xbmgmt (Next Generation)

This document describes the new next-generation xbmgmt commands. These new commands are default from 21.1 release.

Global options: These are the global options can be used with any command.

  • --verbose: Turn on verbosity and shows more outputs whenever applicable
  • --batch: Enable batch mode
  • --force: When possible, force an operation
  • --help : Get help message

The next-generation xbmgmt commands are

  • xbmgmt dump
  • xbmgmt examine
  • xbmgmt program
  • xbmgmt reset

xbmgmt dump

The xbmgmt dump command dump out content of the specified option

The supported options

Dumping the output of system configuration.

xbmgmt dump [--device| -d] <management bdf> [--config| -c] [--output| -o] <filename>

Dumping the output of programmed system image

xbmgmt dump [--device| -d] <management bdf> [--flash| -f] [--output| -o] <filename with .ini extension>

The details of the supported options

  • The --device (or -d) specifies the target device

    • <management bdf> : The Bus:Device.Function of the device of interest
  • The --flash (or -f) option dumps the output of programmed system image.

  • The --config (or -c) option dumps the output of system configuration.

  • The --output (or -o) specifies the output file to direct the dumped output. For --config the output file must have extension .ini

Example commands

#Dump programmed system image data
xbmgmt dump --device 0000:b3:00.0 --flash -o /tmp/flash_dump.txt

#Dump system configaration
xbmgmt dump --device 0000:b3:00.0 --config -o /tmp/config_dump.ini

xbmgmt examine

The xbmgmt examine command reports detail status information of the specified device

The supported options

xbmgmt examine [--device| -d] <management bdf> [--report| -r] <report of interest> [--format| -f] <report format> [--output| -o] <filename>

The details of the supported options

  • The --device (or -d) specifies the target device to program

    • <management bdf> : The Bus:Device.Function of the device of interest
  • The --report (or -r) switch can be used to view specific report(s) of interest from the following options

    • all: All known reports are produced
    • firewall: Firewall status
    • host: Host information
    • mailbox: Mailbox metrics of the device
    • mechanical: Mechanical sensors on and surrounding the device
    • platform: Platform information
  • The --format (or -f) specifies the report format. Note that --format also needs an --output to dump the report in json format. If --output is missing text format will be shown in stdout

    • JSON: The report is shown in latest JSON schema
    • JSON-2020.2: The report is shown in JSON 2020.2 schema
  • The --output (or -o) specifies the output file to direct the output

Example commands

#Report all the information for a specific device
xbmgmt examine --device 0000:d8:00.0 --report all

#Reports platform information in JSON format
xbmgmt examine --device 0000:b3:00.0 --report platform --format JSON --output output.json

xbmgmt program

The supported usecases and their options

Program the Base partition (applicable for 1RP platform too)

xbmgmt program [--device|-d] <management bdf> [--base|-b]

Program the Shell Partition for 2RP platform

xbmgmt program [--device| -d] <management bdf> [--shell|-s] <shell partition file with path>

Program the user partition with an XCLBIN file

xbmgmt program [--device| -d] <management bdf> [--user|-u] <XCLBIN file with path>

Revert to golden image

xbmgmt program [--device| -d] <management bdf> --revert-to-golden

The details of the supported options

  • The --device (or -d) specifies the target device to program

    • <management bdf> : The Bus:Device.Function of the device of interest
  • The --base option is used to update the base partition. This option is applicable for both the 1RP and 2RP platform. No action is performed if the card’s existing base partition is already up-to-date, or in a higher version, or a different platform’s partition.

  • The --shell option is used to program shell partition, applicable for 2RP platform only. The user can get the full path of installed shell partition in the system from the json file generated by xbmgmt examine -r platform --format json --output <output>.json command

    • <shell partition with path> : The shell partition with full path to program the shell partition
  • The --user (or -u) is required to specify the .xclbin file

    • <xclbin file> : The xclbin file with full-path to program the device
  • The --revert-to-golden command is used to reverts the flash image back to the golden version of the card.

Example commands

#Program the base partition
xbmgmt program --device 0000:d8:00.0 --base

#Program the shell partition
xbmgmt program --device 0000:d8:00.0 --shell <partition file with path>

xbmgmt program --device 0000:d8:00.0 --revert-to-golden

xbmgmt reset

The xbmgmt reset command can be used to reset device.

The supported options

xbmgmt reset [--device| -d] <management bdf>

The details of the supported options

  • The --device (or -d) specifies the target device to reset

    • <management bdf> : The Bus:Device.Function of the device of interest

Example commands

xbmgmt reset --device 0000:65:00.0