Create MPSoC Based Embedded Platforms ************************************* An MPSoC Based Embedded platform defines a base hardware and software architecture and application context. We provide a few scripts and some basic source files as an example to create a custom MPSoC platform. - ``src/platform/zcu102`` - ``src/platform/zcu102_svm`` Before creating platform, make sure to properly set up environment for vivado. It takes same procedures to create platform for zcu102 and zcu102_svm. Take zcu102 as an example. *NOTE* The purpose of this page is only for easy to get started. If you are interested in details about creating DSA for a platform. Please read the Hardware Platform section of Xilinx Document UG1146. Build Hardware Platform ======================= To create Hardware Platform, under platform/zcu102/ :: vivado -mode batch -notrace -source ./zcu102_dsa.tcl This will generate hardware Device Support Archive ``platform/zcu102/zcu102.dsa`` and Hardware Definition File ``platform/zcu102/zcu102_vivado/zcu102.hdf`` .. _`Build Boot Images`: Build Boot Images ================= Using PetaLinux to build necessray Boot Images for the software platform with the Hardware Definition File we created is described in :ref:`yocto.rst` document. The boot image files required include - ``image.ub`` - ``bl31.elf`` - ``fsbl.elf`` - ``pmufw.elf`` - ``u-boot.elf`` Copy image.ub to ``platform/zcu102/src/a53/ocl/image/`` and copy other elf files to ``platform/zcu102/src/boot/`` :: cp image.ub platform/zcu102/src/a53/ocl/image/ mkdir platform/zcu102/src/boot cp bl31.elf platform/zcu102/src/boot/ cp fsbl.elf platform/zcu102/src/boot/ cp pmufw.elf platform/zcu102/src/boot/ cp u-boot.elf platform/zcu102/src/boot/ Build Software Platform ======================= To Create Software Platform, under platform/zcu102/ :: xsct -sdx ./zcu102_pfm.tcl The created zcu102 platform will be posted at - ``platform/zcu102/output/zcu102/export/zcu102`` Make use of Platform ==================== Here is a simple example of how to make use of the customized platform we built. Suppose we have a hello world OpenCL application, we can use xocc tool to build boot images (including BOOT.BIN) on zcu102 :: xocc -c -t hw --platform /zcu102.xpfm -o hello.xo xocc -l -t hw --platform /zcu102.xpfm hello.xo -o hello.xclbin --sys_config ocl The boot images will be posted at sd_card directory