Class Interface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Interface

The Interface class represents an input-agnostic wrapper class that can encapsulate incoming requests from different protocols and present a consistent object and interface to the batcher to process all the requests.

Subclassed by amdinfer::CppNativeApi, amdinfer::DrogonHttp, amdinfer::GrpcApiUnary, amdinfer::http::DrogonWs

Public Functions



virtual ~Interface() = default


InterfaceType getType() const

Get the type of the interface.

virtual size_t getInputSize() = 0

Get the number of input tensors in the request.

virtual std::shared_ptr<InferenceRequest> getRequest(const BufferRawPtrs &input_buffers, std::vector<size_t> &input_offsets, const BufferRawPtrs &output_buffers, std::vector<size_t> &output_offsets) = 0

Construct an InferenceRequest using the data in the Interface.

  • input_buffers – a vector of buffers to hold the input data

  • input_offsets – offsets of where to start storing input data

  • output_buffers – a vector of buffers to hold the output data

  • output_offsets – offsets of where to start storing output data



virtual void errorHandler(const std::exception &e) = 0

Given an exception, handle the exception appropriately.


e – the raised exception

Protected Attributes

InterfaceType type_