | The input parameter. |
The output result.
#include "xf_security/poly1305.hpp"
void poly1305Imp ( ap_uint <132>& accValue, ap_uint <256> keyValue, ap_uint <128> payload, ap_uint <32> lenByte, ap_uint <128>& tagValue )
The implementation of poly1305.
accValue | The accumulator’s value, initial value is 0, followed by the last output. |
keyValue | Corresponding message key |
payload | For a massage, input block stream text, 128 bits per block, less than 128 bits, high padding 0 |
lenByte | Length of a block of payload in byte. |
tagValue | return a 16-byte tag to to authenticate the message. |
#include "xf_security/rc4.hpp"
static void rc4Imp ( hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& keyStrm, hls::stream <bool>& eKeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& plainStream, hls::stream <bool>& ePlainStream, hls::stream <ap_uint <8>>& cipherStream, hls::stream <bool>& eCipherStream )
Rc_4 is the basic function for stream ciphering keyLength defined as the number of bytes in the key and can be in the range 1<= keylength <=256, typically between 5 and 16, corresponding to a key length of 40-128 bits.
keyStrm | initail key |
eKeyStrm | end flag of keyStrm |
plaintStrm | input plain text to be encrypted |
ePlaintStrm | the end flag of plaintStrm |
cipherStrm | output encrypted text |
eCipherStrm | the end flag of cipherStrm |
#include "xf_security/sha1.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> Ch ( ap_uint <w> x, ap_uint <w> y, ap_uint <w> z )
The implementation of Ch(x,y,z), the sequence of logical functions of SHA-1 where 0 <= t <= 19. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
The implementation of Ch(x,y,z). The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, y, and z, default value is 32. |
x | The first w-bit input word. |
y | The second w-bit input word. |
z | The third w-bit input word. |
w | The bit width of input x, y, and z, default value is 64. |
x | The first w-bit input word. |
y | The second w-bit input word. |
z | The third w-bit input word. |
#include "xf_security/sha1.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> Parity ( ap_uint <w> x, ap_uint <w> y, ap_uint <w> z )
The implementation of Parity(x,y,z), the sequence of logical functions of SHA-1 where 20 <= t <= 39, and 60 <= t <= 79. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, y, and z, default value is 32. |
x | The first w-bit input word. |
y | The second w-bit input word. |
z | The third w-bit input word. |
#include "xf_security/sha1.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> Maj ( ap_uint <w> x, ap_uint <w> y, ap_uint <w> z )
The implementation of Maj(x,y,z), the sequence of logical functions of SHA-1 where 40 <= t <= 59. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
The implementation of Maj(x,y,z). The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, y, and z, default value is 32. |
x | The first w-bit input word. |
y | The second w-bit input word. |
z | The third w-bit input word. |
w | The bit width of input x, y, and z, default value is 64. |
x | The first w-bit input word. |
y | The second w-bit input word. |
z | The third w-bit input word. |
#include "xf_security/sha1.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> void generateMsgSchedule ( hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm1, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm1, hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& w_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm2, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm2 )
Generate message schedule W (80 words) in stream. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of message schedule W which defined in the standard. |
blk_strm | Message block stream. |
nblk_strm1 | Number of message block stream. |
end_nblk_strm1 | End flag for number of message block stream. |
w_strm | The message schedule in stream. |
nblk_strm2 | Number of message block stream. |
end_nblk_strm2 | End flag for number of message block stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha1.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> void SHA1Digest ( hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& w_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <5*w>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
This function performs the computation of the secure hash algorithm.
The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012. The implementation is modified for better performance.
w | The bit width of each input message word, default value is 32. |
w_strm | Message schedule stream. |
nblk_strm | Number of message block stream. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of message block stream. |
digest_strm | Output digest stream. |
end_digest_strm | End flag for output digest stream. |
preProcessing overload (1)¶
#include "xf_security/sha224_256.hpp"
void preProcessing ( hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <SHA256Block>& blk_strm, hls::stream <uint64_t>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm )
Generate 512bit processing blocks for SHA224/SHA256 (pipeline) with const width. The performance goal of this function is to yield a 512b block per cycle.
