Integration with Podman

Podman is an alternative to docker, with which xilinx container runtime is able to be integrated.

It works mostly the same way as it does with Docker. The following shows how to invoke Xilinx container runtime in Podman.

Run with Absolute File Path

Podman is allowed to specify runtime by absolute file path.

sudo podman run -it --rm --runtime=/usr/bin/xilinx-container-runtime -e XILINX_VISIBLE_CARDS=0 /bin/bash

Configure Runtime for Podman

Optionally, you can update /usr/share/containers/containers.conf, in [engine.runtimes] part, adding below snippet.

xilinx = [

Then, you can specify the runtime as xilinx.

sudo podman run -it --rm --runtime=xilinx -e XILINX_VISIBLE_CARDS=0 /bin/bash