Vitis Drivers API Documentation
xadcps.h File Reference

Data Structures

struct  XAdcPs_Config
 This typedef contains configuration information for the XADC/ADC device. More...
struct  XAdcPs
 The driver's instance data. More...


#define XAdcPs_IsEventSamplingModeSet(InstancePtr)
 This macro checks if the XADC device is in Event Sampling mode. More...
#define XAdcPs_IsExternalMuxModeSet(InstancePtr)
 This macro checks if the XADC device is in External Mux mode. More...
#define XAdcPs_RawToTemperature(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData)/65536.0f)/0.00198421639f ) - 273.15f)
 This macro converts XADC Raw Data to Temperature(centigrades). More...
#define XAdcPs_RawToVoltage(AdcData)   ((((float)(AdcData))* (3.0f))/65536.0f)
 This macro converts XADC/ADC Raw Data to Voltage(volts). More...
#define XAdcPs_TemperatureToRaw(Temperature)   ((int)(((Temperature) + 273.15f)*65536.0f*0.00198421639f))
 This macro converts Temperature in centigrades to XADC/ADC Raw Data. More...
#define XAdcPs_VoltageToRaw(Voltage)   ((int)((Voltage)*65536.0f/3.0f))
 This macro converts Voltage in Volts to XADC/ADC Raw Data. More...
#define XAdcPs_WriteFifo(InstancePtr, Data)
 This macro is used for writing to the XADC Registers using the command FIFO. More...
#define XAdcPs_ReadFifo(InstancePtr)
 This macro is used for reading from the XADC Registers using the data FIFO. More...
Indexes for the different channels.
#define XADCPS_CH_TEMP   0x0U
 On Chip Temperature. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VCCINT   0x1U
 VCCINT. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VCCAUX   0x2U
 VCCAUX. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VPVN   0x3U
 VP/VN Dedicated analog inputs. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VREFP   0x4U
 VREFP. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VREFN   0x5U
 VREFN. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_VBRAM   0x6U
 On-chip VBRAM Data Reg, 7 series. More...
 Supply Calib Data Reg. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_ADC_CALIB   0x08U
 ADC Offset Channel Reg. More...
 Gain Error Channel Reg. More...
 On-chip PS VCCPINT Channel , Zynq. More...
 On-chip PS VCCPAUX Channel , Zynq. More...
 On-chip PS VCCPDRO Channel , Zynq. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_AUX_MIN   16U
 Channel number for 1st Aux Channel. More...
#define XADCPS_CH_AUX_MAX   31U
 Channel number for Last Aux channel. More...
Indexes for reading the Calibration Coefficient Data.
 Supply Offset Calib Coefficient. More...
 ADC Offset Calib Coefficient. More...
 Gain Error Calib Coefficient. More...
Indexes for reading the Minimum/Maximum Measurement Data.
#define XADCPS_MAX_TEMP   0U
 Maximum Temperature Data. More...
 Maximum VCCINT Data. More...
 Maximum VCCAUX Data. More...
 Maximum VBRAM Data. More...
#define XADCPS_MIN_TEMP   4U
 Minimum Temperature Data. More...
 Minimum VCCINT Data. More...
 Minimum VCCAUX Data. More...
 Minimum VBRAM Data. More...
 Maximum VCCPINT Register , Zynq. More...
 Maximum VCCPAUX Register , Zynq. More...
 Maximum VCCPDRO Register , Zynq. More...
 Minimum VCCPINT Register , Zynq. More...
 Minimum VCCPAUX Register , Zynq. More...
 Minimum VCCPDRO Register , Zynq. More...
Alarm Threshold(Limit) Register (ATR) indexes.
 High user Temperature. More...
 VCCINT high voltage limit register. More...
 VCCAUX high voltage limit register. More...
 VCCAUX high voltage limit register. More...
 Upper Over Temperature limit Reg. More...
 VCCINT high voltage limit register. More...
 VCCAUX low voltage limit register. More...
 Lower Over Temperature limit. More...
 VRBAM Upper Alarm Reg, 7 Series. More...
 VCCPINT Upper Alarm Reg, Zynq. More...
 VCCPAUX Upper Alarm Reg, Zynq. More...
 VCCPDRO Upper Alarm Reg, Zynq. More...
 VRBAM Lower Alarm Reg, 7 Series. More...
 VCCPINT Lower Alarm Reg , Zynq. More...
 VCCPAUX Lower Alarm Reg , Zynq. More...
 VCCPDRO Lower Alarm Reg , Zynq. More...
Averaging to be done for the channels.
 No Averaging. More...
#define XADCPS_AVG_16_SAMPLES   1U
 Average 16 samples. More...
#define XADCPS_AVG_64_SAMPLES   2U
 Average 64 samples. More...
#define XADCPS_AVG_256_SAMPLES   3U
 Average 256 samples. More...
Channel Sequencer Modes of operation
 Default Safe Mode. More...
 Onepass through Sequencer. More...
 Continuous Cycling Sequencer. More...
 Single channel -No Sequencing. More...
 Simultaneous sampling. More...
 Independent mode. More...
Power Down Modes
 No Power Down. More...
 Power Down ADC B. More...
 Power Down ADC A and ADC B. More...


