XMA Upper Edge API Library

XMA Application Interface

The interface used by stand-alone XMA applications or plugins

int32_t xma_initialize(XmaXclbinParameter *devXclbins, int32_t num_parms)

Initialie XMA Library and devices


XmaXclbinParameter * devXclbins

array of device index and full path of xclbin to program the device with.

int32_t num_parms

Number of elements in above array input


This is the entry point routine for utilzing the XMA library and must be the first call within any application before calling any other XMA APIs. Each device specified will be programmed with provided xclbin(s).



XMA upper edge APIs can be divided based on the following five types of kernel

  1. Encoder

  2. Decoder

  3. Scaler

  4. Filter

  5. Kernel (generic type)



The Xilinx media encoder API is comprised of two distinct interfaces: one interface for an external framework such as FFmpeg or a proprietary multi-media framework and the plugin interface used by Xilinx accelerator developers. This section illustrates both interfaces starting with the external framework view and moving on to the plugin developers view.

The external interface to the Xilinx video encoder is comprised of the following functions:

  1. xma_enc_session_create()

  2. xma_enc_session_destroy()

  3. xma_enc_session_send_frame()

  4. xma_enc_session_recv_data()

A media framework (such as FFmpeg) is responsible for creating an encoder session. The encoder session contains state information used by the encoder plugin to manage the hardware associated with a Xilinx accelerator device. Prior to creating an encoder session the media framework is responsible for initializing the XMA using the function xma_initialize(). The initialize function should be called by the media framework early in the framework initialization to ensure that all resources have been configured. Ideally, the xma_initialize() function should be called from the main() function of the media framework in order to guarantee it is only called once.

enum XmaEncoderType

Value specifies the precise type of encoder kernel requested
















struct XmaEncoderProperties

Properities used to specify which encoder is requested and how the encoder should be initalized by the plugin driver


struct XmaEncoderProperties {


XmaEncoderSession *xma_enc_session_create(XmaEncoderProperties *enc_props)

This function creates an encoder session and must be called prior to encoding a frame. A session reserves hardware resources for the duration of a video stream. The number of sessions allowed depends on a number of factors that include: resolution, frame rate, bit depth, and the capabilities of the hardware accelerator.


XmaEncoderProperties * enc_props

Pointer to a XmaEncoderProperties structure that contains the key configuration properties needed for finding available hardware resource.


Not NULL on success

NULL on failure


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_enc_session_destroy(XmaEncoderSession *session)

This function destroys an encoder session that was previously created with the xm_enc_session_create function.


XmaEncoderSession * session

Pointer to XmaEncoderSession created with xma_enc_session_create


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on failure.


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_enc_session_send_frame(XmaEncoderSession *session, XmaFrame *frame)

This function invokes plugin->send_frame fucntion assigned to this session which handles sending data to the hardware decoder.


XmaEncoderSession * session

Pointer to session created by xm_enc_sesssion_create

XmaFrame * frame

Pointer to a frame to be encoded. If the encoder has buffered input, the input will need to be flushed. To do so, an XmaFrame with a null pointer to the first data buffer will need to be sent until XMA_EOS is received (XmaFrame.data[0].buffer = NULL).


Plugin and media framework (like FFMPEG) may handle events like errors, no empty lookup buffer, no output data, end of input stream, etc using XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN, XMA_TRY_AGAIN, XMA_SEND_MORE_DATA, XMA_EOS, XMA_ERROR, etc return codes


XMA_SUCCESS on success; indicates that sufficient data has been received to begin producing output

XMA_SEND_MORE_DATA if additional frames are needed before output can be received

XMA_ERROR on error

int32_t xma_enc_session_recv_data(XmaEncoderSession *session, XmaDataBuffer *data, int32_t *data_size)

This function invokes plugin->recv_data assigned to this session which handles obtaining output data from the hardware encoder. This function returns a data buffer along with the length of the buffer if one is available. This function is called after calling the function xm_enc_session_send_frame. If a data buffer is not ready to be returned, this function returns -1 and sets the length of the data buffer to 0. In addition, the data buffer pointer is set to NULL. If a data buffer is ready, the data_size will be set with a non-zero value and a pointer to the data buffer will be set to a non-NULL value.


XmaEncoderSession * session

Pointer to session created by xm_enc_sesssion_create

XmaDataBuffer * data

Pointer to a data buffer containing encoded data

int32_t * data_size

Pointer to hold the size of the data buffer returned


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_EOS when all data has been flushed from the encoder

XMA_ERROR on error.



