Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit
TSN ROS Pub Sub Tutorial

Known Issues & Limitations

# Known Issues This document records known issues or gives behavior that might be unexpected. First review the [FAQ]( for commonly encountered issues across AMD Kria™ SOM applications. * Continues RTPS DDS (ROS Middleware) messages popup while running CPU varient as shown below. This is a known behaviour with RTPS middleware as mentioned [here]( ```bash [component_container-1] 2022-10-13 16:30:56.972 [RTPS_MSG_IN Error] (ID:281473539668192) Problem reserving CacheChange in reader: 01.0f.da.c1.9f.f4.74.8f.|0.0.2f.4 -> Function processDataMsg ``` * Unsynchronized messages popup randomly on Streamlined app ```bash [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] [WARN] [1662749510.825170570] [ResizeNodeFPGAStreamlined]: [image_transport] Topics '/camera/image_raw' and '/camera_info' do not appear to be synchronized. In the last 10s: [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] Image messages received: 29 [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] CameraInfo messages received: 24 [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] Synchronized pairs: 9 ``` * Sometimes the application exits with the following xclExecBuf error ```bash [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] [XRT] ERROR: unable to issue xclExecBuf [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] [XRT] ERROR: failed to load xclbin: Operation not permitted [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1] /home/ubuntu/perception_modified/src/image_proc/src/rectify_fpga_streamlined.cpp:86 Error calling cl::Program program(*context_, devices, bins, NULL, &err), error code is: -6 [ERROR] [rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node-1]: process has died [pid 84833, exit code -11, cmd '/home/ubuntu/perception_modified/install/image_pipeline_examples/lib/image_pipeline_examples/rectify_resize_fpga_streamlined_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_jmy31ybn -r image:=/camera/image_raw -r camera_info:=/camera/camera_info -r resize:=resize']. ``` Reloading the firmware with xmutil fixes this issues as shown below ```bash ubuntu@kria:~/ sudo xmutil unloadapp ubuntu@kria:~/ sudo xmutil loadapp kr260-perception ubuntu@kria:~/ ros2 launch perception_2nodes ```

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