Matrix Decomposition¶
geqrf overload (1)¶
#include "MatrixDecomposition/geqrf.hpp"
template < typename T, int NRMAX, int NCMAX, int NCU > int geqrf ( int m, int n, T* A, int lda, T* tau )
This function computes QR decomposition of matrix A
where A is a dense matrix of size m×n , Q is a m×n matrix with orthonormal columns, and R is an upper triangular matrix.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NRMAX and NCMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NRMAX | maximum number of rows of input matrix |
NCMAX | maximum number of columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows of matrix A |
n | number of cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size m×lda , and overwritten by the output triangular R matrix and min(m,n) elementary reflectors |
lda | leading dimension of matrix A |
tau | scalar factors for elementary reflectors |
#include "MatrixDecomposition/gesvdj.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void gesvdj ( int m, T* A, int lda, T* S, T* U, int ldu, T* V, int ldv, int& info )
Symmetric Matrix Jacobi based Singular Value Decomposition (GESVDJ) .
where A is a dense symmetric matrix of size m×m , U and V are m×m matrix with orthonormal columns, and Σ is diagonal matrix.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double). |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size m×m |
S | decomposed diagonal singular matrix of size m×m |
U | left U matrix of SVD |
V | right V matrix of SVD |
lda | leading dimension of matrix A |
ldu | leading dimension of matrix U |
ldv | leading dimension of matrix V |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "MatrixDecomposition/gesvj.hpp"
template < typename T, int NRMAX, int NCMAX, int MCU, int NCU > void gesvj ( int m, int n, T* A, T* U, T* S, T* V )
This function implements singular value decomposition of matrix A using one-sided Jacobi algorihtm.
where A is a dense matrix of size m×n , U is m×m matrix with orthonormal columns, V is n×n matrix with orthonormal columns, and Σ is diagonal matrix.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NCMAX, NRMAX.
T | |
: | the data type of gesvj |
NRMAX | maximum number of rows of input matrix |
NCMAX | maximum number of columns of input matrix |
MCU | number of computation unit of M |
NCU | number of computation unit of N |
m | number of rows of matrix A |
n | number of cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size m×n |
S | decomposed diagonal singular matrix of size n |
U | left U matrix of SVD of size m×m |
V | right V matrix of SVD n×n |
#include "MatrixDecomposition/getrf.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void getrf ( int n, T* A, int lda, int* ipiv, int& info )
This function computes the LU decomposition (with partial pivoting) of matrix A
where P is a permutation matrix, A is a dense matrix of size n×n , L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal, and U is an upper triangular matrix. This function does not implement pivoting.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
n | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix, and overwritten by the output upper and lower triangular matrix |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
pivot | indices, row i of matrix A is stored in row[i] |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "MatrixDecomposition/getrf_nopivot.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void getrf_nopivot ( int n, T* A, int lda, int& info )
This function computes the LU decomposition (without pivoting) of matrix A
where A is a dense matrix of size n×n , L is a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal, and U is an upper triangular matrix. This function does not implement pivoting.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/cols of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
n | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "MatrixDecomposition/potrf.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void potrf ( int m, T* A, int lda, int& info )
This function computes the Cholesky decomposition of matrix A
where A is a dense symmetric positive-definite matrix of size m×m , L is a lower triangular matrix, and LT is the transposed matrix of L .
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size m×m |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
info | output info (unused) |
Linear Solver¶
#include "LinearSolver/gelinearsolver.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void gelinearsolver ( int n, T* A, int b, T* B, int lda, int ldb, int& info )
This function solves a system of linear equation with general matrix along with multiple right-hand side vector
where A is a dense general matrix of size n×n , x is a vector need to be computed, and B is input vector.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
n | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size n×n |
b | number of columns of matrix B |
B | input matrix of size b×n , and overwritten by the output matrix x |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
ldb | leading dimention of input matrix B |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "LinearSolver/gematrixinverse.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void gematrixinverse ( int m, T* A, int lda, int& info )
This function computes the inverse matrix of A
where A is a dense general matrix of size m×m . The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size n×n |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "LinearSolver/gtsv_pcr.hpp"
template < typename T, unsigned int NMAX, unsigned int NCU > int gtsv ( unsigned int n, T* matDiagLow, T* matDiag, T* matDiagUp, T* rhs )
Tri-diagonal linear solver. Compute solution to linear system with a tridiagonal matrix. Parallel Cyclic Reduction method.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | matrix size |
NCU | number of compute units |
matDiagLow | lower diagonal of matrix |
matDiag | diagonal of matrix |
matDiagUp | upper diagonal of matrix |
rhs | right-hand side |
#include "LinearSolver/polinearsolver.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void polinearsolver ( int n, T* A, int b, T* B, int lda, int ldb, int& info )
This function solves a system of linear equation with symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix along with multiple right-hand side vector
where A is a dense SPD triangular matrix of size m×m , x is a vector need to be computed, and B is input vector.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
n | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size n×n |
b | number of columns of matrix B |
B | input matrix of size b×n , and overwritten by the output matrix x |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
ldb | leading dimention of input matrix B |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "LinearSolver/pomatrixinverse.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void pomatrixinverse ( int m, T* A, int lda, int& info )
This function computes the inverse matrix of A
where A is a dense symmetric positive-definite matrix of size m×m . The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size n×n |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
info | output info (unused) |
#include "LinearSolver/trtrs.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void trtrs ( char uplo, int m, T* A, int b, T* B, int lda, int ldb, int& info )
This function solves a system of linear equation with triangular coefficient matrix along with multiple right-hand side vector
where A is a dense lower or upper triangular matrix of size m×m , x is a vector need to be computed, and B is input vector.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double) |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size n×n |
b | number of columns of matrix B |
B | input matrix of size b×n , and overwritten by the output matrix x |
lda | leading dimention of input matrix A |
ldb | leading dimention of input matrix B |
info | output info (unused) |
Eigenvalue Solver¶
#include "EigenSolver/syevj.hpp"
template < typename T, int NMAX, int NCU > void syevj ( int m, T* A, int lda, T* S, T* U, int ldu, int& info )
Symmetric Matrix Jacobi based Eigenvalue Decomposition (SYEVJ) .
where A is a dense symmetric matrix of size m×m , U is a m×m matrix with orthonormal columns, each column of U is the eigenvector vi , and Σ is diagonal matrix, which contains the eigenvalues λi of matrix A.
The maximum matrix size supported in FPGA is templated by NMAX.
T | data type (support float and double). |
NMAX | maximum number of rows/columns of input matrix |
NCU | number of computation unit |
m | number of rows/cols of matrix A |
A | input matrix of size m×m |
S | decomposed diagonal singular matrix of size m×m |
U | left U matrix of SVD |
lda | leading dimension of matrix A |
ldu | leading dimension of matrix U |
info | output info (unused) |