dma_from_device is a user application tool provided along with QDMA Linux driver to perform the Card to Host data transfers.
usage: dma_from_device [OPTIONS]
Read via SGDMA, optionally save output to a file
-d (--device) device (defaults to /dev/qdma01000-MM-0)
-a (--address) the start address on the AXI bus
-s (--size) size of a single transfer in bytes, default 32.
-o (--offset) page offset of transfer
-c (--count) number of transfers, default is 1.
-f (--file) file to write the data of the transfers
-h (--help) print usage help and exit
-v (--verbose) verbose output
[xilinx@]# dma_from_device -d /dev/qdma01000-ST-1 -s 64
** Average BW = 64, 0.880221