FreeRTOS Kria SOM Starter Kits Support¶
FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) kernel designed for embedded systems. It provides scheduling, multitasking, and various other services for applications running on microcontrollers and small microprocessors. FreeRTOS is open-source, allowing developers to use, modify, and distribute it freely under the MIT license.
Booting FreeRTOS on Kria Starter Kits mirrors the process on a standard AMD Zynq MPSoC platform. This document offers a detailed, step-by-step procedure for running FreeRTOS on a Kria SOM APU processor.
To boot FreeRTOS, the initial step involves acquiring or generating a .xsa file. Next, the .xsa file is imported into AMD Vitis to establish a FreeRTOS platform and application, and to create artifacts required to boot on target. Finally, various methods for booting FreeRTOS on Kria SOM are outlined.
In this tutorial, the KV260 is used as a demonstration and utilizes tool version 2023.2.
Vitis installation
(Optional) Vivado installation
Obtain or Generate .xsa file¶
A .xsa file corresponding to target the Kria Starter Kit can be found in in the hdf-examples/
folder, or from PetaLinux BSP’s hardware/ folder.These are base .xsa files containing support for various PS peripherals and has minimal PL contents.
Alternatively, you can generate a .xsa file by utilizing the board files as outlined in the tutorial provided here.
Create FreeRTOS platform Application in Vitis¶
NOTE: This tutorial uses the 2023.2 version of Vitis, featuring the newly introduced interface GUI.
On the Vitis welcome page, under Embedded Development, select Create Platform Component.
Follow the prompt to enter the Vitis Workspace location and platform component name. In this case, use
as the platform name.Select the .xsa generated in the previous step.
Select freertos as the operating system, and psu_cortex53_0 as the processor. Also make sure to select Generate Boot artifacts and Generate PMU Firmware:
Click Next then Finish, and Vitis will create a FreeRTOS platform project (it might take a few minutes). In the created project, in the FLOW tab, click Build to build the platform:
Now navigate to the example applications with the icons on the left, select Embedded Software Examples -> FREERTOS Hello World, and click Create Application Component from Template:
Select the component name and location, in this case, you used
as the component name. Then select thefreertos_platform
that you created:Click Next and Finish. Now Vitis will generate an application component. In the FLOW tab, select the application. In the Component drop down menu, select Build.
You can find the generated artifacts in
<vitis workspace>/freertos_hello_world/build/freertos_hello_world.elf
,<vitis workspace>/freertos_platform/zynqmp_fsbl/build/fsbl.elf
and<vitis workspace>freertos_platform/zynqmp_pmufw/build/pmufw.elf
.Finally, for the QSPI booting options in later sections, click Create Boot Image.
In the window that displays, leave everything on default and click Create Image. You will find the generated artifact in
Boot FreeRTOS on the Platform¶
There are many ways to boot FreeRTOS with the artifacts created. There are more ways, such as USB, eMMC, and ethernet, all of which are not specific to the Kria implementation.
Boot FreeRTOS via JTAG¶
To boot FreeRTOS via JTAG, use XSDB. Create a folder with freertos_hello_world.elf
, fsbl.elf
, and pmufw.elf
in the folder. Create a
in the same folder with the following content:
puts stderr "Starting the script..."
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "PSU"}
# update multiboot to ZERO
mwr 0xffca0010 0x0
# change boot mode to JTAG
mwr 0xff5e0200 0x0100
# reset
rst -system
after 2000
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "PSU"}
mwr 0xffca0038 0x1ff
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "MicroBlaze PMU"}
catch {stop}; after 1000
puts stderr "INFO: Downloading zynqmp_pmufw ELF file to the target."
dow -force "pmufw.elf"
after 2000
after 5000
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "Cortex-A53*#0"}
rst -proc -clear-registers
after 2000
puts stderr "INFO: Downloading zynqmp_fsbl ELF file to the target."
dow -force "fsbl.elf"
after 2000
after 4000; stop; catch {stop};
targets -set -nocase -filter {name =~ "*A53*#0"}
puts stderr "INFO: Downloading u-boot ELF file to the target."
after 2000
dow -force "freertos_hello_world.elf"
after 2000
In XSDB, source
; this will execute the three elfs and execute the example FreeRTOS hello world application. TheFreeRTOS Hello World application prints on UART.
Boot FreeRTOS Using QSPI in A/B Update¶
If your Starter Kit has the locked QSPI image with A/B boot sections, you can also test the generated boot.bin
(renamed to freertos_boot.bin
here) by loading it to A or B boot partition and test.
For an example, you can boot to Ubuntu/PetaLinux, and load the freertos_boot.bin
into one of the image partition using xmutil:
ubuntu@kria:~$ sudo xmutil bootfw_update -i freertos_boot.bin
Marking last booted image as bootable
Reading Image file
Updating Image B
Marking target image as non bootable
Writing Image to Image B partition
Marking target image as non bootable and requested image
Clearing multiboot register value
freertos_boot.bin successfully updated to Image B partition
Perform a power cycle. On the first power cycle, the image selector will choose the newly updated partition. You will see the hello FreeRTOS program printouts on UART. However, in this state, on every other power cycle, the image selector will choose the other partition and try to boot Linux. For detailed logics on how image selector chooses which partition to use, see the A/B Boot Voncept section.
Next Step¶
Try the lwIP TCP Performance Server application in this tutorial.
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