Install TigerGraph Enterprise Software


If you already have TigerGraph 3.4 installed on the machines with Alveo U50 or U55C cards, this step can be skipped.

Next, follow the steps below to install TigerGraph on your server. The latest version tested with Xilinx Graph Analytics products is version 3.4.

  • Download TigerGraph Enterprise version 3.4 and follow installation instructions received from TigerGraph. Accept all default settings during the installation. Be sure to leave the database owner as user “tigergraph”. Make a note of the password for the user “tigergraph”. That password will be needed for later steps.

  • Create an account in the TigerGraph installation for yourself in the role of a TigerGraph application developer by issuing the commands below (replace YOUR-LINUX-USERNAME with your actual Linux username). Xilinx Graph Analytics products examples will use this account to create graphs and install GSQL queries on your behalf.

$su - tigergraph

# Set up tigergraph environment if needed
$source ~/.bashrc

# Set the new password to Xilinx123 if you plan to run demo scripts without entering a password.
# Otherwise make a note of the new password. It will be needed when running demo scripts.
Welcome to TigerGraph.
GSQL > create user
New Password : *********
Re-enter Password : *********
The user "YOUR-LINUX_USERNAME" is created.
GSQL > grant role globaldesigner to YOUR-LINUX-USERNAME
Role "globaldesigner" is successfully granted to user(s): YOUR-LINUX-USERNAME