XRM Library C Program APIs

XRM provides several sets of C APIs defined in xrm.h so that applications can use these interfaces to handle the cu resource. Here are the the detailed description of the APIs.

Global Namespace


// typedefs

typedef int32_t (* xrmPluginVersionType)()
typedef int32_t (* xrmApiVersionType)()
typedef int32_t (* xrmPluginFuncType)(xrmPluginFuncParam *)
typedef void* xrmContext

// enums

enum xrmCuType
enum xrmLogLevelType

// structs

struct xrmAllocationQueryInfo
struct xrmAllocationQueryInfoV2
struct xrmCuGroupProperty
struct xrmCuGroupPropertyV2
struct xrmCuGroupResource
struct xrmCuGroupResourceV2
struct xrmCuListProperty
struct xrmCuListPropertyV2
struct xrmCuListResInforV2
struct xrmCuListResource
struct xrmCuListResourceV2
struct xrmCuPoolProperty
struct xrmCuPoolPropertyV2
struct xrmCuPoolResInforV2
struct xrmCuPoolResource
struct xrmCuPoolResourceV2
struct xrmCuProperty
struct xrmCuPropertyV2
struct xrmCuResInforV2
struct xrmCuResource
struct xrmCuResourceV2
struct xrmCuStat
struct xrmDeviceIdListPropertyV2
struct xrmDeviceListResInforV2
struct xrmPluginData
struct xrmPluginFuncParam
struct xrmReservationQueryInfoV2
struct xrmUdfCuGroupProperty
struct xrmUdfCuGroupPropertyV2
struct xrmUdfCuListProperty
struct xrmUdfCuListPropertyV2
struct xrmUdfCuProperty
struct xrmUdfCuPropertyV2

// macros


Global Functions


#include "lib/experimental/xrm_experimental.h"
int32_t xrmCuAllocLeastUsedWithLoad (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    char* xclbinFileName,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Allocates compute unit with a device, cu, and channel given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device. If required CU is not available, this function will try to load the xclbin to one device and do the allocation again. If there are no free CUs remaining, the CU with the minimum load which supports the requested capacity will be acquired. Additionally, it strictly enforces that the allocated CU comes from a device that was loaded with the user specified xclbinFileName.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.
xclbinFileName xclbin file (full path and name)
cuRes cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/experimental/xrm_experimental.h"
int32_t xrmCuAllocLeastUsedFromDev (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Allocates compute unit from specified device given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the id of target device to allocate the cu.
cuProp the property of requested cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
xrmContext xrmCreateContext (uint32_t xrmApiVersion)

Establishes a connection with the XRM daemon.


xrmApiVersion the XRM API version number


xrmContext, pointer to created context or NULL on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmDestroyContext (xrmContext context)

Disconnects an existing connection with the XRM daemon.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmIsDaemonRunning (xrmContext context)

To check whether the daemon is running.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()


bool, true on running or false on NOT running


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmEnableOneDevice (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId

Enable one device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the device id to enable


0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmDisableOneDevice (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId

Disable one device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the device id to disable


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmLoadOneDevice (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId,
    char* xclbinFileName

Loads xclbin to one device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the device id to load the xclbin file, -1 means to any available device
xclbinFileName xclbin file (full path and name)


int32_t, device id (>= 0) loaded with xclbin or appropriate error number (< 0) on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmUnloadOneDevice (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId

Unloads xclbin from one device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the device id to unload the xclbin file


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Allocates compute unit with a device, cu, and channel given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of requested cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuAllocFromDev (
    xrmContext context,
    int32_t deviceId,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Allocates compute unit from specified device given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
deviceId the id of target device to allocate the cu.
cuProp the property of requested cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuListAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListProperty* cuListProp,
    xrmCuListResource* cuListRes

Allocates a list of compute unit resource given a list of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuListProp the property of cu list. cuProps: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad, starting from cuProps[0], no hole. cuNum: request number of cu in this list. sameDevice: request this list of cu from same device.
cuListRes the cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuRelease (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Releases a previously allocated resource.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


bool, true on success or false on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuListRelease (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListResource* cuListRes

Releases a previously allocated list of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuListRes the cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to be released, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: number of cu in this list.


bool, true on success or false on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmUdfCuGroupDeclare (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmUdfCuGroupProperty* udfCuGroupProp,
    char* udfCuGroupName

Declares user defined cu group type given the specified kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
udfCuGroupProp the property of user defined cu group. optionUdfCuListProps[]: option cu list property array starting from optionCuListProps[0], no hole. optionUdfCuListNum: number of option user defined cu list.
udfCuGroupName unique user defined cu group name for the new group type declaration


