Maximal Independent Set C++ API Reference


Maximal Independent Set provides MIS class which has interfaces to find MIS.

GraphCSR class

GraphCSR class constructor takes rowPtr vector and colIdx vector in CSR format. User need to create GraphCSR graph and call setGraph() before execution step.
// GraphCSR class constructor
template <typename G>
GraphCSR(G& rowPtr, G& colIdx)


MIS constructor takes Options which configure the xclbin and device.
struct Options {
   XString xclbinPath;
   XString deviceNames;

startMis Interface

Initialize and set up MIS software and Alveo cards.
void startMis();

setGraph Interface

Set the graph and internal pre-process the graph
graph : GraphCSR graph.
void setGraph(GraphCSR<int>* graph);

executeMIS Interface

Run Maximal Independent Set
vector of int : the list of vertex IDs that are part of the MIS set
std::vector<int> executeMIS();

count Interface

size_t : the number of vertices that are part of the MIS set
size_t count() const;