s32 | XScuGic_DeviceInitialize (u32 DeviceId) |
| Initializes the GIC based on the device ID. More...
void | XScuGic_DeviceInterruptHandler (void *DeviceId) |
| This function is the primary interrupt handler for the driver. More...
void | XScuGic_RegisterHandler (u32 BaseAddress, s32 InterruptID, Xil_InterruptHandler IntrHandler, void *CallBackRef) |
| Register a handler function for a specific interrupt ID. More...
void | XScuGic_SetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id, u8 Priority, u8 Trigger) |
| Sets the interrupt priority and trigger type for the specificd IRQ source. More...
void | XScuGic_GetPriTrigTypeByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id, u8 *Priority, u8 *Trigger) |
| Gets the interrupt priority and trigger type for the specificd IRQ source. More...
void | XScuGic_InterruptMapFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id, u32 Int_Id) |
| Sets the target CPU for the interrupt of a peripheral. More...
void | XScuGic_InterruptUnmapFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id, u32 Int_Id) |
| Unmaps specific SPI interrupt from the target CPU. More...
void | XScuGic_UnmapAllInterruptsFromCpuByDistAddr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u8 Cpu_Id) |
| Unmaps all SPI interrupts from the target CPU. More...
void | XScuGic_EnableIntr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id) |
| Enables the interrupt source provided as the argument Int_Id. More...
void | XScuGic_DisableIntr (u32 DistBaseAddress, u32 Int_Id) |
| Disables the interrupt source provided as the argument Int_Id so that the interrupt controller will not cause interrupts for the specified Int_Id. More...