QDMA DPDK Performance

Refer to QDMA_Performance_Answer_Record for detailed performance results and test environment.

Xilinx DPDK-Pktgen Extension Command-line Options

Xilinx provided -9 and -w command-line options used for performance measurement.

To enable -9 and -w command-line options found in performance AR71453, apply the pktgen patch file based on DPDK version to your DPDK Driver.

Refer to Xilinx QDMA DPDK Software database structure for the details of each DPDK version pktgen patch files.

Below Table describes the Command-line Options usecase.

Command-line Description
-9 The ‘-9’ option is the extension added by Xilinx to enable dpdk-pktgen to support packet sizes beyond 1518 bytes. The dpdk-pktgen Application was also modified to disable the Packet Classification.
-w The ‘-w’ EAL option is specified to enable or disable prefetch and to change the completion descriptor length.