Building and Installing XRM


XRM requires C++14 compiler, a few development libraries and Xilinx Runtime (XRT). Please install the necessary tools and dependencies using the provided tools/

The script installs the standard distribution packages for the tools and libraries XRM depends on. If any system libraries XRM depends on (for example XRT, Boost libraries) are updated then XRM must be rebuilt.

On RHEL7.x/CentOS7.x use devtoolset to switch to C++14 development environment. This step is not applicable to Ubuntu which already has C++14 capable GCC.

scl enable devtoolset-6 bash

Build XRM

source /opt/xilinx/xrt/
./ script builds for both Debug and Release profiles. On RHEL/CentOS, if was accidentally run prior to enabling the devtoolset, then it is necessary to clean stale files makefiles by running clean prior to the next build.

Build RPM package on RHEL/CentOS or DEB package on Ubuntu

The package is automatically built for the Release version but not for the Debug version. To build Debug package

cd ./Debug
make package

Install the XRM RPM package

Install by providing a full path to the RPM package, for example, from inside either the Release or Debug directory according to purpose with (the actual package name might differ)

sudo yum reinstall ./Release/xrm_version.rpm

Install the XRM DEB package

Install by providing a full path to the DEB package, for example, from inside either the Release or Debug directory according to purpose with (the actual package name might differ)

sudo apt install --reinstall ./Release/xrm_version.deb