
Brevitas supports a few boolean global flags can be set through enviromental variables and/or at runtime in the brevitas.config package.

BREVITAS_JIT (Default: 0) - brevitas.config.JIT_ENABLED Enable just-in-time compilation of built-in quantizers written in TorchScript and of gradient estimators written in C++. In case an appropriate C++ compiler cannot be found, a warning will be generated and gradient estimators will fall back to the Python implementation. TorchScript compilation requires PYTORCH_JIT to be enabled (which it is by default).

BREVITAS_IGNORE_MISSING_KEYS (Default: 0) - brevitas.config.IGNORE_MISSING_KEYS Ignore “missing keys” errors typically generated whenever a pretrained floating-point is loaded on top of a corresponding Brevitas quantized model that internally contains learned torch.nn.Parameter (which happens by default for quantized activations). This is a better alternative to setting model.load_state_dict(…, strict=False), which would silently ignore any kind of mismatch.

BREVITAS_VERBOSE (Default: 0) - brevitas.config.VERBOSE Enable verbose C++ compilation when BREVITAS_JIT=1 is set.

BREVITAS_NATIVE_STE_BACKEND (Default: 0) - brevitas.config.NATIVE_STE_BACKEND_ENABLED Enable compilation of the native C++ backend without enabling the JIT for Brevitas. Setting brevitas.config.JIT_ENABLED=True forces brevitas.config.NATIVE_STE_BACKEND_ENABLED=True.

BREVITAS_REINIT_ON_STATE_DICT_LOAD (Default: 1) - brevitas.config.REINIT_ON_STATE_DICT_LOAD Controls whether loading a state dict triggers re-initialization of the quantizers within the layer whose state dict is being updated. The default behaviour is for quantizers to be re-initialized, so that any quantization parameter that is initialized based on floating-point parameters can be recomputed, e.g. a learned torch.nn.Parameter weight scale initialized from the absmax of the weight float tensor. Disable at your own risk if it’s appropriate for your use case.