# Yocto Kria Support Yocto contains support to generate Kria artifacts starting in 2023.1. Note that PetaLinux is an abstraction of Yocto - it is Yocto + Xilinx meta layers + extra tools such as XSCT, XSDB, etc. The process and commands of generating artifacts from Yocto vs PetaLinux are different, but the backend is the same (e.g. both are Yocto based). The Yocto Project provides [extensive documentation](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/) and it is recommended to familiarize yourself with some of the core concepts before continuing. Xilinx specific Yocto information can be found on the [wiki](https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841883/Yocto). ## Machine Configurations for Kria The [machine configurations](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev/dev-manual/new-machine.html) provided for Kria define the settings used for a given machine when building each recipe. Different artifacts would be built with each unique combination of machine name and bitbake recipe. Machine configuration files for Kria SOM and starter kits can be found in [github](https://gitenterprise.xilinx.com/Yocto/meta-kria/tree/HEAD/conf/machine) in release branches for the perspective tool version. Machine names and recipes in 2023.1 and forward, for QSPI / boot image generation: | Machine Name | Bitbake Recipe | Availability | Description | | ------------ | ----------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | k26-smk | kria-qspi | 2023.1 and newer | QSPI image supporting K26 production SOM and Starter Kit SOM | | k24-smk | kria-qspi | 2023.1 and newer | QSPI image supporting KD240 Starter Kit SOM | | k26-sm | xilinx-bootbin | 2023.1 and newer | boot.bin that supports production SOM K26i and K26c | | k24i-sm | xilinx-bootbin | 2023.2* and newer | boot.bin that supports production SOM K24i | | k24c-sm | xilinx-bootbin | 2023.2* and newer | boot.bin that supports production SOM K24c | For .wic image generation: | Machine Name | Bitbake Recipe | Availability | QEMU Support | Description | | ------------ | ----------------------- | ----------------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | k26-smk | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | yes | wic image that dynamically supports both KV260 and KR260 | | k24-smk | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | yes | wic image that dynamically supports KD240 | | k26-smk-kv | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | yes | flat wic image that supports KV260, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement | | k26-smk-kr | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | yes | flat wic image that supports KR260, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement | | k24-smk-kd | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | yes | flat wic image that supports KD240, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement | | k26-sm | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.1 and newer | no | flat wic image that supports production SOM K26i and K26c, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement| | k24i-sm | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.2* and newer | no | flat wic image that supports production SOM K24i, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement| | k24c-sm | kria-image-full-cmdline | 2023.2* and newer | no | flat wic image that supports production SOM K24c, not fully validated on target and meant for development enablement| ```*``` 2023.2 support for production is on repository [tag xlnx-rel-v2023.2_update1](https://github.com/Xilinx/yocto-manifests/releases/tag/xlnx-rel-v2023.2_update1) ## Build Host Requirements Before starting, make sure the build host PC meets [these requirements](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.html#compatible-linux-distribution). Besides installing the packages/tools specified by the requirement page, look in [issues](#issues) section for possible additional requirements. Note that building using an NFS mount is not supported - use a local or scratch disk. Besides installing the packages/tools specified by the requirement page, look in [issues](#issues) section for possible additional requirements. ## Prepare the Build Environment Install [Repo](https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo). ```shell #download the Repo script: curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > repo #Make it executable: chmod a+x repo #Move it on to your system path: mv repo ~/bin/ #Add it to your path PATH=$PATH:~/bin #If it is correctly installed, you should see a Usage message when invoked with the help flag. repo --help ``` Fetch all sources ```shell # repo init to the Xilinx yocto project repo init -u https://github.com/Xilinx/yocto-manifests.git -b # Example: repo init -u https://github.com/Xilinx/yocto-manifests.git -b rel-v2023.2 # or for tags instead of branch: repo init -u https://github.com/Xilinx/yocto-manifests.git -b refs/tags/xlnx-rel-v2023.2_update1 # repo sync to get all sources repo sync # repo start a branch repo start --all # example: repo start rel-v2023.2 --all # or for tags instead of branch: repo start xlnx-rel-v2023.2_update1 --all ``` Source environment: ```shell #source the environment to build using bitbake source setupsdk ``` ## Build the Artifacts To build the artifacts, use below command: ```shell MACHINE= bitbake ``` For an example, to build QSPI image and wic image for K26 starter kits use below command for 2023.1: ```shell MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake kria-qspi MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake kria-image-full-cmdline ``` The resulting QSPI image(kria-qspi-k26-smk.bin), wic image(kria-image-full-cmdline-k26-smk.wic.xz) and their artifacts can be found in ```$TMPDIR/deploy/images/k26-smk```, and $TMPDIR is defined in ```build/conf/local.conf```, by default in ```tmp/```. Note that the username for Yocto generated image is petalinux and you will be prompted to update password right away. ## QEMU Yocto can boot each of the various MACHINEs using QEMU once a build completes. This is the command: ```shell MACHINE= runqemu nographic slirp ``` Exit from QEMU with: ```ctrl-a,x``` Note that during the build process, a QEMU configuration file is created in the output dir containing all of the configuration options set for the machine and used by the runqemu command. For example, for k26-smk, this file can be found in ```$TMPDIR/deploy/images/k26-smk/kria-image-full-cmdline-k26-smk.qemuboot.conf``` In 2023.1, the combined starterkit k26-smk supports QEMU, and the default hardware which it emulates is KV260. To change it to KR260, update ```sources/meta-kria/conf/machine/k26-smk.conf``` according to the comment in the file. ## Variables, Overrides and the Environment Most of the Yocto recipes and configuration files assign values to [variables](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev/dev-manual/new-recipe.html) in order to influence the build. Machine specific overrides can be used to replace default or previously defined values with ones that are specific to the machine you are building for. Each machine will have a series of overrides which defines, in order of priority, which overrides will be considered when parsing all of the recipes and config files. It is possible to get a list of the MACHINEOVERRIDEs that are used for a given recipe as well as the log of how the system came to the final value of a variable by using the "-e" flag on a build: ```shell MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake kria-image-full-cmdline -e ``` You can see if you redirect the output of bitbake -e to a file how each of the variables in the build got to its final value, for example here is how SERIAL_CONSOLES was set for a recipe: ```text # $SERIAL_CONSOLES [5 operations] # set? /scratch/jtoomey/2023/sources/poky/../meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-core/conf/machine/zynqmp-generic.conf:46 # "115200;ttyPS0" # set /scratch/jtoomey/2023/sources/poky/../meta-kria/conf/machine/include/kria-common.inc:14 # "115200;ttyPS1" # set /scratch/jtoomey/2023/sources/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:380 # [doc] "Defines the serial consoles (TTYs) to enable using getty." # set /scratch/jtoomey/2023/sources/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf:918 # [_defaultval] "${@d.getVar('SERIAL_CONSOLE').replace(' ', ';')}" # override[qemuarm64]:set? /scratch/jtoomey/2023/sources/poky/../meta-virtualization/conf/distro/include/meta-virt-xen.inc:15 # "115200;ttyAMA0" # pre-expansion value: # "115200;ttyPS1" SERIAL_CONSOLES="115200;ttyPS1" ``` ## Working with Libraries In case some libraries have specific [version dependencies](./library_dependency.md), they can be specified in recipes (.bb files). Refer to [Yocto documentation](https://docs.yoctoproject.org/singleindex.html#term-PREFERRED_VERSION) for details. ## Working with recipes It is possible to work with individual components (such as recipes in [github meta-kria](https://github.com/Xilinx/meta-kria)) for the purpose of integration, debugging or updates. For example if we want to build the xmutil utility we can bitbake that recipe: ```text MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake xmutil ``` This will download and build the xmutil sources, as well as any other recipes it depends on. For the purpose of development or debugging, it might be necessary to point the recipe to a different repo, branch or commit by updating the SRC_URI or SRCREV. (example of local repo commented out below) ```shell diff --git a/recipes-utils/xmutil/xmutil.inc b/recipes-utils/xmutil/xmutil.inc index f83bcb3..2839b62 100644 --- a/recipes-utils/xmutil/xmutil.inc +++ b/recipes-utils/xmutil/xmutil.inc @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -REPO = "git://github.com/Xilinx/xmutil.git;protocol=https" -SRCREV = "b5b1ad13bcc48d4cbd20476c97d05589bdfc7772" +REPO = "git://gitenterprise.xilinx.com/jtoomey/xmutil.git;protocol=https" +#REPO = "file:///path/to/xmutil;protocol=file" +SRCREV = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" BRANCH = "master" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302" ``` Once this has been updated, the package can be rebuilt and bitbake will pick up the new code. ```shell MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake xmutil ``` It is also possible to clean in between builds to force a clean build: ```shell MACHINE=k26-smk bitbake xmutil -c clean ``` ## Importing a New XSA File By default, Kria Yocto project downloads .xsa files from artifactory to generate device trees for generating artifacts. If you wanted to use a local .xsa file, then you need to modify the corresponding .conf file in ```sources/meta-kria/conf/machine/.conf``` for the target MACHINE. Add the following after the line that specified ```HDF_MACHINE```: ```text HDF_BASE = "file://" HDF_PATH = "/path/to/XSA/file.xsa" SRC_URI[.sha256sum] = "" ``` `````` can be obtained with command ```sha256sum .xsa```. Note that default values for the .conf files come from ```sources/meta-xilinx-tools/recipes-bsp/hdf/hdf-repository.inc```. ## Updating Default Bitstream In Kria Starter Kits boot flow, the PL portion of the ZynqMPSoC is not programmed until during Linux boot, DFX_manager loads the default bitstream in /lib/firmware/xilinx/k26-starter-kits/ or /lib/firmware/xilinx/k24-starter-kits/. If user need to change the PL design that is loaded by default, they will need to update the firmware folder, which is managed by recipe located in "$yocto_project_folder/sources/meta-kria/recipes-firmware/kria-base-firmware/". In that folder, the recipes can be updated to take the firmware from a local folder instead of from github. For an example, to update the PL firmware for K26 only, first comment out these the license and source lines in ```kria-base-firmware.inc```: ```python #LICENSE = "Proprietary & GPL-2.0-only" #LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = " \ # file://${WORKDIR}/git/LICENSE-BINARIES;md5=09db6fa082215924b1374f4f02a49f72 \ # file://${WORKDIR}/git/LICENSE-GPLv2;md5=9afdcd1be3f71bd3791fa5961075d776 \ # " #BRANCH = "xlnx_rel_v2023.1" #SRC_URI = "git://github.com/Xilinx/kria-base-firmware.git;protocol=https;branch=${BRANCH}" #SRCREV = "d512881ad56fcb8ad3bffea543280c5b357bb9ea" ``` Then put the firmware files into a folder with the same name as the .bb file ```k26-starter-kits```: ```shell ls /tmp/jues_yocto_2024.1_xen/sources/meta-kria/recipes-firmware/kria-base-firmware/k26-starter-kits/ k26_starter_kits.bit k26_starter_kits.dtsi shell.json ``` Add these lines into ```k26-starter-kits.bb``` to point to the local firmware: ```python SRC_URI = " \ file://k26_starter_kits.bit \ file://k26_starter_kits.dtsi \ file://shell.json \ " ``` Then rebuild Yocto - the added firmware will be loaded during Linux boot by dfx-manager. ## Issues 1. If you see the error ```error loading hsi package: couldn't load file "libxv_commontasks.so"```, it maybe missing libtinfo5 library which can be installed with ```sudo apt-get install -y libtinfo5``` ## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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