Try ML Accelerator Example on K26¶
This document covers how to run the DFX pre-built application dfx-ml-inference for the Kria K26 SOM. To run the application on target, install the firmware, application on target, load the required RM partial to the target, and then run the corresponding RM application.
The Kria SOM DFX example designs presented here assume that the user has already followed the application-agnostic steps of setting up their board and completing the initial boot of the Ubuntu 22.04 OS. Steps for getting a Kria SOM Starter Kit booted with Ubuntu 22.04 and the Xilinx-specific support packages installed are outlined here for KV260 and here for KR260.
Hardware Setup:
Monitor: Before booting, connect a 1080P/4K monitor to the board via either DP or HDMI port.
UART/JTAG interface: For interacting and seeing boot-time information, connect a USB debugger to the J4.
Webcam: The webcam is an optional video input device supported in the application. Recommended webcam is the Logitech BRIO.
Network connection: Connect the Ethernet cable to your local network with DHCP enabled to install packages and run Jupyter Notebook.
To get started, install the pre-built firmware provided as part of the DFX example design.
The accelerators AES128, AES192, FFT, FIR, DPU, and PP_PIPELINE are provided as part of the pre-built firmware.
On target, run xmutil listapps to look at the installed firmware. Default k26-starter-kits firmware will be shown.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil listapps
k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT (0+0) 0,
2.Install the DFX firmware and applications package. This installs the firmware on the target at the location /lib/firmware/xilinx.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo apt update
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo apt install xlnx-firmware-k26-dfx-2rp
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo apt install kria-dfx-apps
3.Verify that pre-built firmware is installed on target by running the xmutil listapps command. It will show the newly installed firmware with Base_type PL_DFX.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil listapps
Accelerator Accel_type Base Base_type #slots(PL+AIE) Active_slot
DPU SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
AES128 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FIR SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
AES192 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FFT SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT (0+0) 0,
Load pre-built accelerators on the target¶
4.On boot, the k26-starter-kits accelerator is loaded. Unload the default app using “sudo xmutil unloadapp” to later load the desired DFX accelerator.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil unloadapp
remove from slot 0 returns: 0 (Ok)
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil listapps
Accelerator Accel_type Base Base_type #slots(PL+AIE) Active_slot
DPU SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
AES128 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FIR SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
AES192 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FFT SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT (0+0) -1
5.The required accelerator can be loaded using the command “sudo xmutil loadapp”. By default, running loadapp the first time will load the accelerator to slot 0, and running loadapp the second time will load it to slot 1.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil loadapp DPU
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil loadapp PP_PIPELINE
6.Verify that the accelerator is loaded using “sudo xmutil listapps” and observe which “Active_slot” it is loaded to.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil listapps
Accelerator Accel_type Base Base_type #slots(PL+AIE) Active_slot
DPU SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) 0
AES128 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FIR SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
AES192 SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
FFT SIHA_PL_DFX k26_2rp PL_DFX (2+0) -1
k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT k26-starter-kits XRT_FLAT (0+0) -1
Note: After the DFX shell is loaded, the accelerator in each slot can be unloaded by running the unloadapp command along with the slot number.
Unload accelerator from slot 0 using “sudo xmutil unloadapp 0”
Unload accelerator from slot 1 using “sudo xmutil unloadapp 1”
Copy jupyter notebook¶
7.Run the following commands on target to copy the Jupyter notebook.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo git clone -b xlnx_rel_v2022.1
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo cp -r kria-dfx-apps/notebook /lib/firmware/xilinx/
8.Getting demo video files suitable for the application:
To be able to demonstrate the function of the application in case you have no USB camera in hand, we support the video file source too. You can download video files from the following links, which are in MP4 format.
Download 1920x1080 or more resolution for the KV260 board and 1024x768 or more resolution file for the KR260 board. This information can be seen by using the command - modetest -D fd4a0000.display.
