.. _xbtools_map.rst: .. comment:: SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 comment:: Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Utility Migration Guide *********************** This document maps the legacy ``xbutil``/``xbmgmt`` commands to the new ``xbutil``/``xbmgmt`` commands. It lists out the new ``xbutil``/``xbmgmt`` calls that replace the existing calls. A few points: 1) The new utilities are complete redesign and architecture, hence there may not be exact 1-to-1 mapping. 2) The help menus (``--help``) of these new utilities have also been improved and are highly descriptive with regards to both the commands and options. Please refer to them as needed. 3) The new command opions have both short and long format, for example ``-d`` or ``--device``. In the table below, only the longer option format is used. You may refer the documentation of the new tools in the following links :doc:`xbutil` and :doc:`xbmgmt` . xbutil ~~~~~~ +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ |Subcommand | Subcommand |Option |Option | |Legacy | New |Legacy |New | +============+=============+===================+======================+ | | | | | |``help`` |``--help`` | | | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``version`` |``--version``| | | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``reset`` |``reset`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``validate``|``validate`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | |``-q`` |``--run quick`` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--run `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--format `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--output `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``scan`` |``examine`` | | | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``query`` |``examine`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--report `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--output `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``dump`` |``examine`` | |``--format `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``program`` |``program`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | |``-p `` |``--user `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``host_mem``|``configure``| ``-d `` | ``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | |``--enable`` |``--host-mem enable`` | | | |``--size `` |``--size `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | |``--disable`` |``--host-mem disable``| | | | | | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | |``p2p`` |``configure``| ``-d `` | ``--device `` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | ``--enable`` | ``--p2p enable`` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | ``--disable`` | ``--p2p disable`` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | ``--p2p validate`` | | | | | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ | | | | | | ``mem`` | | ``--read`` | Not Supported | | | | ``--write`` | | +------------+-------------+-------------------+----------------------+ xbmgmt ~~~~~~ +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ |Subcommand | Subcommand |Option |Option | |Legacy | New |Legacy |New | +=============+=============+===========================+==================================+ | | | | | |``help`` |``--help`` | | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``version`` |``--version``| | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``flash`` |``program`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |``--update`` |``--base`` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |``--update --shell ``|``--base --image `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |``--factory_reset`` |``--revert-to-golden`` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``partition``|``program`` |``--card `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |``--program`` |``--shell `` | | | |``--name `` | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |``--path ``|``--user `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``scan`` |``examine`` | |``--report host`` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | |``examine`` | |``--device `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--report `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--format `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | |``--output `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``reset`` |``reset`` |``-d `` |``--device `` | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+ | | | | | |``config`` | |``--enable_retention`` | To be implemented in next release| | | | | | | | |``--disable_retention`` | | | | | | | +-------------+-------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------+