Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xv_hscaler_l2.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XV_Hscaler_l2
 H Scaler Layer 2 data. More...

Hw Configuration

The following constants define the scaler HW MAX configuration

#define XV_HSCALER_MAX_H_TAPS   (12)
#define XV_HSCALER_MAX_H_PHASES   (64)
#define XV_HSCALER_MAX_LINE_WIDTH   (8192)
#define XV_HscalerIs422Enabled(InstancePtr)   ((InstancePtr)->Hsc.Config.Is422Enabled)
 This macro checks if Hscaler instance is enabled for 4:2:2 processing. More...
#define XV_HscalerIs420Enabled(InstancePtr)   ((InstancePtr)->Hsc.Config.Is420Enabled)
 This macro checks if Hscaler instance is enabled for 4:2:0 processing. More...
#define XV_HscalerIsCscEnabled(InstancePtr)   ((InstancePtr)->Hsc.Config.IsCscEnabled)
 This macro checks if Hscaler instance is enabled for color space conversion. More...
 This typedef enumerates the Scaler Type. More...
 This typedef enumerates the supported taps. More...
int XV_HScalerInitialize (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId)
 This function initializes the core instance. More...
void XV_HScalerStart (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function starts the horizontal scaler core. More...
void XV_HScalerStop (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function stops the horizontal scaler core. More...
void XV_HScalerLoadExtCoeff (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr, u16 num_phases, u16 num_taps, const short *Coeff)
 This function loads user defined filter coefficients in the scaler coefficient storage. More...
int XV_HScalerSetup (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr, u32 HeightIn, u32 WidthIn, u32 WidthOut, u32 ColorFormatIn, u32 ColorFormatOut)
 This function configures the scaler core registers with the specified configuration parameters of the axi stream. More...
int XV_HScalerValidateConfig (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr, u32 cformatIn, u32 cformatOut)
 This function checks if the given input and output color formats are valid configuration parameters for this instance. More...
void XV_HScalerDbgReportStatus (XV_Hscaler_l2 *InstancePtr)
 This function prints H Scaler status on the console. More...