Vitis Utils Library Tutorial

How Vitis Utils Library Works

Vitis utils library does not contain any acceleration applications, but utility functions that help Vitis design. It comes in two parts: HLS hardware utilities, Software utilities and Datamover. * HLS hardware utilities are most commonly used HLS design pattern, like Memory Access by AXI, Low latency URAM, Stream combine and merge. Utils library provide standard and optimized design to help avoid re-invent the wheels. They’re in L1/include/xf_utils_hw. * Software utilities are commonly used functions in Vitis host design. They are pure C++ design and contains log and error printing functions which help unify testing. They’re in L1/include/xf_utils_sw. * Datamover are kernels load data from DDR/HBM to streams and write data from streams to DDR/HBM. They help AIE to access data in better bandwidth. They’re in L2/src and need run python script to generate final source code. Please take reference test cases from L2/tests/datamover.

HLS hardware utiliy API

Target Audience and Major Features

Target audience of L1 API are users who is familiar with HLS programming and want to tests / profile / modify utility functions. With the HLS test project provided in L1 layer, user could get:

  1. Function correctness tests, both in c-simulation and co-simulation
  2. Performance profiling from HLS synthesis report and co-simulaiton
  3. Resource and timing from Vivado synthesis.

Command to Run cases

cd L1/tests/hls_case_folder


Test control variables are:

  • CSIM for high level simulation.
  • CSYNTH for high level synthesis to RTL.
  • COSIM for co-simulation between software test bench and generated RTL.
  • VIVADO_SYN for synthesis by Vivado.
  • VIVADO_IMPL for implementation by Vivado.

For all these variables, setting to 1 indicates execution while 0 for skipping. The default value of all these control variables are 0, so they can be omitted from command line if the corresponding step is not wanted.


Target Audience and Major Features

Target audience of datamover are AIE application designer who want to move data between AIE and DDR/HBM. Current datamover is a template design and need pre-build to generate final source code. Please take reference of Makefile of test cases in L2/datamover to check how to run pre-build. Current datamover design support datamovement: (1) AXI master to stream (2) Stream to AXI master (3) RAM to stream (4) Stream to RAM. Although design for AIE application, test cases don’t directly include an AIE program. They use another dummy kernel to consume/generate data, mimicing an AIE program that read/write streams. Dummy kernels connect with datamover kernel by AXI streams, just like datamover connection with AIE array.

Command to Run L2 cases

cd L2/tests/vitis_case_folder

# build and run one of the following using U280 platform
make run TARGET=sw_emu DEVICE=/path/to/xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3.xpfm

# delete generated files
make cleanall

Here, TARGET decides the FPGA binary type

  • sw_emu is for software emulation
  • hw_emu is for hardware emulation
  • hw is for deployment on physical card. (Compilation to hardware binary often takes hours.)

Besides run, the Vitis case makefile also allows host and xclbin as build target.