
The AMD Inference Server uses pytest to drive both Python and C++ tests. The tests must be run in the development container. In the container, use:

$ amdinfer test

By default, this will run all Python and C++ tests while skipping the ones that require unsupported hardware without error. You can use --help to see the full options for this command. A few important ones are mentioned here:

  1. --cpp: by default, this is set to all. You can set the value of this flag to skip or only to not run or only run C++ tests, respectively.

  2. -k: use this flag to filter tests by name. This is a pytest option


In addition to the flags that are listed when you use --help, any unknown flags are passed directly to pytest. This is how the -k flag works above. Refer to the pytest documentation for the flags you can use to control pytest.

Add a new test

The easiest way to add a new test is to find an existing test that is close to what you want to test. Then, you can copy it and adapt it for the new test. The tests are in the tests directory in the repository.

Add assets

The inference tests require using images and other files as input data. They also require models for performing inference. If you need other input data or models for a new test, you need to add them to the repository’s download script so they can be downloaded with amdinfer get. The downloading script is in tests/download directory. You need to append to or create a new file in the models directory. A downloaded asset, such as an image or model, is defined by a:

  1. Key: the key is a unique string that tests will use to get this asset

  2. URL: the location where to download the asset from

  3. Destination: the location to place the downloaded asset relative to where the downloaded files are being saved

  4. Source path: for archived files, a source path is used to define where the actual file is. It can be an empty string otherwise.

These values are arguments to a class that defines how to download the file. If your asset is similar to download to an existing asset, you can reuse the same class. Otherwise, you may need to create your own class for downloading your asset. You should also gate the download of your asset with the appropriate backend it is intended for.

The downloaded files are placed in a local directory in the inference server repository, which is fixed to external/artifacts.