Class Batch

Class Documentation

class Batch

The Batch is what the batcher produces and pushes to the workers. It represents the requests, the buffers associated with the request and other metadata that should be sent to the worker.

Public Functions

explicit Batch(const WorkerInfo *worker)
Batch(Batch const&) = delete

Copy constructor.

Batch &operator=(const Batch&) = delete

Copy assignment constructor.

Batch(Batch &&other) = default

Move constructor.

Batch &operator=(Batch &&other) = default

Move assignment constructor.



void addRequest(InferenceRequestPtr request)
const InferenceRequestPtr &getRequest(size_t index)
const std::vector<InferenceRequestPtr> &getRequests() const
const BufferPtrs &getInputBuffers() const
const BufferPtrs &getOutputBuffers() const
std::vector<Buffer*> getRawInputBuffers() const
std::vector<Buffer*> getRawOutputBuffers() const
bool empty() const
size_t size() const
size_t getInputSize() const
size_t getOutputSize() const
inline auto begin() const
inline auto end() const