# QSPI to PXE/tftp boot ## Introduction The prioritized boot order for U-Boot is specified in [BootFW U-Boot page](./bootfw_uboot_handoff.md). The last device in the prioritized list is Ethernet using DHCP/PXE. There is [existing PXE support in u-boot](https://github.com/Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx/blob/master/doc/README.pxe) to support Ethernet booting. This document provides instructions for tftp booting on Starter Kits using Ethernet/DHCP/PXE. Instructions are provided for booting both PetaLinux and Ubuntu via PXE. Their tftp server setup differs, but on-target steps are the same. This example uses K26 on KR260 as an example, but same steps can be taken for other starter kits as well as K24 - as long as names of the SOM or Starter Kits are replaced appropriately. ## Setup Requirements This document assumes that you have had experience booting Linux on Starter Kit via other boot methods (SD by default), familiar with how to interact with the Starter Kit via serial port, and have updated the bootfw on the Starter Kit. If not, please go through [booting Linux on KV260](https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/kv260/2022.1/build/html/docs/kria_starterkit_linux_boot.html) or [booting Linux on KR260](https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/kr260/build/html/docs/kria_starterkit_linux_boot.html) before following the steps in this document. If booting using Yocto, this assumes that you are familiar with generating artifacts with instructions from [Kria Yocto support](https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/yocto/build/html/docs/yocto_kria_support.html). If booting PetaLinux, this also assumes that you are familiar with PetaLinux and have installed the appropriate version of PetaLinux on the Linux host computer. Refer to [UG1144](https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/kr260/build/html/docs/kria_starterkit_linux_boot.html) for more information on PetaLinux and [download page](https://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/embedded-design-tools.html) for installation files. Ubuntu booting do not need PetaLinux tools. In this example, we will use a host computer with a tftp server to host files required to boot Linux on Starter Kits. Connect the Starter Kit's PS Ethernet port to local network. Connect a host computer to the same local network. If booting PetaLinux, this host computer needs to be a Linux host running PetaLinux toolchain. If booting Ubuntu, this host computer can be Windows or Linux. Lastly, connect the Starter Kit's micro-USB port to a computer (can be the same host computer or a different one) to interact with u-boot through serial port. ![image](./media/tftp_boot.png) ## Linux Host Computer Setup Depending on if booting with Yocto, PetaLinux or Ubuntu - choose one of the sections below to follow: ### Linux Host Computer Setup for Yocto On the Linux host computer, follow instructions in [Kria Yocto support](https://xilinx.github.io/kria-apps-docs/yocto/build/html/docs/yocto_kria_support.html), and generate bitbake recipe ```kria-image-full-cmdline ``` for the target machine. That will create a pxeboot config file in ```$yocto_workspace/build/tmp/deploy/images//pxelinux.cfg/default``` file with the following content: ```text LABEL Linux KERNEL Image FDT system.dtb INITRD petalinux-initramfs-image-.cpio.gz.u-boot ``` ```pxelinux.cfg/default``` refers to files that can be found in ```$yocto_workspace/build/tmp/deploy/images/```. Note that it is using the initramfs generated - which is a smaller file system that allows Linux to boot to a place where it can look for existing rootfs in other locations such as eMMC, SD card. If you want to boot to log in prompt purely through pxeboot, replace ```petalinux-initramfs-image-.cpio.gz.u-boot``` with ```kria-image-full-cmdline-.cpio.gz.u-boot```. When using MACHINE = k26-smk or k24-smk, system.dtb by default is pointing to a shared dtb for the SOM that does not have information about the carrier card. Keeping the dtb as is will boot, but it will not have any CC peripheral support such as ethernet. The dtb files with CC peripheral support can be found in ```devicetree/SMK-zynqmp-sck-.dtb```. Pick the device tree for your target starter kit, and update the FDT in ```/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default``` to point to that dtb file. If using MACHINE = k26-smk-kv, k26-smk-kr, or k24-smk-kd, system.dtb will point to the device tree blob that have CC peripheral