XAdcPs_ConfigXAdcPs_LookupConfig (u16 DeviceId)
 Functions in xadcps_sinit.c. More...
int XAdcPs_CfgInitialize (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, XAdcPs_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr)
 This function initializes a specific XAdcPs device/instance. More...
void XAdcPs_SetConfigRegister (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Data)
 The functions sets the contents of the Config Register. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetConfigRegister (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 The functions reads the contents of the Config Register. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetMiscStatus (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 The functions reads the contents of the Miscellaneous Status Register. More...
void XAdcPs_SetMiscCtrlRegister (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Data)
 The functions sets the contents of the Miscellaneous Control register. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetMiscCtrlRegister (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 The functions reads the contents of the Miscellaneous control register. More...
void XAdcPs_Reset (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function resets the XADC Hard Macro in the device. More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetAdcData (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 Channel)
 Get the ADC converted data for the specified channel. More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetCalibCoefficient (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 CoeffType)
 This function gets the calibration coefficient data for the specified parameter. More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetMinMaxMeasurement (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 MeasurementType)
 This function reads the Minimum/Maximum measurement for one of the specified parameters. More...
void XAdcPs_SetAvg (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 Average)
 This function sets the number of samples of averaging that is to be done for all the channels in both the single channel mode and sequence mode of operations. More...
u8 XAdcPs_GetAvg (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the number of samples of averaging configured for all the channels in the Configuration Register 0. More...
int XAdcPs_SetSingleChParams (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 Channel, int IncreaseAcqCycles, int IsEventMode, int IsDifferentialMode)
 The function sets the given parameters in the Configuration Register 0 in the single channel mode. More...
void XAdcPs_SetAlarmEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u16 AlmEnableMask)
 This function enables the alarm outputs for the specified alarms in the Configuration Register 1. More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetAlarmEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the status of the alarm output enables in the Configuration Register 1. More...
void XAdcPs_SetCalibEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u16 Calibration)
 This function enables the specified calibration in the Configuration Register 1 : More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetCalibEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function reads the value of the calibration enables from the Configuration Register 1. More...
void XAdcPs_SetSequencerMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 SequencerMode)
 This function sets the specified Channel Sequencer Mode in the Configuration Register 1 : More...
u8 XAdcPs_GetSequencerMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the channel sequencer mode from the Configuration Register 1. More...
void XAdcPs_SetAdcClkDivisor (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 Divisor)
 The function sets the frequency of the ADCCLK by configuring the DCLK to ADCCLK ratio in the Configuration Register #2. More...
u8 XAdcPs_GetAdcClkDivisor (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 The function gets the ADCCLK divisor from the Configuration Register 2. More...
int XAdcPs_SetSeqChEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 ChEnableMask)
 This function enables the specified channels in the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetSeqChEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the channel enable bits status from the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers. More...
int XAdcPs_SetSeqAvgEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 AvgEnableChMask)
 This function enables the averaging for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Averaging Enable Sequencer Registers. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetSeqAvgEnables (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the channels for which the averaging has been enabled in the ADC Channel Averaging Enables Sequencer Registers. More...
int XAdcPs_SetSeqInputMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 InputModeChMask)
 This function sets the Analog input mode for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetSeqInputMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the Analog input mode for all the channels from the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers. More...
int XAdcPs_SetSeqAcqTime (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 AcqCyclesChMask)
 This function sets the number of Acquisition cycles in the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetSeqAcqTime (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the status of acquisition from the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers. More...
void XAdcPs_SetAlarmThreshold (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg, u16 Value)
 This functions sets the contents of the given Alarm Threshold Register. More...
u16 XAdcPs_GetAlarmThreshold (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg)
 This function returns the contents of the specified Alarm Threshold Register. More...
void XAdcPs_EnableUserOverTemp (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function enables programming of the powerdown temperature for the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register. More...
void XAdcPs_DisableUserOverTemp (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function disables programming of the powerdown temperature for the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register. More...
void XAdcPs_SetSequencerEvent (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, int IsEventMode)
 The function enables the Event mode or Continuous mode in the sequencer mode. More...
int XAdcPs_GetSamplingMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the sampling mode. More...
void XAdcPs_SetMuxMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, int MuxMode, u8 Channel)
 This function sets the External Mux mode. More...
void XAdcPs_SetPowerdownMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Mode)
 This function sets the Power Down mode. More...
u32 XAdcPs_GetPowerdownMode (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function gets the Power Down mode. More...
int XAdcPs_SelfTest (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 Functions in xadcps_selftest.c. More...
void XAdcPs_IntrEnable (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
 Functions in xadcps_intr.c. More...
void XAdcPs_IntrDisable (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
 This function disables the specified interrupts in the device. More...
u32 XAdcPs_IntrGetEnabled (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the enabled interrupts read from the Interrupt Mask Register (IPIER). More...
u32 XAdcPs_IntrGetStatus (XAdcPs *InstancePtr)
 This function returns the interrupt status read from Interrupt Status Register(IPISR). More...
void XAdcPs_IntrClear (XAdcPs *InstancePtr, u32 Mask)
 This function clears the specified interrupts in the Interrupt Status Register (IPISR). More...