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmUdfCuGroupUndeclare (
    xrmContext context,
    char* udfCuGroupName

Undeclares user defined cu group type given the specified group name.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
udfCuGroupName user defined cu group name for the group type undeclaration


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuGroupAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupProperty* cuGroupProp,
    xrmCuGroupResource* cuGroupRes

Allocates a group of compute unit resource given a user defined group of kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuGroupProp the property of cu group. udfCuGroupName: user defined cu group type name. poolId: id of the cu pool this group CUs come from, the system default pool id is 0.
cuGroupRes the cu group resource. cuResources: cu resource group to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this group.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuGroupRelease (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupResource* cuGroupRes

Releases a previously allocated group of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuGroupRes cu group resource. cuResources: cu resource group to be released, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: number of cu in this group.


bool, true on success or false on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
uint64_t xrmCuGetMaxCapacity (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp

Retrieves the maximum capacity associated with a resource.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested.


uint64_t, the max capacity of the cu (> 0) or 0 if cu is not existing in system or max capacity is not described.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuCheckStatus (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes,
    xrmCuStat* cuStat

To check the status of specified cu resource.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuRes the cu resource. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation.
cuStat the status of cu. isBusy: the cu is busy or not. usedLoad: allocated load on this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100)


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmAllocationQuery (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmAllocationQueryInfo* allocQuery,
    xrmCuListResource* cuListRes

Querys the compute unit resource given the allocation service id.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
allocQuery the allocate query information. allocServiceId: the service id returned from allocation. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested.
cuListRes cu list resource. cuListRes: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuAvailableNum (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp

To check the available cu num on the system given the kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.


int32_t, available cu num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuListAvailableNum (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListProperty* cuListProp

To check the available cu list num on the system given a list of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuListProp the property of cu list. cuProps: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad, starting from cuProps[0], no hole cuNum: request number of cu in this list. sameDevice: request this list of cu from same device.


int32_t, available cu list num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuGroupAvailableNum (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupProperty* cuGroupProp

To check the available group number of compute unit resource given a user defined group of kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuGroupProp the property of cu group. udfCuGroupName: user defined cu group type name. poolId: id of the cu pool this group CUs come from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, available cu group num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuPoolAvailableNum (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPoolProperty* cuPoolProp

To check the available cu pool num on the system given a pool of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuPoolProp the property of cu pool. cuListProp: cu list property. cuListNum: number of cu list in this pool. xclbinUuid: uuid of xclbin. xclbinNum: number of xclbin in this pool.


int32_t, available cu pool num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
uint64_t xrmCuPoolReserve (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPoolProperty* cuPoolProp

Reserves a pool of compute unit resource given a pool of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuPoolProp the property of cu pool. cuListProp: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad etc. information. cuListNum: request number of such cu list for this pool. xclbinUuid: request all resource in the xclbin. xclbinNum: request number of such xclbin for this pool.


uint64_t, reserve pool id (> 0) or 0 on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuPoolRelinquish (
    xrmContext context,
    uint64_t poolId

Relinquishes a previously reserved pool of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
poolId the reserve pool id


bool, true on success or false on fail


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmReservationQuery (
    xrmContext context,
    uint64_t poolId,
    xrmCuPoolResource* cuPoolRes

Querys the compute unit resource given the reservation id. NOTE: The allocServiceId, channelId and channelLoad are NOT valid in the cuPoolRes.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
poolId the reserve pool id
cuPoolRes the cu pool resource. cuPoolRes: cu resource pool to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuPoolRes[0], no hole. cuNum: cu number in this pool.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmExecPluginFunc (
    xrmContext context,
    char* xrmPluginName,
    uint32_t funcId,
    xrmPluginFuncParam* param

Execuates the function of one specified xrm plugin.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
xrmPluginName name of the xrm plugin
funcId the function id within xrm plugin
param the parameter struct for xrm plugin function


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuAllocWithLoad (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    char* xclbinFileName,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Allocates compute unit with a device, cu, and channel given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device. If required CU is not available, this function will try to load the xclbin to one device and do the allocation again.