msg_strm | the message being hashed. |
len_strm | the message length in byte. |
end_len_strm | that flag to signal end of input. |
blk_strm | the 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | the number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | end flag for number of hash block. |
preProcessing overload (2)¶
#include "xf_security/sha224_256.hpp"
void preProcessing ( hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <SHA256Block>& blk_strm, hls::stream <uint64_t>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm )
Generate 512bit processing blocks for SHA224/SHA256 (pipeline) with const width. The performance goal of this function is to yield a 512b block per cycle.
msg_strm | the message being hashed. |
len_strm | the message length in byte. |
end_len_strm | that flag to signal end of input. |
blk_strm | the 512-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | the number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | end flag for number of hash block. |
#include "xf_security/sha224_256.hpp"
template <int h_width> void sha256Digest ( hls::stream <uint64_t>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <uint32_t>& w_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <h_width>>& hash_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_hash_strm )
Digest message blocks and emit final hash.
h_width | the hash width(type). |
nblk_strm | number of message block. |
end_nblk_strm | end flag for number of message block. |
hash_strm | the hash result stream. |
end_hash_strm | end flag for hash result. |
#include "xf_security/sha224_256.hpp"
template < int m_width, int h_width > void sha256_top ( hls::stream <ap_uint <m_width>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <h_width>>& hash_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_hash_strm )
SHA-256/224 implementation top overload for ap_uint input.
m_width | the input message stream width. |
h_width | the output hash stream width. |
msg_strm | the message being hashed. |
len_strm | the length message being hashed in byte. |
end_len_strm | end flag stream of input, one per message. |
hash_strm | the result. |
end_hash_strm | end falg stream of output, one per hash. |
#include "xf_security/sha3.hpp"
template <unsigned int w = 64> ap_uint <w> ROTL ( ap_uint <w> x, unsigned int n )
The implementation of rotate left (circular left shift) operation. The algorithm reference is : “SHA-3 Standard : Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions”.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
#include "xf_security/sha3.hpp"
static void KECCAK_f (ap_uint <64> stateArray [25])
The implementation of KECCAK-f permutation function.
The algorithm reference is : “SHA-3 Standard : Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions”. The implementation is modified for better performance.
stateArray | The 5*5*64 state array defined in standard. |
#include "xf_security/sha3.hpp"
template <unsigned int hashLen = 32> void sha3Digest ( hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& msgStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& msgLenStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endMsgLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8*hashLen>>& digestStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endDigestStrm )
This function performs the computation of SHA-3.
The algorithm reference is : “SHA-3 Standard : Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions”. The implementation is modified for better performance.
hashLen | The width of the digest in byte, default value is 32 (SHA3-256). |
msgStrm | The message being hashed. |
msgLenStrm | Message length in byte. |
endMsgLenStrm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
digestStrm | Output digest stream. |
endDigestStrm | End flag for output digest stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha3.hpp"
template <unsigned int hashLen = 16> void shakeXOF ( hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& msgStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& msgLenStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endMsgLenStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <8*hashLen>>& digestStrm, hls::stream <bool>& endDigestStrm )
This function performs the computation of SHAKE.
The algorithm reference is : “SHA-3 Standard : Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions”. The implementation is modified for better performance.
hashLen | The width of the digest in byte, default value is 16 (SHAKE-128). |
msgStrm | The message being hashed. |
msgLenStrm | Message length in byte. |
endMsgLenStrm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
digestStrm | Output digest stream. |
endDigestStrm | End flag for output digest stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> static void preProcessing ( hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm )
Generate 1024-bit processing blocks by padding and appending (pipeline).
The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012. The optimization goal of this function is to yield a 1024-bit block per cycle.
w | The bit width of each input message word, default value is 64. |
msg_strm | The message being hashed. |
len_strm | The message length in byte. |
end_len_strm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
blk_strm | The 1024-bit hash block. |
nblk_strm | The number of hash block for this message. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of hash block. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> SHR ( unsigned int n, ap_uint <w> x )
The implementation of right shift operation. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be shifted. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> ROTR ( unsigned int n, ap_uint <w> x )
The implementation of rotate right (circular right shift) operation. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
n | Number of bits for input x to be shifted. |
x | Word to be rotated. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> BSIG0 (ap_uint <w> x)
The implementation of upper-case letter sigma 0. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
x | The operand. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> BSIG1 (ap_uint <w> x)
The implementation of upper-case letter sigma 1. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
x | The operand. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> SSIG0 (ap_uint <w> x)
The implementation of lower-case letter sigma 0. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
x | The operand. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> ap_uint <w> SSIG1 (ap_uint <w> x)
The implementation of lower-case letter sigma 1. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of input x, default value is 64. |
x | The operand. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> void dup_strm ( hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& in_strm, hls::stream <bool>& in_e_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& out1_strm, hls::stream <bool>& out1_e_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& out2_strm, hls::stream <bool>& out2_e_strm )
Duplicate 1 input stream to 2 output streams.
