Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xmcdma_bd.h File Reference


#define XMcdma_BdRead(BaseAddress, Offset)   (*(u32 *)(((void *)(UINTPTR)(BaseAddress)) + (u32)(Offset)))
 Read the given Buffer Descriptor word. More...
#define XMcdma_BdRead64(BaseAddress, Offset)   (*(u64 *)(((void *)(UINTPTR)(BaseAddress)) + (u32)(Offset)))
 Read the given Buffer Descriptor word. More...
#define XMcdma_BdWrite(BaseAddress, Offset, Data)   (*(u32 *)((UINTPTR)(void *)(BaseAddress) + (u32)(Offset))) = (u32)(Data)
 Write the given Buffer Descriptor word. More...
#define XMcdma_BdWrite64(BaseAddress, Offset, Data)   (*(u64 *)((UINTPTR)(void *)(BaseAddress) + (u32)(Offset))) = (u64)(Data)
 Write the given Buffer Descriptor double word. More...
#define XMcDma_BdGetSts(BdPtr)   XMcdma_BdRead((BdPtr), XMCDMA_BD_STS_OFFSET)
 Retrieve the status of a Ingress(S2MM) BD. More...
#define XMcdma_BdHwCompleted(BdPtr)
 Check whether a Ingress(S2MM) BD has completed in hardware. More...
#define XMcDma_BdGetActualLength(BdPtr, LengthMask)
 Get the actual transfer length of a Ingress (S2MM)BD. More...
#define XMcDma_TxBdGetSts(BdPtr)   XMcdma_BdRead((BdPtr), XMCDMA_BD_SIDEBAND_STS_OFFSET)
 Retrieve the status of a Egress(MM2S) BD. More...
#define XMcdma_TxBdHwCompleted(BdPtr)
 Check whether a Egress(MM2S) BD has completed in hardware. More...
#define XMcDma_TxBdGetActualLength(BdPtr, LengthMask)
 Get the actual transfer length of a Egress(MM2S) BD. More...
#define XMcDma_BdGetCtrl(BdPtr)
 Gets the control bits of a BD. More...
#define XMcdma_BdChainNextBd(Chan, BdPtr)
 Return the next BD in the Chain. More...
#define XMcdma_BdChainPrevBd(Chan, BdPtr)
 Return the previous BD in the Chain. More...
#define XMcdma_HwIsStarted(Chan)
 Check whether a DMA is started, meaning the channel is not halted. More...
#define XMcdma_ChanHwIsStarted(Chan, Chan_id)
 Check whether a DMA channel is started, meaning the channel is not halted. More...
#define XMcDma_BdSetCtrlSideBand(BdPtr, Tid, Tuser)
 Set the Tid and Tuser fields of a BD with the user provided values. More...
#define XMcDma_GetBdSbandStats(BdPtr)   XMcdma_BdRead((BdPtr), XMCDMA_BD_SIDEBAND_STS_OFFSET)
 Retrieve the side band status of a BD. More...
#define XMcdma_BdClear(BdPtr)
 Clears the BD Contents. More...
#define XMcdma_BdSetSwId(BdPtr, Id)   (XMcdma_BdWrite((BdPtr), XMCDMA_BD_SW_ID_OFFSET, (UINTPTR)(Id)))
 Set the Sw ID field of the given BD. More...
#define XMcdma_BdGetSwId(BdPtr)   (XMcdma_BdRead((BdPtr), XMCDMA_BD_SW_ID_OFFSET))
 Retrieve the Sw ID field of the given BD previously set with XMcdma_BdSetSwId. More...