Following APIs are NOT stable interface and may be changed in coming future.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.
xclbinFileName xclbin file (full path and name)
cuRes cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmLoadAndAllCuAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    char* xclbinFileName,
    xrmCuListResource* cuListRes

Loads xclbin to one device, then allocates all CUs from this device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
xclbinFileName xclbin file (full path and name)
cuListRes cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuBlockingAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuProperty* cuProp,
    uint64_t interval,
    xrmCuResource* cuRes

Blocking function of xrmCuAlloc() , this function will try to do cu allocation until success.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.
interval the interval time (useconds) before re-trying, [0 - 1000000], other value is invalid.
cuRes cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuListBlockingAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListProperty* cuListProp,
    uint64_t interval,
    xrmCuListResource* cuListRes

Blocking function of xrmCuListAlloc() , this function will try to do cu list allocation until success.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuListProp the property of cu list. cuProps: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad, starting from cuProps[0], no hole. cuNum: request number of cu in this list. sameDevice request this list of cu from same device.
interval the interval time (useconds) before re-trying, [0 - 1000000], other value is invalid.
cuListRes cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuGroupBlockingAlloc (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupProperty* cuGroupProp,
    uint64_t interval,
    xrmCuGroupResource* cuGroupRes

Blocking function of xrmCuGroupAlloc() , this function will try to do cu group allocation until success.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuGroupProp the property of cu group. udfCuGroupName: user defined cu group type name. poolId: id of the cu pool this group CUs come from, the system default pool id is 0.
interval the interval time (useconds) before re-trying, [0 - 1000000], other value is invalid.
cuGroupRes cu group resource. cuResources cu resource group to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum allocated cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuAllocV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPropertyV2* cuProp,
    xrmCuResourceV2* cuRes

Allocates compute unit with a device, cu, and channel given a kernel name or alias or both and request load. This function also provides the xclbin and kernel plugin loaded on the device.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuProp the property of requested cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. deviceInfo: resource allocation device constaint information. bit[63 - 40] reserved bit[39 - 32] constraintType 0 : no specified device constraint 1 : hardware device index. It’s used to identify hardware device index is used as the constraint. 2 : virtual device index. it’s used to descript multiple cu from same device if device index is same. It does not means from specified hardware device. This type is only valid in property of cu list. It’s not valid for single cu. others : reserved bit[31 - 0] deviceIndex memoryInfo: resource allocation memory constaint information. bit[63 - 40] reserved bit[39 - 32] constraintType 0 : no specified memory constraint 1 : hardware memory bank. It’s used to identify hardware memory bank is used as the constraint. others : reserved bit[31 - 0] memoryBankIndex policyInfo: resource allocation policy information. bit[63 - 8] reserved bit[ 7 - 0] policyType 0 : no specified policy 1 : most used first 2 : least used first others : reserved requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuListAllocV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListPropertyV2* cuListProp,
    xrmCuListResourceV2* cuListRes

Allocates a list of compute unit resource given a list of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuListProp the property of cu list. cuProps: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad, starting from cuProps[0], no hole. For each cu in the list: 1) if device constraint not set: allocate it from any device 2) if device constraint set with hw index: reserve it from target device 3) if device constraint set with virtual index: find all others with same virtual index, put them into one sub-list, and reserve requested CU from same device, the device id should be different from that for previous sub-lists request from virtual index. cuNum: request number of cu in this list.
cuListRes the cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuReleaseV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuResourceV2* cuRes

Releases a previously allocated resource.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuRes the cu resource. xclbinFileName: xclbin (path and name) attached to this device. kernelPluginFileName: kernel plugin (only name) attached to this device. kernelName: the kernel name of allocated cu. kernelAlias: the name alias of allocated cu. instanceName: the instance name of allocated cu. cuName: the name of allocated cu (kernelName:instanceName). uuid: uuid of the loaded xclbin file. deviceId: device id of this cu. cuId: cu id of this cu. channelId: channel id of this cu. cuType: type of cu, hardware kernel or soft kernel. allocServiceId: service id for this cu allocation. channelLoad: allocated load of this cu, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: id of the cu pool this cu comes from, the system default pool id is 0.


bool, true on success or false on fail.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuListReleaseV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListResourceV2* cuListRes

Releases a previously allocated list of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuListRes the cu list resource. cuResources: cu resource list to be released, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: number of cu in this list.


bool, true on success or false on fail.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmUdfCuGroupDeclareV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmUdfCuGroupPropertyV2* udfCuGroupProp,
    char* udfCuGroupName

Declares user defined cu group type given the specified kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
udfCuGroupProp the property of user defined cu group. optionUdfCuListProps[]: option cu list property array starting from optionCuListProps[0], no hole. optionUdfCuListNum: number of option user defined cu list.
udfCuGroupName unique user defined cu group name for the new group type declaration.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmUdfCuGroupUndeclareV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    char* udfCuGroupName

Undeclares user defined cu group type given the specified group name.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
udfCuGroupName user defined cu group name for the group type undeclaration.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCuGroupAllocV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupPropertyV2* cuGroupProp,
    xrmCuGroupResourceV2* cuGroupRes