support that you will not need to change it. Now [set up a TFTP server](#setting-up-tftp-on-the-server) on the Linux host computer. Make sure to point to ```$yocto_workspace/build/tmp/deploy/images//``` as the TFTP folder and start the server. Note the IP address of the Linux host computer, we will refer to it as ``````. ### Linux Host Computer Setup for PetaLinux On the Linux host computer, download a [PetaLinux BSP](https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/1641152513/Kria+K26+SOM#PetaLinux-Board-Support-Packages) for the target Stater Kit, create project, and configure it for TFTP: ``` bash petalinux-create -t project -s xilinx---.bsp cd xilinx-- petalinux-config # in petalinux-config window, do: # Image Packaging Configuration > Root File System Type > change to NFS # exit out of config and let it configure ``` By default, PetaLinux uses ```/tftpboot``` folder for nfs/tftp. Create the folder and change permission before building: ```bash sudo mkdir /tftpboot sudo chmod 766 /tftpboot petalinux-build ``` This will create a ```/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default``` file with the following content: ```text LABEL Linux KERNEL Image FDT system.dtb INITRD ramdisk.cpio.gz.u-boot ``` ```/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default``` refers to files that can be found in ```/tftpboot```. Note that it is using the ramdisk generated - which is a smaller initram that allows Linux to boot to a place where it can look for existing rootfs in other locations such as eMMC, SD card. If you want to boot to log in prompt purely through pxeboot, replace ```ramdisk.cpio.gz.u-boot``` with ```rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot```. Now [set up a TFTP server](#setting-up-tftp-on-the-server) on the Linux host computer. Make sure to point to ```/tftpboot/``` as the TFTP folder and start the server. Note the IP address of the Linux host computer, we will refer to it as ``````. ### Host Computer Setup for Ubuntu Since Ubuntu do not require PetaLinux tool chain, either a Linux host or a windows host computer can be used for Ubuntu PXE booting. The released Ubuntu image packages the kernel image, initrd, and many device tree blobs into a flat image.fit. PXE booting does not use boot script to automatically select the device tree required for the board. Therefore, we need to regenerate an image.fit file that selects the right configuration for the target Starter Kit. This is done on target with the following steps. Program an [Ubuntu image](https://ubuntu.com/download/amd-xilinx) into a SD card and boot. After booting, note the following files on target: ```bash sudo -s ls -l /boot/firmware/image.fit ls -l /boot/firmware/boot.scr.uimg ls -l /boot/initrd.img ls -l /usr/share/flash-kernel/its/image-kria.its ``` Open the .its file, which is the recipe to build the flat image.fit file: ```bash vi /usr/share/flash-kernel/its/image-kria.its ``` There are pointers to kernel, initrd, and device trees. To update the default device tree PXE booting picks, this line needs to be updated ```default = "conf-zynqmp-smk-k26-revA";``` to the configuration appropriate for the target Starter Kit. To figure out which configuration is appropriate for the target Starter Kit, find the Starter Kit type and revision and look at which configuration that revision uses in ```/boot/firmware/boot.scr.uimg```. The type and revision of the starter kit is printed out by U-boot upon booting. For an example, this is the print-out for a KR260 board, rev1 Starter Kit SOM and rev1 carrier card: ```text U-Boot 2023.01 (Mar 29 2023 - 13:08:40 +0000) CPU: ZynqMP Silicon: v3 Chip: xck26 Detected name: zynqmp-smk-k26-xcl2g-rev1-sck-kr-g-rev1 Model: ZynqMP KR260 revB Board: Xilinx ZynqMP DRAM: 2 GiB (effective 4 GiB) PMUFW: v1.1 Xilinx I2C FRU format at nvmem0: Manufacturer Name: XILINX Product Name: SMK-K26-XCL2G Serial No: XFL1WXS12XXF Part Number: 5057-04 File ID: 0x0 Revision Number: 1 Xilinx I2C FRU format at nvmem1: Manufacturer Name: XILINX Product Name: SCK-KR-G Serial No: XFL1ETNCCIJ4 Part Number: 5100-01 File ID: 0x0 Revision Number: 1 EL Level: EL2 Secure Boot: not authenticated, not encrypted Core: 136 devices, 34 uclasses, devicetree: fit NAND: 0 MiB MMC: Loading Environment from nowhere... OK In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Bootmode: QSPI_MODE ``` Note that in ```/usr/share/flash-kernel/its/image-kria.its```, rev 1 doesn't have its own specific configuration. To find the configuration that rev 1 KR260 