The Xilinx media decoder API is comprised of two distinct interfaces: one interface for an external framework such as FFmpeg or a proprietary multi-media framework and the plugin interface used by Xilinx accelerator developers. This section illustrates both interfaces starting with the external framework view and moving on to the plugin developers view.

The external interface to the Xilinx video decoder is comprised of the following functions:

  1. xma_dec_session_create()

  2. xma_dec_session_destroy()

  3. xma_dec_session_send_data()

  4. xma_dec_session_get_properties()

  5. xma_dec_session_recv_frame()

A media framework (such as FFmpeg) is responsible for creating a decoder session. The decoder session contains state information used by the decoder plugin to manage the hardware associated with a Xilinx accelerator device. Prior to creating an decoder session the media framework is responsible for initializing the XMA using the function xma_initialize(). The initialize function should be called by the media framework early in the framework initialization to ensure that all resources have been configured. Ideally, the xma_initialize() function should be called from the main() function of the media framework in order to guarantee it is only called once.

enum XmaDecoderType

A decoder from this list forms part of a request for a specific decoder when creating a decoder session via xma_dec_session_create.














struct XmaDecoderProperties

Properities used to specify which decoder is requested and how the decoder should be initalized by the plugin driver


struct XmaDecoderProperties {


XmaDecoderSession *xma_dec_session_create(XmaDecoderProperties *dec_props)

This function creates a decoder session and must be called prior to decoding data. A session reserves hardware resources for the duration of a video stream. The number of sessions allowed depends on a number of factors that include: resolution, frame rate, bit depth, and the capabilities of the hardware accelerator.


XmaDecoderProperties * dec_props

Pointer to a XmaDecoderProperties structure that contains the key configuration properties, device & cu index, etc


Not NULL on success

NULL on failure


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_dec_session_destroy(XmaDecoderSession *session)

This function destroys a decoder session that was previously created with the xma_dec_session_create function.


XmaDecoderSession * session

Pointer to XmaDecoderSession created with xma_dec_session_create


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on failure.


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_dec_session_send_data(XmaDecoderSession *session, XmaDataBuffer *data, int32_t *data_used)

This function invokes plugin->send_data fucntion assigned to this session which handles sending data to the hardware decoder.


XmaDecoderSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_dec_sesssion_create

XmaDataBuffer * data

Pointer to a data buffer to be decoded

int32_t * data_used

Pointer to an integer to receive the amount of data used


Plugin and media framework (like FFMPEG) may handle events like errors, no empty lookup buffer, no output data, end of input stream, etc using XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN, XMA_TRY_AGAIN, XMA_SEND_MORE_DATA, XMA_EOS, XMA_ERROR, etc return codes


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.

int32_t xma_dec_session_get_properties(XmaDecoderSession *dec_session, XmaFrameProperties *fprops)

This function invokes plugin->get_properties assigned to this session which returns properties of the hardware decoder.


XmaDecoderSession * dec_session

Pointer to session created by xma_dec_sesssion_create

XmaFrameProperties * fprops

Pointer to a frame properties structure to be filled in


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.

int32_t xma_dec_session_recv_frame(XmaDecoderSession *session, XmaFrame *frame)

This function invokes plugin->recv_frame assigned to this session which handles obtaining output frame from the hardware decoder. This function returns a frame if one is available.


XmaDecoderSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_dec_sesssion_create

XmaFrame * frame

Pointer to a frame containing decoded data


This function is called after calling the function xma_dec_session_send_data. If a frame is not ready to be returned, plugin function should return -1. In addition, the

frame pointer should be set to NULL. If a frame is ready, a pointer to the frame will be set to a non-NULL value.


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.



The Xilinx media scaler API is comprised of two distinct interfaces: one interface for an external framework such as FFmpeg or a proprietary multi-media framework and the plugin interface used by Xilinx accelerator developers. This section illustrates both interfaces starting with the external framework view and moving on to the plugin developers view.