* [For Facedet / RefineDet AI Task](
* [For ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) SSD(Single Shot detection) AI Task](
9.Copy these mp4 files to the board (by using scp, ftp, or copy onto the SD card and finding them in /boot/firmware/). Then, you need to transcode it to H264 file which is one supported input format.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo apt install ffmpeg
Press ENTER for the prompt
For KV260 - the DP port supports up to 1920x1080 resolution. Convert the mp4 file to 1920x1080 scale.
ubuntu@kria:~$ ffmpeg -i alley-39837.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -vf scale=1920:1080 -r 30 walking-people.nv12.h264
ubuntu@kria:~$ ffmpeg -i freeway-8358.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -vf scale=1920:1080 -r 30 Road-Adas.nv12.h264
For KR260 - the DP port supports up to 1024x768 resolution. Convert the mp4 file to 1024x768 scale.
ubuntu@kria:~$ ffmpeg -i alley-39837.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -vf scale=1024:768 -r 30 walking-people.nv12.h264
ubuntu@kria:~$ ffmpeg -i freeway-8358.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -vf scale=1024:768 -r 30 Road-Adas.nv12.h264
Finally, place these in the directory /lib/firmware/xilinx/notebook, which will be mapped to /lib/firmware/xilinx/notebook in the docker container too.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo cp -r ./walking-people.nv12.h264 /lib/firmware/xilinx/notebook/
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo cp -r ./Road-Adas.nv12.h264 /lib/firmware/xilinx/notebook/
Launch docker image¶
10.Pull the latest docker image for dfx-ml-inference using the below command.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo docker pull xilinx/dfx-ml-inference:2022.1
11.Launch the docker using the below command.
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo docker run --env="DISPLAY" -h "xlnx-docker" --env="XDG_SESSION_TYPE" --net=host --privileged --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" -v /tmp:/tmp -v /dev:/dev -v /sys:/sys -v /etc/vart.conf:/etc/vart.conf -v /lib/firmware/xilinx:/lib/firmware/xilinx -v /run:/run -it xilinx/dfx-ml-inference:2022.1 /bin/bash
It will launch the dfx-ml-inference image in a new container.
Install the ipywidgets library.
root@xlnx-docker:/# pip install ipywidgets
Jupyter Notebook with pre-built accelerators¶
This section provides information on how to install Jupyter Lab on target and connect to it. Example notebooks are provided to demonstrate working with pre-built accelerators and their corresponding applications.
Connect to Jupyter Lab¶
12.Run the following command on the target to obtain its IP address.
root@xlnx-docker:/# ifconfig
docker0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether 02:42:57:d1:80:4b txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast <--------- ip address =
inet6 fe80::fc7b:1dd4:d124:e0fc prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
ether 00:0a:35:0f:26:dc txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 4569 bytes 722519 (722.5 KB)
RX errors 0 dropped 3 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 3645 bytes 1369608 (1.3 MB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
device interrupt 37
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 4526 bytes 1691246 (1.6 MB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 4526 bytes 1691246 (1.6 MB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
13.Launch Jupyter Lab using the IP address obtained in the above step.
root@xlnx-docker:/# python3 /usr/local/bin/jupyter-lab --notebook-dir=/lib/firmware/xilinx/notebook --allow-root --ip=ip-address &
14.After running the above command, the URL to connect to the Jupyter Lab server is displayed. In a browser, use the link having the target’s IP address to connect to Jupyter Lab. An example is:<token=####>
Notebook to demonstrate dfx_ml_inference using DPU and PP_PIPELINE¶
This notebook demonstrates the working of DPU and PP_PIPELINE accelerators.
Steps to run the notebook¶
Open dfx-ml-inference.ipynb. This notebook supports video file input.
Open dfx-ml-inference_usb.ipynb. This notebook supports usb webcam input.
Files structure of the application¶
The application file uses the following files.
Configuration File Directory: /opt/xilinx/dfx-ml-inference/config/${AITASK}
AITASK = “facedetect” | “refinedet” | “ssd”
Model files: => /opt/xilinx/dfx-ml-inference/vitis-ai-library/models
The model files integrated into the application use the B512 DPU configuration.
Jupyter notebook file: => /opt/xilinx/dfx-ml-inference/notebook/
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright© 2022-2023 Xilinx