w | The bit width of the streams. |
in_strm | Input stream to be duplicated. |
in_e_strm | End flag of input stream. |
out1_strm | The first output stream. |
out1_e_strm | End flag of the first output stream. |
out2_strm | The second output stream. |
out2_e_strm | End flag of the second output stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template <unsigned int w> void generateMsgSchedule ( hls::stream <blockType>& blk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& w_strm )
Generate message schedule W (80 words) in stream. The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012.
w | The bit width of message schedule W which defined in the standard, default value is 64. |
blk_strm | Message block stream. |
nblk_strm | Number of message block stream. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of message block stream. |
w_strm | The message schedule in stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template < unsigned int w, unsigned int hash_width > void SHA512Digest ( hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& w_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& nblk_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_nblk_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <hash_width>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
This function performs the computation of SHA-512.
The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012. The implementation is modified for better performance.
w | The bit width of each input message word, default value is 64. |
hash_width | The bit width of hash width, which depends on specific algorithm. |
w_strm | Message schedule stream. |
nblk_strm | Number of message block stream. |
end_nblk_strm | End flag for number of message block stream. |
digest_strm | Output digest stream. |
end_digest_strm | End flag for output digest stream. |
#include "xf_security/sha512_t.hpp"
template < unsigned int w, unsigned int hash_width > void sha512Top ( hls::stream <ap_uint <w>>& msg_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& len_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <hash_width>>& digest_strm, hls::stream <bool>& end_digest_strm )
Top function of SHA-512.
The algorithm reference is : “Secure Hash Standard”, which published by NIST in February 2012. The implementation dataflows the pre-processing part and message digest part.
w | The bit width of each input message word, default value is 64. |
hash_width | The bit width of hash width, which depends on specific algorithm. |
msg_strm | The message being hashed. |
len_strm | The message length in byte. |
end_len_strm | The flag to signal end of input message stream. |
digest_strm | Output digest stream. |
end_digest_strm | End flag for output digest stream. |
#include "xf_security/xts.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesXtsEncrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext_strm, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext_strm, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e_strm )
aesXtsEncrypt is XTS encryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “IEEE Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices” The implementation is optimized for better performance in FPGA.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
plaintext_strm | Input block stream text to be encrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e_strm | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |
len_strm | Total length of plaintext in bit, 64 bits. |
cipherkey_strm | Input two cipher key used in encryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
ciphertext_strm | Output encrypted block stream text, 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e_strm | End flag of stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
#include "xf_security/xts.hpp"
template <unsigned int _keyWidth = 256> void aesXtsDecrypt ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& ciphertext_strm, hls::stream <bool>& ciphertext_e_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& len_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <_keyWidth>>& cipherkey_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& initialization_vector_strm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& plaintext_strm, hls::stream <bool>& plaintext_e_strm )
aesXtsDecrypt is XTS decryption mode with AES single block cipher.
The algorithm reference is : “IEEE Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices” The implementation is optimized for better performance in FPGA.
_keyWidth | The bit-width of the cipher key, which is 128, 192, or 256. |
ciphertext_strm | Input block stream text to be decrypted, each block is 128 bits. |
ciphertext_e_strm | End flag of block stream ciphertext, 1 bit. |
len_strm | Total length of plaintext in bit, 64 bits. |
cipherkey_strm | Input two cipher key used in decryption, x bits for AES-x. |
initialization_vector_strm | Initialization vector for the fisrt iteration of AES encrypition, 128 bits. |
plaintext_strm | Output decrypted block stream text, each block is 128 bits. |
plaintext_e_strm | End flag of block stream plaintext, 1 bit. |