The external interface to the Xilinx video scaler is comprised of the following functions:

  1. xma_scaler_session_create()

  2. xma_scaler_session_destroy()

  3. xma_scaler_session_send_frame()

  4. xma_scaler_session_recv_frame_list()

A media framework (such as FFmpeg) is responsible for creating a scaler session. The scaler session contains state information used by the scaler plugin to manage the hardware associated with a Xilinx accelerator device. Prior to creating a scaler session the media framework is responsible for initializing the XMA using the function ref xma_initialize(). The initialize function should be called by the media framework early in the framework initialization to ensure that all resources have been configured. Ideally, the ref xma_initialize() function should be called from the main() function of the media framework in order to guarantee it is only called once.

enum XmaScalerType

Specific type of scaler to request








struct XmaScalerInOutProperties

Properties which shall be used to specify configuration of kernel input or output as applicable


struct XmaScalerInOutProperties {


struct XmaScalerFilterProperties

Filter coefficients to be used by kernel


struct XmaScalerFilterProperties {


struct XmaScalerProperties

Properties structure used to request filter type and vendor as well as the manner in which it should be inialized by the plugin


struct XmaScalerProperties {


void xma_scaler_default_filter_coeff_set(XmaScalerFilterProperties *props)

This helper function sets the default horizontal and vertical filter coefficients for a polyphase filter bank.


XmaScalerFilterProperties * props

Pointer to a XmaScalerFilterProperties structure that will contain the filter coefficients.

XmaScalerSession *xma_scaler_session_create(XmaScalerProperties *props)

This function creates a scaler session and must be called prior to scaling a frame. A session reserves hardware resources for the duration of a video stream. The number of sessions allowed depends on a number of factors that include: resolution, frame rate, bit depth, and the capabilities of the hardware accelerator.


XmaScalerProperties * props



props Pointer to a XmaScalerProperties structure that contains the key configuration properties needed for finding available hardware resource.


Not NULL on success

NULL on failure


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_scaler_session_destroy(XmaScalerSession *session)

This function destroys an scaler session that was previously created with the xma_scaler_session_create() function.


XmaScalerSession * session

Pointer to XmaScalerSession created with xma_scaler_session_create


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on failure.


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_scaler_session_send_frame(XmaScalerSession *session, XmaFrame *frame)

This function invokes plugin->send_frame fucntion assigned to this session which handles sending data to the hardware scaler.


XmaScalerSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_scaler_sesssion_create

XmaFrame * frame

Pointer to a frame to be scaled. If the scaler is buffering input, then an XmaFrame with a NULL data buffer pointer to the first data buffer must be sent to flush the filter and to indicate that no more data will be sent: XmaFrame.data[0].buffer = NULL The application must then check for XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN for each such call when flushing the last few frames. When XMA_EOS is returned, no new data may be collected from the scaler.


This function sends a frame to the hardware scaler. If a frame

buffer is not available, the plugin function should block.


XMA_SUCCESS on success and the scaler is ready to produce output

XMA_SEND_MORE_DATA if the scaler is buffering input frames

XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN when flushing scaler with a null frame

XMA_EOS when the scaler has been flushed of all residual frames

XMA_ERROR on error

int32_t xma_scaler_session_recv_frame_list(XmaScalerSession *session, XmaFrame **frame_list)

This function invokes plugin->recv_frame_list assigned to this session which handles obtaining list of output frames from the hardware encoder. This function is called after calling the function xma_scaler_session_send_frame. If a data buffer is not ready to be returned, the plugin function should blocks.


XmaScalerSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_scaler_sesssion_create

XmaFrame ** frame_list

Pointer to a list of XmaFrame structures


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on error


enum XmaFilterType

Identifier specifying precise type of video filter during session creation




struct XmaFilterPortProperties

Properties necessary for specifying how an input or output port should be configured by the plugin.


struct XmaFilterPortProperties {


struct XmaFilterProperties

Properties necessary for specifying which filter kernel to select and how it should be configured by the plugin.


struct XmaFilterProperties {


XmaFilterSession *xma_filter_session_create(XmaFilterProperties *props)

This function creates a filter session and must be called prior to filtering a frame. A session reserves hardware resources for the duration of a video stream. The number of sessions allowed depends on a number of factors that include: resolution, frame rate, bit depth, and the capabilities of the hardware accelerator.


XmaFilterProperties * props

Pointer to a XmaFilterProperties structure that contains the key configuration properties needed for finding available hardware resource.


Not NULL on success

NULL on failure


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_filter_session_destroy(XmaFilterSession *session)

This function destroys an filter session that was previously created with the ref xma_filter_session_create function.


XmaFilterSession * session

Pointer to XmaFilterSession created with xma_filter_session_create


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on failure.


