#define | XLlFifo_Reset(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_Reset resets both the Tx and Rx channels and the local link interface the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_Status(InstancePtr) XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_ISR_OFFSET) |
| XLlFifo_Status returns a bit mask of the interrupt status register (ISR) for the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IntEnable(InstancePtr, Mask) |
| XLlFifo_IntEnable enables the interrupts specified in Mask for the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IntDisable(InstancePtr, Mask) |
| XLlFifo_IntDisable disables the interrupts specified in Mask for the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IntPending(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_IntPending returns a bit mask of the pending interrupts for the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IntClear(InstancePtr, Mask) |
| XLlFifo_IntClear clears pending interrupts specified in Mask for the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_RxReset(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_RxReset resets the receive channel of the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_IsRxEmpty returns true if the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by InstancePtr, is empty. More...
#define | XLlFifo_RxOccupancy(InstancePtr) XStrm_RxOccupancy(&((InstancePtr)->RxStreamer)) |
| XLlFifo_RxOccupancy returns the number of 32-bit words available (occupancy) to be read from the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_RxGetLen(InstancePtr) XStrm_RxGetLen(&((InstancePtr)->RxStreamer)) |
| XLlFifo_RxGetLen notifies the hardware that the program is ready to receive the next frame from the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_Read(InstancePtr, BufPtr, Bytes) XStrm_Read(&((InstancePtr)->RxStreamer), (BufPtr), (Bytes)) |
| XLlFifo_Read reads Bytes bytes from the receive channel of the FIFO referenced by InstancePtr to the block of memory, referenced by BufPtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_TxReset(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_TxReset resets the transmit channel of the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IsTxDone(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_IsTxDone returns true if the transmission in the transmit channel of the FIFO, specified by InstancePtr, is complete. More...
#define | XLlFifo_IsRxDone(InstancePtr) |
| XLlFifo_IsRxDone returns true if the reception in the receive channel of the FIFO, specified by InstancePtr, is complete. More...
#define | XLlFifo_TxVacancy(InstancePtr) XStrm_TxVacancy(&((InstancePtr)->TxStreamer)) |
| XLlFifo_TxVacancy returns the number of unused 32 bit words available (vacancy) in the send channel of the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_TxSetLen(InstancePtr, Bytes) XStrm_TxSetLen(&((InstancePtr)->TxStreamer), (Bytes)) |
| XLlFifo_TxSetLen begins a hardware transfer of Bytes bytes out of the transmit channel of the FIFO specified by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_Write(InstancePtr, BufPtr, Bytes) XStrm_Write(&((InstancePtr)->TxStreamer), (BufPtr), (Bytes)) |
| XLlFifo_Write writes Bytes bytes of the block of memory, referenced by BufPtr, to the transmit channel of the FIFO referenced by InstancePtr. More...
#define | XLlFifo_WriteTdr(InstancePtr, Tdest) |
| XLlFifo_WriteTdr writes to the Transmit Destination Register (TDR) More...
#define | XLlFifo_ReadRdr(InstancePtr) XLlFifo_ReadReg((InstancePtr)->BaseAddress, XLLF_RDR_OFFSET) |
| XLlFifo_ReadTdr returns the contents of the Receive Destination Register(RDR). More...