uses, look at ```/boot/firmware/boot.scr.uimg``` file on target and observe the following: ```text elif test "${card1_name}" = "SCK-KR-G"; then if test "${card1_rev}" = "B" || test "${card1_rev}" = "1"; then # revB dtb also supports rev1 dtb boot_conf=#conf-smk-k26-revA-sck-kr-g-revB ``` This means the boot_conf ```conf-smk-k26-revA-sck-kr-g-revB``` supports rev1 KR260. Therefore, update ```/usr/share/flash-kernel/its/image-kria.its``` from: ```bash default = "conf-zynqmp-smk-k26-revA"; ``` to: ```bash default = "conf-smk-k26-revA-sck-kr-g-revB"; ``` Save and regenerate the image.fit with the right configuration using flash-kernel command: ```bash flash-kernel ls -l /boot/firmware/image.fit # note new timestamp reboot #reboot to force write to SD card and test new kernel ``` Unplug the SD card from target and view the SD card content on the host computer. There is an image.fit file on the SD card's boot partition. Copy that file into a ```/``` folder on the host computer. In the same folder, create ```/pxelinux.cfg/default``` file and populate the file with this content: ``` text LABEL Linux_ubuntu KERNEL image.fit ``` Now [set up a TFTP server](#setting-up-tftp-on-the-server) on the host computer. Make sure to point to ```/``` as the TFTP folder and start the server. Note the IP address of the Linux host computer, we will refer to it as ``````. ### Setting up TFTP on the Server Each host computer may have different steps to setup TFTP servers. With a Windows host, this guide have been tested with using [SolarWinds' TFTP server](https://www.solarwinds.com/free-tools/free-tftp-server). Please note that Windows' firewall settings may need to be adjusted to allow TFTP servers. With a Ubuntu host, this guide was tested using [tftpd-hpa package](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TFTP). You are free to use other TFTP server programs that works. ## Boot Starter Kit Using PXE Make sure that the Starter Kit has the [latest bootfw for the tool version](https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/1641152513/Kria+K26+SOM#Boot-Firmware-Updates) in QSPI. Power on the Starter Kit, it will boot from the boot images in QSPI. Observe serial port output on the computer with serial port connection. Press "enter" at u-boot to enter u-boot command line. On u-boot command line, set serverip variable to that of tftp server: ```bash setenv serverip ``` Note that by default, saveenv is not enabled in u-boot. This means that serverip will need to be set up every re-boot. [//]: # (In order for serverip environment variable to persist through power cycles or re-boot, you will need to enable environments in u-boot configuration, rebuild u-boot, boot.bin and program them into QSPI. ) The following step is optional. Verify connection to the server: ``` bash dhcp # setup Ethernet and ip address on target, this is done automatically during PXE booting ping $serverip # confirm ethernet connection to host ``` Note that in the [boot priority order](./bootfw_uboot_handoff.md#prioritized-boot-order) ([code here](https://gitenterprise.xilinx.com/Linux/u-boot-xlnx/blob/master/include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h#L165-L175)), PXE is the last priority. This means if there's boot images in eMMC or SD or USB - they will be used to boot first. If there are no boot images on any of those devices, just a simple ```boot``` command would lead to PXE to be chosen and it will retrieve ```pxelinux.cfg/default``` from ```/tftpboot``` folder on host computer and start booting. If there are other images in other devices thats more prioritized by u-boot, then direct U-Boot to choose PXE boot using the following commands: ```bash run bootcmd_pxe ``` If using Yocto/PetaLinux and using the larger rootfs, the kernel and rootfs should load and boot to log-in prompt to PetaLinux, indicating a successful PXE boot! If using the initram, and a SD card with full rootfs is plugged into the SD slot - the above steps will boot using kernel image from tftp server and grab the full rootfs image from the SD card and boot to log-in prompt. If using Ubuntu, image.fit contains a small initram - the Starter Kit will boot into BusyBox and have limited functionality.If a SD card with full rootfs is plugged into the SD slot - the above steps will boot using kernel image from tftp server and grab the full rootfs image from the SD card instead of BusyBox initrd. ## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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