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_filter_session_send_frame(XmaFilterSession *session, XmaFrame *frame)

This function invokes plugin->send_frame fucntion assigned to this session which handles sending frames to the hardware decoder.


XmaFilterSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_filter_session_create

XmaFrame * frame

Pointer to a frame to be filtered. If the filter is buffering input, then an XmaFrame with a NULL data buffer pointer to the first data buffer must be sent to flush the filter and to indicate that no more data will be sent: XmaFrame.data[0].buffer = NULL The application must then check for XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN for each such call when flushing the last few frames. When XMA_EOS is returned, no new data may be collected from the filter.


XMA_SUCCESS on success and the filter is ready to produce output

XMA_SEND_MORE_DATA if the filter is buffering input frames

XMA_FLUSH_AGAIN when flushing filter with a null frame

XMA_EOS when the filter has been flushed of all residual frames

XMA_ERROR on error

int32_t xma_filter_session_recv_frame(XmaFilterSession *session, XmaFrame *frame)

This function invokes plugin->recv_frame assigned to this session which handles obtaining output frame with filtered data from the hardware filter. This function is called after calling the function xma_filter_session_send_frame. If a data buffer is not ready to be returned, the plugin function should block.


XmaFilterSession * session

Pointer to session created by xma_filter_session_create

XmaFrame * frame



XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.



The kernel interface provides a generic method for controlling a kernel that does not need to send and receive video frame data. While it is possible to use the kernel plugin class for video, the class is intended for cases where only control information is required or the data is not readily classified as typical video frame data.

In most cases specific to video accelerators, the class of session typically fits into one of the followeing categories:

  1. encoder

  2. decoder

  3. filter (with 1 input and 1 output)

  4. ABR scaler (with 1 input and multiple output)

Each of the classes above expect frame data as input/output or both. As a result, these APIs provide a convenient way to send and/or receive frame data. In cases where frame data is not needed or more control over the type of data sent/recevied is needed, the kernel class of plugin may be a better fit. In this case, data is transferred between the host application and the plugin via private_session_data. private_session_data is managed by host application. As a result, it is up to the host application and plugin to decide the meaning/structure of the private_session_data.

enum XmaKernelType

Description of kernel represented by XmaKernel




struct XmaKernelProperties

XmaKernels represent unspecified or custom kernels that may not necessarily fit an existing video kernel type. As such, they may take custom parameters as properties. You should consult the documentation for the kernel plugin to get a list of XmaParameter parameters needed to specify how the kernel should be initalized.


struct XmaKernelProperties {


XmaKernelSession *xma_kernel_session_create(XmaKernelProperties *props)

This function creates a kernel session and must be called prior to invoking other kernel session functions. A session reserves hardware resources until session destroy function is called.


XmaKernelProperties * props

Pointer to a XmaKernelProperties structure that contains the key configuration properties needed for finding available hardware resource.


Not NULL on success

NULL on failure


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_kernel_session_destroy(XmaKernelSession *session)

This function destroys a kernel session that was previously created with the xma_kernel_session_create function.


XmaKernelSession * session

Pointer to XmaKernelSession created with xma_kernel_session_create


XMA_SUCCESS on success

XMA_ERROR on failure.


session create & destroy are thread safe APIs

int32_t xma_kernel_session_write(XmaKernelSession *session, XmaParameter *param, int32_t param_cnt)

This function invokes plugin->write fucntion assigned to this session which handles sending data to the hardware kernel. The meaning of the data is managed by the caller and low-level XMA plugin. This means that the data provided could contain information about how kernel registers are programmed, how device DDR memory is set, or some combination of both.


XmaKernelSession * session

Pointer to session created by xm_enc_sesssion_create

XmaParameter * param

Pointer to an XmaParameter list

int32_t param_cnt

Number of parameters provided in the list


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.

int32_t xma_kernel_session_read(XmaKernelSession *session, XmaParameter *param, int32_t *param_cnt)

This function invokes plugin->read assigned to this session which handles obtaining output data from the hardware kernel. The meaning of the data is managed by the caller and low-level XMA plugin.


XmaKernelSession * session

Pointer to session created by xm_enc_sesssion_create

XmaParameter * param

Pointer to an XmaParameter

int32_t * param_cnt

Pointer number of parameters in the list


XMA_SUCCESS on success.

XMA_ERROR on error.