Kria™ KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit Tutorial

Creating a Vitis Platform

Creating a Vitis Platform


This tutorial shows how to build a Platform for applications running on KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit.


  • Vitis Unified Software Platform of the appropiate version

Accessing the Tutorial Reference Files

Note: Skip the following steps if the design files have already been cloned and extracted to a working repository

  1. To access the reference files, type the following into a terminal:

    git clone --branch release-2021.1 --recursive
  2. Navigate to the kv260-vitis which is the working directory.

Generating an Vitis Extensible platform

  1. Go to the working directory

    cd $working_dir/
  2. To build the platform, run the following command. The Makefile calls a lower level Makefile to generate a platform. If an XSA is not already available it builds that as well.

    make platform PFM=<platform_name>

    Applications and their corresponding platforms are listed in the table below

Application Platform
smartcam kv260_ispMipiRx_vcu_DP
aibox-reid kv260_vcuDecode_vmixDP
defect-detect kv260_ispMipiRx_vmixDP
nlp-smartvision kv260_ispMipiRx_DP
  1. The generated platform will be located at


    The xpfm file in the above directory will be used as input when building the Vitis accelerator projects. It exposes all the essential Platform Interfaces like Clock, Interrupts, Master AXI interfaces and Slave AXI interfaces for the accelerator to connect to.

Note: The software components (boot, smp_linux etc) in this platform are empty. The software components will be generated later when building Petalinux.

Next Step


For more information on how to generate a Platform refer to Xilinx Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation UG1393


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