Class Worker

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Worker

All workers should extend the Worker class which defines the methods to create, start, and run workers over their lifecycle.

Subclassed by amdinfer::workers::Aks, amdinfer::workers::AksDetect, amdinfer::workers::AksDetectStream, amdinfer::workers::Echo, amdinfer::workers::EchoMulti, amdinfer::workers::InvertImage, amdinfer::workers::InvertVideo, amdinfer::workers::MIGraphXWorker, amdinfer::workers::PtZendnn, amdinfer::workers::ResNet50, amdinfer::workers::ResNet50Stream, amdinfer::workers::TfZendnn, amdinfer::workers::XModel

Public Functions

inline Worker(const std::string &name, const std::string &platform)

The constructor only initializes the private class members.

virtual ~Worker() = default

Destroy the Worker object.

virtual std::thread spawn(BatchPtrQueue *input_queue) = 0

Starts the worker’s run() method as a separate thread and returns it.


input_queue – queue used to send requests to the started worker thread



inline void init(RequestParameters *parameters)

Perform low-cost initialization of the worker.

inline size_t allocate(size_t num)

Allocate some buffers that are used to hold input and output data.

inline void acquire(RequestParameters *parameters)

Acquire any hardware resources or perform high-cost initialization.

inline void run(BatchPtrQueue *input_queue)

The main body of the worker executes the work.


input_queue – queue that receives incoming requests

inline void release()

Release any hardware resources.

inline void deallocate()

Free the input and output buffers.

inline void destroy()

Perform any final operations before the worker thread is joined.

inline void returnBuffers(std::unique_ptr<std::vector<BufferPtrs>> input_buffers, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<BufferPtrs>> output_buffers)

Return buffers to the worker’s buffer pool after use. The buffers’ reset() method is called prior to returning.

  • input_buffers

  • output_buffers

inline void setInputBuffers(BufferPtrsQueue *buffers)
inline void setOutputBuffers(BufferPtrsQueue *buffers)
inline uint32_t getMaxBufferNum() const
inline size_t getBatchSize() const
inline WorkerStatus getStatus() const
inline virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Batcher>> makeBatcher(int num, RequestParameters *parameters)
template<typename T>
inline std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Batcher>> makeBatcher(int num, RequestParameters *parameters)
inline ModelMetadata getMetadata()

Protected Attributes

BufferPtrsQueue *input_buffers_
BufferPtrsQueue *output_buffers_
uint32_t max_buffer_num_
size_t batch_size_
ModelMetadata metadata_