Allocates a group of compute unit resource given a user defined group of kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuGroupProp the property of cu group. udfCuGroupName: user defined cu group type name. poolId: id of the cu pool this group CUs come from, the system default pool id is 0.
cuGroupRes the cu group resource. cuResources: cu resource group to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: allocated cu number in this group.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuGroupReleaseV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupResourceV2* cuGroupRes

Releases a previously allocated group of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuGroupRes cu group resource. cuResources: cu resource group to be released, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: number of cu in this group.


bool, true on success or false on fail.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmAllocationQueryV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmAllocationQueryInfoV2* allocQuery,
    xrmCuListResourceV2* cuListRes

Querys the compute unit resource given the allocation service id.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
allocQuery the allocate query information. allocServiceId: the service id returned from allocation. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested.
cuListRes cu list resource. cuListRes: cu resource list to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuResources[0], no hole. cuNum: cu number in this list.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuAvailableNumV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPropertyV2* cuProp

To check the available cu num on the system given the kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext()
cuProp the property of cu. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested. devExcl: request exclusive device usage for this client. requestLoad: request load, only one type granularity at one time. bit[31 - 28] reserved bit[27 - 8] granularity of 1000000 (0 - 1000000) bit[ 7 - 0] granularity of 100 (0 - 100) poolId: request to allocate cu from specified resource pool.


int32_t, available cu num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuListAvailableNumV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuListPropertyV2* cuListProp

To check the available cu list num on the system given a list of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuListProp the property of cu list. cuProps: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad, starting from cuProps[0], no hole For each cu in the list: 1) if device constraint not set: allocate it from any device 2) if device constraint set with hw index: reserve it from target device 3) if device constraint set with virtual index: find all others with same virtual index, put them into one sub-list, and reserve requested CU from same device, the device id should be different from that for previous sub-lists request from virtual index. cuNum: request number of cu in this list.


int32_t, available cu list num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuGroupAvailableNumV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuGroupPropertyV2* cuGroupProp

To check the available group number of compute unit resource given a user defined group of kernels’s property with cu name (kernelName:instanceName) and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuGroupProp the property of cu group. udfCuGroupName: user defined cu group type name. poolId: id of the cu pool this group CUs come from, the system default pool id is 0.


int32_t, available cu group num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmCheckCuPoolAvailableNumV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPoolPropertyV2* cuPoolProp

To check the available cu pool num on the system given a pool of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuPoolProp the property of cu pool. cuListProp: cu list property. cuListNum: number of cu list in this pool. xclbinUuid: uuid of xclbin. xclbinNum: number of xclbin in this pool.


int32_t, available cu pool num (>= 0) on success or appropriate error number (< 0).


#include "lib/xrm.h"
uint64_t xrmCuPoolReserveV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmCuPoolPropertyV2* cuPoolProp,
    xrmCuPoolResInforV2* cuPoolResInfor

Reserves a pool of compute unit resource given a pool of kernels’s property with kernel name or alias or both and request load.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
cuPoolProp the property of cu pool. cuListProp: cu prop list to fill kernelName, devExcl and requestLoad etc. information. For each cu in the list: 1) if device constraint not set: reserve it from any device 2) if device constraint set with hw index: reserve it from target device 3) if device constraint set with virtual index: find all others with same virtual index, put them into one sub-list, and reserve requested CU from same device, the device id should be different from that for previous sub-lists request from virtual index. cuListNum: request number of such cu list for this pool. xclbinUuid: request all resource in the xclbin. xclbinNum: request number of such xclbin for this pool. deviceIdListProp: device id list
cuPoolResInfor the return information of cu pool. cuListResInfor: cu list resource information. cuListNum: number of cu list for this pool. xclbinResInfor: resource information of the xclbin. xclbinNum: number of xclbin for this pool.


uint64_t, reserve pool id (> 0) or 0 on fail.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
bool xrmCuPoolRelinquishV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    uint64_t poolId

Relinquishes a previously reserved pool of resources.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
poolId the reserve pool id.


bool, true on success or false on fail.


#include "lib/xrm.h"
int32_t xrmReservationQueryV2 (
    xrmContext context,
    xrmReservationQueryInfoV2* reserveQueryInfo,
    xrmCuPoolResourceV2* cuPoolRes

Querys the compute unit resource given the reservation id. NOTE: The allocServiceId, channelId and channelLoad are NOT valid in the cuPoolRes.


context the context created through xrmCreateContext() .
reserveQueryInfo the reservation query information. poolId: reservation pool id. kernelName: the kernel name requested. kernelAlias: the alias of kernel name requested.
cuPoolRes the cu pool resource. cuPoolRes: cu resource pool to fill the allocated cus infor, starting from cuPoolRes[0], no hole. cuNum: cu number in this pool.


int32_t, 0 on success or appropriate error number.